project('IGT gpu tests', 'c', version : '1.20', default_options: [ 'warning_level=2', 'c_std=gnu99', ], license : 'MIT', meson_version : '>0.40.0') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cc_args = [ '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-clobbered', # Macros asserting on the range of their arguments triggers this. '-Wno-type-limits', # igt_assert(0) in switch statements triggers a bunch of this. '-Wimplicit-fallthrough=0', ] foreach cc_arg : cc_args if cc.has_argument(cc_arg) add_global_arguments(cc_arg, language : 'c') endif endforeach inc = include_directories('include/drm-uapi', 'lib', '.') inc_for_gtkdoc = include_directories('lib') config = configuration_data() libdrm = dependency('libdrm', version : '>=2.4.82') libdrm_intel = dependency('libdrm_intel', required : false) libdrm_nouveau = dependency('libdrm_nouveau', required : false) libdrm_amdgpu = dependency('libdrm_amdgpu', required : false) pciaccess = dependency('pciaccess', version : '>=0.10') libkmod = dependency('libkmod') libprocps = dependency('libprocps', required : true) libunwind = dependency('libunwind', required : true) valgrind = dependency('valgrind', required : false) if valgrind.found() config.set('HAVE_VALGRIND', 1) endif cairo = dependency('cairo', version : '>1.12.0', required : false) libudev = dependency('libudev', required : false) if libudev.found() config.set('HAVE_UDEV', 1) endif glib = dependency('glib-2.0', required : false) if glib.found() config.set('HAVE_GLIB', 1) endif gsl = dependency('gsl', required : false) alsa = dependency('alsa', required : false) pixman = dependency('pixman-1', required : false) xmlrpc = dependency('xmlrpc', required : false) xmlrpc_util = dependency('xmlrpc_util', required : false) xmlrpc_client = dependency('xmlrpc_client', required : false) xmlrpc_cmd = find_program('xmlrpc-c-config', required : false) if not xmlrpc.found() and xmlrpc_cmd.found() libs_cmd = run_command(xmlrpc_cmd, 'client', '--libs') cflags_cmd = run_command(xmlrpc_cmd, 'client', '--cflags') if libs_cmd.returncode() == 0 and cflags_cmd.returncode() == 0 xmlrpc = declare_dependency(compile_args: cflags_cmd.stdout().strip().split(), link_args : libs_cmd.stdout().strip().split()) xmlrpc_util = declare_dependency() xmlrpc_client = declare_dependency() endif endif if pixman.found() and xmlrpc.found() and xmlrpc_util.found() and xmlrpc_client.found() chamelium = declare_dependency(dependencies : [ pixman, xmlrpc, xmlrpc_util, xmlrpc_client]) config.set('HAVE_CHAMELIUM', 1) else chamelium = dependency('', required: false) endif pthreads = dependency('threads') math = cc.find_library('m') realtime = cc.find_library('rt') dlsym = cc.find_library('dl') zlib = cc.find_library('z') if cc.has_header('linux/kd.h') config.set('HAVE_LINUX_KD_H', 1) endif if cc.has_header('sys/kd.h') config.set('HAVE_SYS_KD_H', 1) endif if cc.has_header('libgen.h') config.set('HAVE_LIBGEN_H', 1) endif if cc.has_header('sys/io.h') config.set('HAVE_SYS_IO_H', 1) endif if cc.has_header('cpuid.h') # FIXME: Do we need the example link test from config.set('HAVE_CPUID_H', 1) endif if cc.has_member('struct sysinfo', 'totalram', prefix : '#include ') config.set('HAVE_STRUCT_SYSINFO_TOTALRAM', 1) endif add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language : 'c') add_project_arguments('-include', 'config.h', language : 'c') config.set('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) config.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) config.set_quoted('PACKAGE', meson.project_name()) config.set('PACKAGE_STRING', meson.project_name() + ' ' + meson.project_version()) config.set_quoted('TARGET_CPU_PLATFORM', host_machine.cpu_family()) configure_file(output: 'config.h', install: false, configuration: config) subdir('lib') subdir('tests') subdir('benchmarks') subdir('tools') if libdrm_intel.found() subdir('assembler') if ['x86', 'x86_64'].contains(host_machine.cpu_family()) subdir('overlay') endif endif subdir('man') subdir('docs')