#! /usr/bin/perl # # Copyright © 2017 Intel Corporation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Getopt::Std; chomp(my $igt_root = `pwd -P`); my $wsim = "$igt_root/benchmarks/gem_wsim"; my $wrk_root = "$igt_root/benchmarks/wsim"; my $tracepl = "$igt_root/scripts/trace.pl"; my $tolerance = 0.01; my $client_target_s = 10; my $idle_tolerance_pct = 2.0; my $show_cmds = 0; my $realtime_target = 0; my $wps_target = 0; my $balancer; my $nop; my %opts; my @balancers = ( 'rr', 'rand', 'qd', 'qdr', 'qdavg', 'rt', 'rtr', 'rtavg' ); my %bal_skip_H = ( 'rr' => 1, 'rand' => 1 ); my @workloads = ( 'media_load_balance_17i7.wsim', 'media_load_balance_19.wsim', 'media_load_balance_4k12u7.wsim', 'media_load_balance_fhd26u7.wsim', 'media_load_balance_hd01.wsim', 'media_load_balance_hd06mp2.wsim', 'media_load_balance_hd12.wsim', 'media_load_balance_hd17i4.wsim', 'media_1n2_480p.wsim', 'media_1n3_480p.wsim', 'media_1n4_480p.wsim', 'media_1n5_480p.wsim', 'media_mfe2_480p.wsim', 'media_mfe3_480p.wsim', 'media_mfe4_480p.wsim', 'media_nn_1080p.wsim', 'media_nn_480p.wsim', ); sub show_cmd { my ($cmd) = @_; say "\n+++ $cmd" if $show_cmds; } sub calibrate_nop { my ($delay, $nop); my $cmd = "$wsim"; show_cmd($cmd); open WSIM, "$cmd |" or die; while () { chomp; if (/Nop calibration for (\d+)us delay is (\d+)./) { $delay = $1; $nop = $2; } } close WSIM; die unless $nop; return $nop } sub can_balance_workload { my ($wrk) = @_; my $res = 0; open WRK, "$wrk_root/$wrk" or die; while () { chomp; if (/\.VCS\./) { $res = 1; last; } } close WRK; return $res; } sub add_wps_arg { my (@args) = @_; my $period; return @args if $realtime_target <= 0; $period = int(1000000 / $realtime_target); push @args, "-a p.$period"; return @args; } sub run_workload { my (@args) = @_; my ($time, $wps, $cmd); @args = add_wps_arg(@args); unshift @args, "$wsim"; $cmd = join ' ', @args; show_cmd($cmd); open WSIM, "$cmd |" or die; while () { chomp; if (/^(\d+\.\d+)s elapsed \((\d+\.?\d+) workloads\/s\)$/) { $time = $1; $wps = $2; } } close WSIM; return ($time, $wps); } sub trace_workload { my ($wrk, $b, $r, $c) = @_; my @args = ( "-n $nop", "-w $wrk_root/$wrk", "-r $r", "-c $c"); my $min_batches = 16 + $r * $c / 2; my @skip_engine; my %engines; my ($cmd, $file); unshift @args, "$b -R" unless $b eq ''; unshift @args, '-q'; unshift @args, "$tracepl --trace $wsim"; $cmd = join ' ', @args; show_cmd($cmd); system($cmd); $cmd = "perf script | $tracepl"; show_cmd($cmd); open CMD, "$cmd |" or die; while () { chomp; if (/Ring(\d+): (\d+) batches.*?(\d+\.?\d+)% idle,/) { if ($2 >= $min_batches) { $engines{$1} = $3; } else { push @skip_engine, $1; } } } close CMD; $wrk =~ s/ /_/g; $b =~ s/[ <>]/_/g; $file = "${wrk}_${b}_-r${r}_-c${c}"; $cmd = "perf script > ${file}.trace"; show_cmd($cmd); system($cmd); $cmd = "perf script | $tracepl --html -x ctxsave -s --squash-ctx-id "; $cmd .= join ' ', map("-i $_", @skip_engine); $cmd .= " > ${file}.html"; show_cmd($cmd); system($cmd); return \%engines; } sub calibrate_workload { my ($wrk) = @_; my $tol = $tolerance; my $loops = 0; my $error; my $r; $r = 23; for (;;) { my @args = ( "-n $nop", "-w $wrk_root/$wrk", "-r $r"); my ($time, $wps); ($time, $wps) = run_workload(@args); $error = abs($time - $client_target_s) / $client_target_s; last if $error <= $tol; $r = int($wps * $client_target_s); $loops = $loops + 1; if ($loops >= 3) { $tol = $tol * (1.5 + ($tol)); $loops = 0; } last if $tol > 0.2; } return ($r, $error); } sub find_saturation_point { my ($rr, @args) = @_; my ($last_wps, $c, $swps); my $target = $realtime_target > 0 ? $realtime_target : $wps_target; my $r = $rr; for ($c = 1; ; $c = $c + 1) { my ($time, $wps); ($time, $wps) = run_workload((@args, ("-r $r", "-c $c"))); if ($c > 1) { my $delta; if ($target <= 0) { $delta = ($wps - $last_wps) / $last_wps; $delta = -$tolerance if $delta < 0; } else { $delta = ($wps / $c - $target) / $target; } last if $delta < 0 and abs($delta) >= $tolerance; $r = int($rr * ($client_target_s / $time)); } elsif ($c == 1) { $swps = $wps; } $last_wps = $wps; } return ($c - 1, $last_wps, $swps); } getopts('hxn:b:W:B:r:t:i:R:T:', \%opts); if (defined $opts{'h'}) { print < 0; say "Wps target is ${wps_target} wps." if $wps_target > 0; $nop = $opts{'n'}; $nop = calibrate_nop() unless $nop; say "Nop calibration is $nop."; goto VERIFY if defined $balancer; my %best_bal; my %results; my %scores; my %wscores; my %cscores; my %cwscores; my %mscores; my %mwscores; sub add_points { my ($wps, $scores, $wscores) = @_; my ($min, $max, $spread); my @sorted; @sorted = sort { $b <=> $a } values %{$wps}; $max = $sorted[0]; $min = $sorted[-1]; $spread = $max - $min; die if $spread < 0; foreach my $w (keys %{$wps}) { my ($score, $wscore); unless (exists $scores->{$w}) { $scores->{$w} = 0; $wscores->{$w} = 0; } $score = $wps->{$w} / $max; $scores->{$w} = $scores->{$w} + $score; $wscore = $score * $spread / $max; $wscores->{$w} = $wscores->{$w} + $wscore; } } foreach my $wrk (@workloads) { my @args = ( "-n $nop", "-w $wrk_root/$wrk"); my ($r, $error, $should_b, $best); my (%wps, %cwps, %mwps); my @sorted; my $range; $should_b = can_balance_workload($wrk); print "\nEvaluating '$wrk'..."; ($r, $error) = calibrate_workload($wrk); say " ${client_target_s}s is $r workloads. (error=$error)"; say " Finding saturation points for '$wrk'..."; BAL: foreach my $bal (@balancers) { RBAL: foreach my $R ('', '-G') { foreach my $H ('', '-H') { my @xargs; my ($w, $c, $s); my $bid; if ($bal ne '') { push @xargs, "-b $bal -R"; push @xargs, $R if $R ne ''; push @xargs, $H if $H ne ''; $bid = join ' ', @xargs; print " $bal balancer ('$bid'): "; } else { $bid = ''; print " No balancing: "; } ($c, $w, $s) = find_saturation_point($r, (@args, @xargs)); $wps{$bid} = $w; $cwps{$bid} = $s; if ($realtime_target > 0 || $wps_target > 0) { $mwps{$bid} = $w * $c; } else { $mwps{$bid} = $w + $s; } say "$c clients ($w wps, $s wps single client, score=$mwps{$bid})."; last BAL unless $should_b; next BAL if $bal eq ''; next RBAL if exists $bal_skip_H{$bal}; } } } @sorted = sort { $mwps{$b} <=> $mwps{$a} } keys %mwps; $best = $sorted[0]; @sorted = sort { $b <=> $a } values %mwps; $range = 1 - $sorted[-1] / $sorted[0]; $best_bal{$wrk} = $sorted[0]; say " Best balancer is '$best' (range=$range)."; $results{$wrk} = \%mwps; add_points(\%wps, \%scores, \%wscores); add_points(\%cwps, \%cscores, \%cwscores); add_points(\%mwps, \%mscores, \%mwscores); } sub dump_scoreboard { my ($n, $h) = @_; my ($i, $str, $balancer); my ($max, $range); my @sorted; @sorted = sort { $b <=> $a } values %{$h}; $max = $sorted[0]; $range = 1 - $sorted[-1] / $max; $str = "$n rank (range=$range):"; say "\n$str"; say '=' x length($str); $i = 1; foreach my $w (sort { $h->{$b} <=> $h->{$a} } keys %{$h}) { my $score; $balancer = $w if $i == 1; $score = $h->{$w} / $max; say " $i: '$w' ($score)"; $i = $i + 1; } return $balancer; } dump_scoreboard('Total wps', \%scores); dump_scoreboard('Total weighted wps', \%wscores); dump_scoreboard('Per client wps', \%cscores); dump_scoreboard('Per client weighted wps', \%cwscores); dump_scoreboard('Combined wps', \%mscores); $balancer = dump_scoreboard('Combined weighted wps', \%mwscores); VERIFY: my %problem_wrk; die unless defined $balancer; say "\nBalancer is '$balancer'."; say "Idleness tolerance is $idle_tolerance_pct%."; foreach my $wrk (@workloads) { my @args = ( "-n $nop", "-w $wrk_root/$wrk"); my ($r, $error, $c, $wps, $swps); my $saturated = 0; my $result = 'Pass'; my %problem; my $engines; next unless can_balance_workload($wrk); push @args, $balancer unless $balancer eq ''; if (scalar(keys %results)) { $r = $results{$wrk}->{$balancer} / $best_bal{$wrk} * 100.0; } else { $r = '---'; } say " \nProfiling '$wrk' ($r% of best)..."; ($r, $error) = calibrate_workload($wrk); say " ${client_target_s}s is $r workloads. (error=$error)"; ($c, $wps, $swps) = find_saturation_point($r, @args); say " Saturation at $c clients ($wps workloads/s)."; push @args, "-c $c"; $engines = trace_workload($wrk, $balancer, $r, $c); foreach my $key (keys %{$engines}) { $saturated = $saturated + 1 if $engines->{$key} < $idle_tolerance_pct; } if ($saturated == 0) { # Not a single saturated engine $result = 'FAIL'; } elsif (not exists $engines->{'2'} or not exists $engines->{'3'}) { # VCS1 and VCS2 not present in a balancing workload $result = 'FAIL'; } elsif ($saturated == 1 and ($engines->{'2'} < $idle_tolerance_pct or $engines->{'3'} < $idle_tolerance_pct)) { # Only one VCS saturated $result = 'WARN'; } if ($result ne 'Pass') { $problem{'c'} = $c; $problem{'r'} = $r; $problem{'stats'} = $engines; $problem_wrk{$wrk} = \%problem; } print " $result ["; print map " $_: $engines->{$_}%,", sort keys %{$engines}; say " ]"; } say "\nProblematic workloads were:" if scalar(keys %problem_wrk) > 0; foreach my $wrk (sort keys %problem_wrk) { my $problem = $problem_wrk{$wrk}; print " $wrk -c $problem->{'c'} -r $problem->{'r'} ["; print map " $_: $problem->{'stats'}->{$_}%,", sort keys %{$problem->{'stats'}}; say " ]"; }