// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* * Copyright © 2021 Intel Corporation */ #include "i915/gem.h" #include "i915/gem_create.h" #include "i915/gem_vm.h" #include "i915/intel_memory_region.h" #include "igt.h" #include "igt_kmod.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "drm.h" #include "i915/i915_blt.h" #include "i915/intel_mocs.h" IGT_TEST_DESCRIPTION("Exercise local memory swapping."); #define __round_mask(x, y) ((__typeof__(x))((y) - 1)) #define round_up(x, y) ((((x) - 1) | __round_mask(x, y)) + 1) #define PAGE_SIZE (1ULL << 12) #define SZ_64K (16 * PAGE_SIZE) static const char *readable_unit(uint64_t size) { return size >> 20 ? "MiB" : size >> 10 ? "KiB" : "Bytes"; } static uint64_t readable_size(uint64_t size) { return size >> 20 ? size >> 20 : size >> 10 ? size >> 10 : size; } struct { unsigned int seed; bool user_seed; } opt; struct params { struct { uint64_t min; uint64_t max; } size; unsigned int count; unsigned int loops; unsigned int mem_limit; #define TEST_VERIFY (1 << 0) #define TEST_PARALLEL (1 << 1) #define TEST_HEAVY (1 << 2) #define TEST_RANDOM (1 << 3) #define TEST_ENGINES (1 << 4) #define TEST_MULTI (1 << 5) #define TEST_CCS (1 << 6) unsigned int flags; unsigned int seed; bool oom_test; }; struct object { uint64_t size; uint32_t seed; uint32_t handle; struct blt_copy_object *blt_obj; }; static void set_object(struct blt_copy_object *obj, uint32_t handle, uint64_t size, uint32_t region, uint8_t mocs, enum blt_tiling tiling, enum blt_compression compression, enum blt_compression_type compression_type) { obj->handle = handle; obj->size = size; obj->region = region; obj->mocs = mocs; obj->tiling = tiling; obj->compression = compression; obj->compression_type = compression_type; } static void set_geom(struct blt_copy_object *obj, uint32_t pitch, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t x_offset, uint16_t y_offset) { obj->pitch = pitch; obj->x1 = x1; obj->y1 = y1; obj->x2 = x2; obj->y2 = y2; obj->x_offset = x_offset; obj->y_offset = y_offset; } static void set_batch(struct blt_copy_batch *batch, uint32_t handle, uint64_t size, uint32_t region) { batch->handle = handle; batch->size = size; batch->region = region; } static void set_object_ext(struct blt_block_copy_object_ext *obj, uint8_t compression_format, uint16_t surface_width, uint16_t surface_height, enum blt_surface_type surface_type) { obj->compression_format = compression_format; obj->surface_width = surface_width; obj->surface_height = surface_height; obj->surface_type = surface_type; } static uint32_t create_bo(int i915, uint64_t *size, struct drm_i915_gem_memory_class_instance *region, bool do_oom_test) { uint32_t handle; int ret; retry: ret = __gem_create_in_memory_region_list(i915, &handle, size, region, 1); if (do_oom_test && ret == -ENOMEM) goto retry; igt_assert_eq(ret, 0); return handle; } static unsigned int __num_engines__; static void init_object(int i915, struct object *obj, unsigned long seed, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int j; uint32_t *buf; obj->seed = seed; buf = gem_mmap_offset__fixed(i915, obj->handle, 0, obj->size, PROT_WRITE); for (j = 0; j < obj->size / sizeof(*buf); j++) buf[j] = seed++; munmap(buf, obj->size); } static void init_object_ccs(int i915, struct object *obj, struct blt_copy_object *tmp, unsigned long seed, const intel_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t region, uint64_t ahnd) { struct blt_block_copy_data_ext ext = {}, *pext = &ext; const struct intel_execution_engine2 *e; struct blt_copy_data blt = {}; struct blt_copy_batch *cmd; uint64_t size = 4096; unsigned long *buf, j; obj->seed = seed; for_each_ctx_engine(i915, ctx, e) { if (gem_engine_can_block_copy(i915, e)) break; } igt_assert_f(e, "Ctx don't have blt engine\n"); cmd = calloc(1, sizeof(*cmd)); igt_assert(cmd); cmd->handle = gem_create_from_pool(i915, &size, region); set_batch(cmd, cmd->handle, size, region); buf = gem_mmap__device_coherent(i915, tmp->handle, 0, obj->size, PROT_WRITE); gem_set_domain(i915, tmp->handle, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_WC, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_WC); for (j = 0; j < obj->size / sizeof(*buf); j++) buf[j] = seed++; munmap(buf, obj->size); memset(&blt, 0, sizeof(blt)); blt.color_depth = CD_32bit; memcpy(&blt.src, tmp, sizeof(blt.src)); memcpy(&blt.dst, obj->blt_obj, sizeof(blt.dst)); memcpy(&blt.bb, cmd, sizeof(blt.bb)); set_object_ext(&ext.src, 0, tmp->x2, tmp->y2, SURFACE_TYPE_2D); set_object_ext(&ext.dst, 0, obj->blt_obj->x2, obj->blt_obj->y2, SURFACE_TYPE_2D); blt_block_copy(i915, ctx, e, ahnd, &blt, pext); free(cmd); } static void verify_object(int i915, const struct object *obj, unsigned int flags) { unsigned long j; uint32_t *buf; buf = gem_mmap_offset__fixed(i915, obj->handle, 0, obj->size, PROT_READ); for (j = 0; j < obj->size / PAGE_SIZE; j++) { unsigned long x = (j * PAGE_SIZE + rand() % PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(*buf); uint32_t val = obj->seed + x; igt_assert_f(buf[x] == val, "Object mismatch at offset %zu - found %08x, expected %08x; difference:%08x!\n", x * sizeof(*buf), buf[x], val, buf[x] ^ val); } munmap(buf, obj->size); } static void verify_object_ccs(int i915, const struct object *obj, struct blt_copy_object *tmp, const intel_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t region, uint64_t ahnd) { struct blt_block_copy_data_ext ext = {}, *pext = &ext; const struct intel_execution_engine2 *e; struct blt_copy_data blt = {}; struct blt_copy_batch *cmd; uint64_t size = 4096; unsigned long j, val, *buf; for_each_ctx_engine(i915, ctx, e) { if (gem_engine_can_block_copy(i915, e)) break; } igt_assert_f(e, "Ctx don't have blt engine\n"); cmd = calloc(1, sizeof(*cmd)); igt_assert(cmd); cmd->handle = gem_create_from_pool(i915, &size, region); set_batch(cmd, cmd->handle, size, region); memset(&blt, 0, sizeof(blt)); blt.color_depth = CD_32bit; memcpy(&blt.src, obj->blt_obj, sizeof(blt.src)); memcpy(&blt.dst, tmp, sizeof(blt.dst)); memcpy(&blt.bb, cmd, sizeof(blt.bb)); blt.dst.x2 = min(obj->blt_obj->x2, tmp->x2); blt.dst.y2 = min(obj->blt_obj->y2, tmp->y2); set_object_ext(&ext.src, 0, obj->blt_obj->x2, obj->blt_obj->y2, SURFACE_TYPE_2D); set_object_ext(&ext.dst, 0, tmp->x2, tmp->y2, SURFACE_TYPE_2D); blt_block_copy(i915, ctx, e, ahnd, &blt, pext); buf = gem_mmap__device_coherent(i915, tmp->handle, 0, obj->size, PROT_READ); gem_set_domain(i915, tmp->handle, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_WC, 0); for (j = 0; j < obj->size / PAGE_SIZE; j++) { unsigned long x = (j * PAGE_SIZE + rand() % PAGE_SIZE) / sizeof(*buf); val = obj->seed + x; igt_assert_f(buf[x] == val, "Object mismatch at offset %lu - found %lx, expected %lx, difference:%lx!\n", x * sizeof(*buf), buf[x], val, buf[x] ^ val); } munmap(buf, obj->size); free(cmd); } static void move_to_lmem(int i915, const intel_ctx_t *ctx, struct object *list, unsigned int num, unsigned int region, unsigned int engine, bool do_oom_test) { struct drm_i915_gem_exec_object2 obj[1 + num]; struct drm_i915_gem_execbuffer2 eb = { .buffers_ptr = to_user_pointer(obj), .buffer_count = 1 + num, .flags = I915_EXEC_NO_RELOC | I915_EXEC_HANDLE_LUT | engine, .rsvd1 = ctx->id, }; const uint32_t bbe = MI_BATCH_BUFFER_END; unsigned int i, ret, batch; uint64_t size; size = 4096; batch = gem_create_from_pool(i915, &size, region); gem_write(i915, batch, 0, &bbe, sizeof(bbe)); memset(obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { obj[i].handle = list[i].handle; obj[i].flags = EXEC_OBJECT_SUPPORTS_48B_ADDRESS; } obj[i].handle = batch; retry: ret = __gem_execbuf(i915, &eb); if (do_oom_test && (ret == -ENOMEM || ret == -ENXIO)) goto retry; igt_assert_eq(ret, 0); } static void __do_evict(int i915, const intel_ctx_t *ctx, struct drm_i915_gem_memory_class_instance *region, struct params *params, unsigned int seed) { uint32_t region_id = INTEL_MEMORY_REGION_ID(region->memory_class, region->memory_instance); const unsigned int max_swap_in = params->count / 100 + 1; struct object *objects, *obj, *list; const uint32_t bpp = 32; uint32_t width, height, stride; const intel_ctx_t *blt_ctx; struct blt_copy_object *tmp; unsigned int engine = 0; unsigned int i, l; uint64_t size, ahnd; struct timespec t = {}; unsigned int num; width = PAGE_SIZE / (bpp / 8); height = params->size.max / (bpp / 8) / width; stride = width * 4; if (params->flags & TEST_CCS) { tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp)); igt_assert(tmp); blt_ctx = intel_ctx_create(i915, &ctx->cfg); __gem_context_set_persistence(i915, blt_ctx->id, false); } objects = calloc(params->count, sizeof(*objects)); igt_assert(objects); list = calloc(max_swap_in, sizeof(*list)); igt_assert(list); srand(seed); /* Create the initial working set of objects. */ if (params->flags & TEST_CCS) { ahnd = intel_allocator_open_full(i915, blt_ctx->id, 0, 0, INTEL_ALLOCATOR_SIMPLE, ALLOC_STRATEGY_LOW_TO_HIGH, 0); tmp->handle = gem_create_in_memory_regions(i915, params->size.max, INTEL_MEMORY_REGION_ID(I915_SYSTEM_MEMORY, 0)); set_object(tmp, tmp->handle, params->size.max, INTEL_MEMORY_REGION_ID(I915_SYSTEM_MEMORY, 0), intel_get_uc_mocs(i915), T_LINEAR, COMPRESSION_DISABLED, COMPRESSION_TYPE_3D); set_geom(tmp, stride, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0); } size = 0; for (i = 0, obj = objects; i < params->count; i++, obj++) { if (params->flags & TEST_RANDOM) obj->size = rand() % (params->size.max - params->size.min) + params->size.min; else obj->size = params->size.min; obj->size = ALIGN(obj->size, 4096); size += obj->size; if ((size >> 20) > params->mem_limit) { params->count = i; break; } obj->handle = create_bo(i915, &obj->size, region, params->oom_test); if (params->flags & TEST_CCS) { width = PAGE_SIZE / (bpp / 8); height = obj->size / (bpp / 8) / width; stride = width * 4; obj->blt_obj = calloc(1, sizeof(*obj->blt_obj)); igt_assert(obj->blt_obj); set_object(obj->blt_obj, obj->handle, obj->size, region_id, intel_get_uc_mocs(i915), T_LINEAR, COMPRESSION_ENABLED, COMPRESSION_TYPE_3D); set_geom(obj->blt_obj, stride, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0); init_object_ccs(i915, obj, tmp, rand(), blt_ctx, region_id, ahnd); } else if (params->flags & TEST_VERIFY) { init_object(i915, obj, rand(), params->flags); move_to_lmem(i915, ctx, objects + i, 1, region_id, engine, params->oom_test); } else { move_to_lmem(i915, ctx, objects + i, 1, region_id, engine, params->oom_test); } } igt_debug("obj size min/max=%lu %s/%lu %s, count=%u, seed: %u\n", readable_size(params->size.min), readable_unit(params->size.min), readable_size(params->size.max), readable_unit(params->size.max), params->count, seed); /* * Move random objects back into lmem. * For TEST_MULTI runs, make each object counts a loop to * avoid excessive run times. */ for (l = 0; l < params->loops && igt_seconds_elapsed(&t) < 45; l += num) { unsigned int idx = rand() % params->count; num = params->flags & TEST_MULTI ? rand() % max_swap_in + 1 : 1; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { list[i] = objects[idx]; idx = (idx + 1) % params->count; } move_to_lmem(i915, ctx, list, num, region_id, engine, params->oom_test); if (params->flags & TEST_ENGINES) engine = (engine + 1) % __num_engines__; if (params->flags & TEST_CCS) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) verify_object_ccs(i915, &list[i], tmp, blt_ctx, region_id, ahnd); /* Update random object - may swap it back in. */ i = rand() % params->count; init_object_ccs(i915, &objects[i], tmp, rand(), blt_ctx, region_id, ahnd); } else if (params->flags & TEST_VERIFY) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) verify_object(i915, &list[i], params->flags); /* Update random object - may swap it back in. */ i = rand() % params->count; init_object(i915, &objects[i], rand(), params->flags); } } for (i = 0; i < params->count; i++) { gem_close(i915, objects[i].handle); free(objects[i].blt_obj); } free(list); free(objects); if (params->flags & TEST_CCS) { gem_close(i915, tmp->handle); free(tmp); intel_ctx_destroy(i915, blt_ctx); put_ahnd(ahnd); } } static void fill_params(int i915, struct params *params, struct drm_i915_memory_region_info *region, unsigned int flags, unsigned int nproc, bool do_oom_test) { const int swap_mb = /* For lmem, swap is total of smem + swap. */ igt_get_total_ram_mb() + igt_get_total_swap_mb(); const unsigned int size = 1 << 20; const int max_swap_pct = 75; /* * In random mode, add 85% hard limit to use system memory. * noticed that 88.8% can trigger OOM on some system. */ const int mem_limit_pct = 85; int spill_mb; uint32_t handle; if (flags & TEST_RANDOM) { params->size.min = 4096; handle = create_bo(i915, ¶ms->size.min, ®ion->region, do_oom_test); gem_close(i915, handle); params->size.max = 2 * size + params->size.min; } else { params->size.min = size; params->size.max = size; } params->count = (region->probed_size + (size - 1)) / size * 3 / 2; spill_mb = (size >> 20) * params->count - (region->probed_size >> 20); /* Don't use all RAM for swapout. */ igt_require(spill_mb <= swap_mb * max_swap_pct / 100); if (flags & TEST_HEAVY) { params->count *= 2; spill_mb = (size >> 20) * params->count - (region->probed_size >> 20); if (spill_mb > swap_mb * max_swap_pct / 100) { unsigned int count; unsigned long set; igt_warn("Reducing working set due low RAM + swap! (Need %d MiB, have %d MiB.)\n", spill_mb, swap_mb); set = region->probed_size + (((unsigned long)swap_mb * max_swap_pct / 100) << 20); count = set / size; /* No point if heavy test is too similar to normal. */ igt_require(count > (params->count / 2) * 133 / 100); params->count = count; } } params->loops = params->count; params->seed = opt.user_seed ? opt.seed : time(NULL); /* * If run in parallel, reduce per process buffer count to keep the * total the same, but don't reduce loops since we gain some * efficiency by the parallel execution */ if (flags & TEST_PARALLEL) params->count /= nproc; /* * For heavy tests, reduce the loop count to avoid excessive * run-times */ if (flags & TEST_HEAVY) params->loops = params->loops / 2 + 1; params->flags = flags; params->oom_test = do_oom_test; params->mem_limit = swap_mb * mem_limit_pct / 100 + (region->probed_size >> 20); igt_info("Memory: system-total %dMiB, lmem-region %lldMiB, usage-limit %dMiB\n", swap_mb, (region->probed_size >> 20), params->mem_limit); igt_info("Using %u thread(s), %u loop(s), %u objects of %lu %s - %lu %s, seed: %u, oom: %s\n", params->flags & TEST_PARALLEL ? nproc : 1, params->loops, params->count, readable_size(params->size.min), readable_unit(params->size.min), readable_size(params->size.max), readable_unit(params->size.max), params->seed, do_oom_test ? "yes" : "no"); } static void test_evict(int i915, const intel_ctx_t *ctx, struct drm_i915_memory_region_info *region, unsigned int flags) { const unsigned int nproc = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1; struct params params; if (flags & TEST_CCS) igt_require(IS_DG2(intel_get_drm_devid(i915))); fill_params(i915, ¶ms, region, flags, nproc, false); if (flags & TEST_PARALLEL) { int fd = gem_reopen_driver(i915); intel_allocator_multiprocess_start(); ctx = intel_ctx_create_all_physical(fd); __gem_context_set_persistence(fd, ctx->id, false); igt_fork(child, nproc) __do_evict(fd, ctx, ®ion->region, ¶ms, params.seed + child + 1); igt_waitchildren(); intel_ctx_destroy(fd, ctx); close(fd); intel_allocator_multiprocess_stop(); } else { __do_evict(i915, ctx, ®ion->region, ¶ms, params.seed); } } static void leak(uint64_t alloc) { char *ptr; ptr = mmap(NULL, alloc, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_POPULATE, -1, 0); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) return; while (alloc) { alloc -= 4096; ptr[alloc] = 0; } } static void gem_leak(int fd, uint64_t alloc) { uint32_t handle = gem_create(fd, alloc); void *buf; buf = gem_mmap_offset__fixed(fd, handle, 0, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_WRITE); memset(buf, 0, PAGE_SIZE); munmap(buf, PAGE_SIZE); gem_madvise(fd, handle, I915_MADV_DONTNEED); } static int *lmem_done; static void smem_oom_exit_handler(int sig) { (*lmem_done)++; } static void test_smem_oom(int i915, const intel_ctx_t *ctx, struct drm_i915_memory_region_info *region) { const uint64_t smem_size = igt_get_total_ram_mb() + igt_get_total_swap_mb(); const unsigned int alloc = 256 * 1024 * 1024; const unsigned int num_alloc = 1 + smem_size / (alloc >> 20); struct igt_helper_process smem_proc = {}; unsigned int n; lmem_done = mmap(0, sizeof(*lmem_done), PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); igt_assert(lmem_done != MAP_FAILED); *lmem_done = 0; /* process for testing lmem eviction */ igt_fork(child, 1) { int fd = gem_reopen_driver(i915); struct params params; fill_params(i915, ¶ms, region, 0, 1, true); ctx = intel_ctx_create_all_physical(fd); __gem_context_set_persistence(fd, ctx->id, false); igt_install_exit_handler(smem_oom_exit_handler); __do_evict(fd, ctx, ®ion->region, ¶ms, params.seed + child + 1); intel_ctx_destroy(fd, ctx); close(fd); } /* smem memory hog process, respawn till the lmem process completes */ while (!READ_ONCE(*lmem_done)) { igt_fork_helper(&smem_proc) { igt_fork(child, 1) { for (int pass = 0; pass < num_alloc; pass++) { if (READ_ONCE(*lmem_done)) break; leak(alloc); } } igt_fork(child, 1) { int fd = gem_reopen_driver(i915); for (int pass = 0; pass < num_alloc; pass++) { if (READ_ONCE(*lmem_done)) break; gem_leak(fd, alloc); } close(fd); } /* * Wait for grand-child processes to finish or be * killed by the oom killer, don't call * igt_waitchildren because of the noise */ for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) wait(NULL); } igt_wait_helper(&smem_proc); } munmap(lmem_done, sizeof(*lmem_done)); /* Reap exit status of the lmem process */ igt_waitchildren(); } #define dynamic_lmem_subtest(reg, regs, subtest_name...) \ igt_subtest_with_dynamic(subtest_name) \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (regs)->num_regions; i++) \ for_each_if (((reg) = &(regs)->regions[i])->region.memory_class == I915_MEMORY_CLASS_DEVICE) \ igt_dynamic_f("lmem%u", (reg)->region.memory_instance) static int opt_handler(int option, int option_index, void *input) { switch (option) { case 's': opt.user_seed = true; opt.seed = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; default: return IGT_OPT_HANDLER_ERROR; } return IGT_OPT_HANDLER_SUCCESS; } const char *help_str = " --seed Seed for random number generator"; struct option long_options[] = { { "seed", required_argument, NULL, 's'}, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; igt_main_args("", long_options, help_str, opt_handler, NULL) { struct drm_i915_query_memory_regions *regions; struct drm_i915_memory_region_info *region; struct test { const char *name; unsigned int flags; } *test, tests[] = { { "basic", 0 }, { "random", TEST_RANDOM }, { "random-engines", TEST_RANDOM | TEST_ENGINES }, { "heavy-random", TEST_RANDOM | TEST_HEAVY }, { "heavy-multi", TEST_RANDOM | TEST_HEAVY | TEST_ENGINES | TEST_MULTI }, { "verify", TEST_VERIFY}, { "verify-random", TEST_VERIFY | TEST_RANDOM}, { "heavy-verify-random", TEST_VERIFY | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_HEAVY }, { "heavy-verify-multi", TEST_VERIFY | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_HEAVY | TEST_ENGINES | TEST_MULTI }, { "parallel-random", TEST_PARALLEL | TEST_RANDOM }, { "parallel-random-engines", TEST_PARALLEL | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_ENGINES }, { "parallel-random-verify", TEST_PARALLEL | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_VERIFY }, { "parallel-multi", TEST_PARALLEL | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_VERIFY | TEST_ENGINES | TEST_MULTI }, { "verify-ccs", TEST_CCS }, { "verify-random-ccs", TEST_CCS | TEST_RANDOM }, { "heavy-verify-random-ccs", TEST_CCS | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_HEAVY }, { "heavy-verify-multi-ccs", TEST_CCS | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_HEAVY | TEST_ENGINES | TEST_MULTI }, { "parallel-random-verify-ccs", TEST_PARALLEL | TEST_RANDOM | TEST_CCS }, { } }; const intel_ctx_t *ctx; int i915 = -1; igt_fixture { struct intel_execution_engine2 *e; char *tmp; /* * If the driver is already loaded, check that it has * lmem before unloading to prevent a needless * unload-load cycle on integrated platforms. */ if (igt_kmod_is_loaded("i915")) { i915 = __drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL); igt_require_fd(i915); igt_require_gem(i915); igt_require(gem_has_lmem(i915)); close(i915); } igt_i915_driver_unload(); igt_assert_eq(igt_i915_driver_load("lmem_size=4096"), 0); i915 = __drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL); igt_require_fd(i915); /* * Even if we did the lmem check above, do it again in * case the reload messed something up (as unlikely it * is) */ igt_require_gem(i915); igt_require(gem_has_lmem(i915)); tmp = __igt_params_get(i915, "lmem_size"); if (!tmp) igt_info("lmem_size modparam not supported on this kernel. Continuing with full lmem size. This may result in CI timeouts.\n"); free(tmp); regions = gem_get_query_memory_regions(i915); igt_require(regions); for_each_physical_engine(i915, e) __num_engines__++; igt_require(__num_engines__); ctx = intel_ctx_create_all_physical(i915); __gem_context_set_persistence(i915, ctx->id, false); } for (test = tests; test->name; test++) { igt_describe("Exercise local memory swapping to system memory"); dynamic_lmem_subtest(region, regions, test->name) test_evict(i915, ctx, region, test->flags); } igt_describe("Exercise local memory swapping during exhausting system memory"); dynamic_lmem_subtest(region, regions, "smem-oom") test_smem_oom(i915, ctx, region); igt_fixture { intel_ctx_destroy(i915, ctx); free(regions); close(i915); igt_i915_driver_unload(); } igt_exit(); }