bltlib 2010 ST-Ericsson AB Introduction bltlib is a library and API towards the device driver for the B2R2 graphics hardware. Conformance Description
Introduction This chapter describes conformance and implementation-defined behaviour of the module.
References Title Web Link OpenMAX AL 1.0.1 Khronos registry (OpenMAX AL) -->
Function Conformance TODO: For each function or set of functions, supply one row indicating functions, the header file defining the function and the level of implementation support provided by the platform. A conformance description describes which features, interfaces of the standard that are supported or not supported. While the UML model may reference features, or featuresets or functionality, in the broad sence, this table must explicitly list all functions or other means of controlling the API, so that a developer knows for each and every function if the function is implemented or not. All header files that defines functions must be listed and linked using (ulink), and also referenced in the toc-locations.xml file. What is stated about functions, is also valid if the module implements an API in another way, such as using methods, operations or signals. Functions Header File Description/Conformance All functions blt_api.h Functions/Functionality are fully implemented See Implementation Description for implementation-defined behaviour.
Implementation Description
Implementation details The client fills in a blt_req struct with all of the information required for the blitting job. The request method then submits the job to the blitting driver and hardware. The driver analyzes the job and splits it into the required nodes. If the job is run in synchronous mode, the request method returns only when the job has been completed (or has failed). If the job is run in asynchronous mode, the request method returns immediately. The client can use the synch method to wait for completion. When a client sends a request to bltlib, the job is sorted into a prioritized queue. When the job can acquire the resources it needs, it is dispatched to the blitting hardware.
Supported versions This section specifies the supported versions of the module. bltlib supports only a subset of the bitmap formats defined by OpenMAX, due to limitations in the blitting hardware.
Specifications bltlib does not implement a standard specification but defines its own API. Still, it borrows from some of the data types used in OpenMAX. OpenMAX AL 1.0.1 --> Khronos registry (OpenMAX AL)