/* * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011 * Author: Per Persson per.xb.persson@stericsson.com for * ST-Ericsson. * License terms: . */ #include /* Symbolic Constants */ #include /* Primitive System Data Types */ #include /* Errors */ #include #include /* Input/Output */ #include /* General Utilities */ #include /* String handling */ #include #include #include #include #include "../include/hdmi_service_api.h" #include "../include/hdmi_service_local.h" struct edid_stdtim_ar { int x; int y; }; const __u8 edidreqbl0[] = {0xA0, 0x00}; /* Request EDID block 0 */ const __u8 edidreqbl1[] = {0xA0, 0x01}; /* Request EDID block 1 */ const __u8 edid_block0_start[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00}; const __u8 edid_stdtim9_flag[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFA, 0x00}; const __u8 edid_esttim3_flag[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7, 0x00}; const __u8 edid_esttim1_2_offset[] = {EDID_BL0_ESTTIM1_OFFSET, EDID_BL0_ESTTIM2_OFFSET}; const __u8 edid_esttim3_flag_offset[] = {EDID_BL1_ESTTIM3_1_FLAG_OFFSET, EDID_BL1_ESTTIM3_2_FLAG_OFFSET, EDID_BL1_ESTTIM3_3_FLAG_OFFSET}; const __u8 edid_stdtim9_flag_offset[] = {EDID_BL1_STDTIM9_1_FLAG_OFFSET, EDID_BL1_STDTIM9_2_FLAG_OFFSET, EDID_BL1_STDTIM9_3_FLAG_OFFSET}; /* Aspect ratios */ const struct edid_stdtim_ar edid_stdtim_ar[] = { {16, 10}, {4, 3}, {5, 4}, {16, 9} }; struct vesa_modes { int xres; int yres; int freq; int vesa_nr; }; static struct vesa_modes vesa_modes[] = { {800, 600, 60, 9}, {848, 480, 60, 14}, {1024, 768, 60, 16}, {1280, 768, 60, 23}, {1280, 800, 60, 28}, {1360, 768, 60, 39}, {1366, 768, 60, 81} }; static int get_vesanr_from_est_timing(int timing, int byte, int bit) { int vesa_nr = -1; LOGHDMILIB2("timing:%d bit:%d", timing, bit); switch (timing) { /* Established Timing 1 */ case 1: switch (bit) { case 5: vesa_nr = 4; break; case 0: vesa_nr = 9; break; default: break; } break; /* Established Timing 2 */ case 2: switch (bit) { case 3: vesa_nr = 16; break; default: break; } break; /* Established Timing 3 */ case 3: switch (byte) { case 6: switch (bit) { case 3: vesa_nr = 14; break; default: break; } break; case 7: switch (bit) { case 7: vesa_nr = 23; break; case 6: vesa_nr = 22; break; default: break; } break; case 8: switch (bit) { case 7: vesa_nr = 39; break; default: break; } break; } break; default: break; } return vesa_nr; } int get_vesanr_from_std_timing(int xres, int yres, int freq) { int vesa_nr = -1; int nr_of_timings; int index; nr_of_timings = sizeof(vesa_modes)/sizeof(vesa_modes[0]); for (index = 0; index < nr_of_timings; index++) { if ((xres == vesa_modes[index].xres) && (yres == vesa_modes[index].yres) && (freq == vesa_modes[index].freq)) { vesa_nr = vesa_modes[index].vesa_nr; break; } } return vesa_nr; } /* Request and read EDID message for specified block */ int edid_read(__u8 block, __u8 *data) { int edidread; int res; int result = 0; __u8 buf[16]; int size; LOGHDMILIB("EDID read blk %d", block); /* Request edid block 0 */ edidread = open(EDIDREAD_FILE, O_RDWR); if (edidread < 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to open %s *****", EDIDREAD_FILE); result = -1; goto edid_read_end2; } if (block == 0) { size = sizeof(edidreqbl0); memcpy(buf, edidreqbl0, size); } else { size = sizeof(edidreqbl1); memcpy(buf, edidreqbl1, size); } res = write(edidread, buf, size); if (res < 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to write %s *****", EDIDREAD_FILE); result = -2; goto edid_read_end1; } /* Check edid response */ lseek(edidread, 0, SEEK_SET); res = read(edidread, data, EDIDREAD_SIZE); if (res != EDIDREAD_SIZE) { LOGHDMILIB("***** %s read error size: %d *****", EDIDREAD_FILE, res); result = -3; goto edid_read_end1; } edid_read_end1: close(edidread); edid_read_end2: return result; } /* Parse EDID block 0 */ int edid_parse0(__u8 *data, __u8 *extension, struct video_format formats[], int nr_formats) { __u8 version; __u8 revision; __u8 est_timing; int findex; int vesa_nr; int bit; int cnt; int index; int xres; int yres; int byte; int ar_index; int freq; __u8 edidp; *extension = 0; /* Header */ if (memcmp(data + EDID_BL0_HEADER_OFFSET, edid_block0_start, 8) != 0) { LOGHDMILIB("edid response:\n%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x " "%02x", *(data + 1), *(data + 2), *(data + 3), *(data + 4), *(data + 5), *(data + 6), *(data + 7), *(data + 8) ); return EDIDREAD_FAIL; } else { LOGHDMILIB("%s", "--- EDID block 0 start OK ---"); } /* Ver and Rev */ version = *(data + EDID_BL0_VERSION_OFFSET); revision = *(data + EDID_BL0_REVISION_OFFSET); LOGHDMILIB("Ver:%d Rev:%d", version, revision); /* Read Established Timings 1&2 and set sink_support */ for (index = 0; index <= 1; index++) { est_timing = *(data + edid_esttim1_2_offset[index]); LOGHDMILIB2("EstTim%d:%02x", index + 1, est_timing); if (est_timing == 0) continue; for (bit = 7; bit >= 0; bit--) { if (est_timing & (1 << bit)) { vesa_nr = get_vesanr_from_est_timing(index + 1, 0, bit); LOGHDMILIB2("vesa_nr:%d", vesa_nr); if (vesa_nr < 1) continue; LOGHDMILIB2("EstTim1&2 try vesa_nr:%d", vesa_nr); for (cnt = 0; cnt < nr_formats; cnt++) { LOGHDMILIB3("with:%d", formats[cnt].vesaceanr); if ((formats[cnt].cea == 0) && (formats[cnt].vesaceanr == vesa_nr)) { formats[cnt].sink_support = 1; LOGHDMILIB("EstTim1&2 %d " "vesa_nr:%d", index + 1, vesa_nr); break; } } } } } /* Read Standard Timings 1-8 and set sink_support*/ for (index = 0; index < EDID_BL0_STDTIM1_SIZE; index++) { edidp = EDID_BL0_STDTIM1_OFFSET + index * 2; xres = (*(data + edidp) + 31) * 8; byte = *(data + edidp + 1); ar_index = (byte * EDID_STDTIM_AR_MASK) >> EDID_STDTIM_AR_SHIFT; yres = xres * edid_stdtim_ar[ar_index].y / edid_stdtim_ar[ar_index].x; freq = (byte * EDID_STDTIM_FREQ_MASK) >> EDID_STDTIM_FREQ_SHIFT; vesa_nr = get_vesanr_from_std_timing(xres, yres, freq); if (vesa_nr < 1) continue; LOGHDMILIB2("StdTim1to8 try vesa_nr:%d", vesa_nr); for (cnt = 0; cnt < nr_formats; cnt++) { LOGHDMILIB3("with:%d", formats[cnt].vesaceanr); if ((formats[cnt].cea == 0) && (formats[cnt].vesaceanr == vesa_nr)) { formats[cnt].sink_support = 1; LOGHDMILIB("StdTim1to8 %d vesa_nr:%d", index + 1, vesa_nr); break; } } } if (*(data + EDID_BL0_EXTFLAG_OFFSET) != 0) *extension = 1; return RESULT_OK; } /* Parse EDID block 1 */ int edid_parse1(__u8 *data, struct video_format formats[], int nr_formats, int *basic_audio_support, struct edid_latency *edid_latency) { __u8 rev; __u8 offset; __u8 blockp; __u8 code; __u8 length = 0; __u8 ceanr; int index; int index2; int cnt; __u8 est_timing3; int byte; int bit; int vesa_nr; int xres; int yres; int ar_index; int freq; __u8 edidp; __u8 *p; rev = *(data + EDID_BL1_REVNR_OFFSET); offset = *(data + EDID_BL1_OFFSET_OFFSET); LOGHDMILIB("rev:%d offset:%d", rev, offset); if ((rev != EDID_EXTVER_3) || (offset == 0) || (offset == EDID_NO_DATA)) { LOGHDMILIB("%s", "No video block"); return EDIDREAD_NOVIDEO; } /* Check Audio support */ if (*(data + EDID_BL1_AUDIO_SUPPORT_OFFSET) & EDID_BASIC_AUDIO_SUPPORT_MASK) { *basic_audio_support = 1; } for (edidp = EDID_BLK_START; edidp < offset; edidp = edidp + length + 1) { code = (*(data + edidp) & EDID_BLK_CODE_MSK) >> EDID_BLK_CODE_SHIFT; length = *(data + edidp) & EDID_BLK_LENGTH_MSK; if ((offset + length) >= EDIDREAD_SIZE) return EDIDREAD_FAIL; LOGHDMILIB2("code:%d blklen:%d", code, length); switch (code) { case EDID_CODE_VIDEO: for (blockp = edidp + 1; blockp < edidp + 1 + length; blockp++) { ceanr = *(data + blockp) & EDID_SVD_ID_MASK; LOGHDMILIB2("try ceanr:%d", ceanr); for (cnt = 0; cnt < nr_formats; cnt++) { LOGHDMILIB3("with:%d", formats[cnt].vesaceanr); if ((formats[cnt].cea == 1) && (formats[cnt].vesaceanr == ceanr)) { formats[cnt].sink_support = 1; LOGHDMILIB("cea:%d", ceanr); break; } } } break; case EDID_CODE_VSDB: p = data + edidp; if (length >= (EDID_VSD_PHYS_SRC + 1)) { LOGHDMILIB("source physaddr:%02x%02x", *(p + EDID_VSD_PHYS_SRC), *(p + EDID_VSD_PHYS_SRC + 1)); /*TODO logical addr (HDMI spec p.192)*/ } /* Video and Audio latency */ if ((length >= EDID_VSD_AUD_LAT) && (*(p + EDID_VSD_LATENCY_IND) & EDID_VSD_LAT_FLD_MASK )) { edid_latency->video_latency = 2 * (*(p + EDID_VSD_VID_LAT) - 1); edid_latency->audio_latency = 2 * (*(p + EDID_VSD_AUD_LAT) - 1); } /* Interlaced Video and Audio latency */ if ((length >= EDID_VSD_INTLCD_AUD_LAT) && (*(p + EDID_VSD_LATENCY_IND) & EDID_VSD_INTLCD_LAT_FLD_MASK )) { edid_latency->intlcd_video_latency = 2 * (*(p + EDID_VSD_INTLCD_VID_LAT) - 1); edid_latency->audio_latency = 2 * (*(p + EDID_VSD_INTLCD_AUD_LAT) - 1); } break; default: break; } } /* Read Established Timing 3 and set sink_support */ for (index = 0; index <= 2; index++) { edidp = edid_esttim3_flag_offset[index]; /* Check for Established Timing3 flag */ if (memcmp(data + edidp, edid_esttim3_flag, sizeof(edid_esttim3_flag)) != 0) /* Flag mismatch, this is not Established Timing 3 */ continue; for (byte = EDID_BL1_ESTTIM3_BYTE_START; byte <= EDID_BL1_ESTTIM3_BYTE_END; byte++) { est_timing3 = *(data + edidp + byte); for (bit = 7; bit >= 0; bit--) { if ((est_timing3 & (1 << bit)) == 0) /* Not supported in sink */ continue; vesa_nr = get_vesanr_from_est_timing(3, byte, bit); /* Set sink_suuport */ LOGHDMILIB2("EstTim3 try vesa_nr:%d", vesa_nr); for (cnt = 0; cnt < nr_formats; cnt++) { LOGHDMILIB3("with:%d", formats[cnt].vesaceanr); if ((formats[cnt].cea == 0) && (formats[cnt].vesaceanr == vesa_nr)) { formats[cnt].sink_support = 1; LOGHDMILIB("EstTim3 vesa_nr:%d", vesa_nr); break; } } } } } /* Read Standard Timings 9-16 and set sink_support*/ for (index2 = 0; index2 <= 2; index2++) { edidp = edid_stdtim9_flag_offset[index2]; /* Check for Standard Timing flag */ if (memcmp(data + edidp, edid_stdtim9_flag, sizeof(edid_stdtim9_flag)) != 0) /* Flag mismatch, this is not Standard Timing 9-16 */ continue; for (index = 0; index < EDID_BL1_STDTIM9_SIZE; index++) { edidp += EDID_BL1_STDTIM9_BYTE_START + index * 2; xres = (*(data + edidp) + 31) * 8; byte = *(data + edidp + 1); ar_index = (byte * EDID_STDTIM_AR_MASK) >> EDID_STDTIM_AR_SHIFT; yres = xres * edid_stdtim_ar[ar_index].y / edid_stdtim_ar[ar_index].x; freq = (byte * EDID_STDTIM_FREQ_MASK) >> EDID_STDTIM_FREQ_SHIFT; vesa_nr = get_vesanr_from_std_timing(xres, yres, freq); LOGHDMILIB2("StdTim9to16 try vesa_nr:%d", vesa_nr); for (cnt = 0; cnt < nr_formats; cnt++) { LOGHDMILIB3("with:%d", formats[cnt].vesaceanr); if ((formats[cnt].cea == 0) && (formats[cnt].vesaceanr == vesa_nr)) { formats[cnt].sink_support = 1; LOGHDMILIB("StdTim9to16 %d vesa_nr:%d", index + 1, vesa_nr); break; } } } } return RESULT_OK; } /* Get EDID message of specified block and send it on client socket */ int edidreq(__u8 block, __u32 cmd_id) { int res = 0; int ret = 0; int edidsize = 0; int val; __u8 buf[512]; __u8 ediddata[EDIDREAD_SIZE]; LOGHDMILIB("%s begin", __func__); /* Request EDID */ res = edid_read(block, ediddata); if (res == 0) edidsize = EDIDREAD_SIZE; val = HDMI_EDIDRESP; memcpy(&buf[CMD_OFFSET], &val, 4); memcpy(&buf[CMDID_OFFSET], &cmd_id, 4); val = edidsize + 1; memcpy(&buf[CMDLEN_OFFSET], &val, 4); buf[CMDBUF_OFFSET] = res; memcpy(&buf[CMDBUF_OFFSET + 1], ediddata, edidsize); /* Send on socket */ ret = clientsocket_send(buf, CMDBUF_OFFSET + val); LOGHDMILIB("%s end", __func__); return ret; }