/* * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011 * Author: Per Persson per.xb.persson@stericsson.com for * ST-Ericsson. * License terms: . */ #include /* Symbolic Constants */ #include /* Primitive System Data Types */ #include /* Errors */ #include #include /* Input/Output */ #include /* General Utilities */ #include /* String handling */ #include #include #include #include "linux/fb.h" #include #include "../include/hdmi_service_api.h" #include "../include/hdmi_service_local.h" /* List of cea numbers. First ceanr has highest priority */ struct vesacea vesaceaprio[CEAPRIO_MAX_SIZE]; /* * During edid_parse, sink_support will be filled in. * The first format in this list with sink_support set will be chosen. */ int video_formats_nr; struct video_format video_formats[FORMATS_MAX]; int video_formats_clear(void) { memset(video_formats, 0, sizeof(video_formats)); return 0; } int vesacea_supported(int *nr, struct vesacea vesacea[]) { int index; *nr = 0; LOGHDMILIB2("%s begin", __func__); for (index = 0; index < FORMATS_MAX; index++) { if (video_formats[index].sink_support) { vesacea[*nr].cea = video_formats[index].cea; vesacea[*nr].nr = video_formats[index].vesaceanr; LOGHDMILIB2("cea:%d nr:%d", vesacea[*nr].cea, vesacea[*nr].nr); (*nr)++; } } LOGHDMILIB2("%s end", __func__); return 0; } int video_formats_supported_hw(void) { int res; int index; int vesacea; char buf[FORMATS_MAX * 2 + 1]; /* Get hw supported formats */ vesacea = dispdevice_file_open(VESACEAFORMATS_FILE, O_RDONLY); if (vesacea < 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to open %s *****", VESACEAFORMATS_FILE); return -1; } res = read(vesacea, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(vesacea); if (res <= 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to read %s *****", VESACEAFORMATS_FILE); return -1; } for (index = 0; index < FORMATS_MAX; index++) { if ((index * 2 + 2) > res) { /* No more to read */ video_formats[index].cea = 0; video_formats[index].vesaceanr = 0; video_formats[index].sink_support = 0; video_formats[index].prio = VESACEAPRIO_DEFAULT; break; } video_formats[index].cea = *(buf + index * 2); video_formats[index].vesaceanr = *(buf + index * 2 + 1); video_formats[index].sink_support = 0; video_formats[index].prio = VESACEAPRIO_DEFAULT; } video_formats_nr = index; return 0; } int nr_formats_get(void) { return video_formats_nr; } struct video_format *video_formats_get(void) { return video_formats; } static int vesaceanrtovar(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, __u8 cea, __u8 vesaceanr, __u8 num_buffers) { int timing; int res; unsigned int index; char buf[128]; int interlaced; /* Request timing info */ timing = dispdevice_file_open(TIMING_FILE, O_RDWR); if (timing < 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to open %s *****", TIMING_FILE); return -1; } buf[0] = cea; buf[1] = vesaceanr; res = write(timing, buf, 2); if (res <= 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to write %s *****", TIMING_FILE); close(timing); return -1; } lseek(timing, 0, SEEK_SET); res = read(timing, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(timing); if (res <= 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to read %s *****", TIMING_FILE); return -1; } /* Read timing info */ if (res == TIMING_SIZE) { index = 0; memcpy(&var->xres, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("xres:%d", var->xres); index += 4; memcpy(&var->yres, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("yres:%d", var->yres); index += 4; var->xres_virtual = var->xres; var->yres_virtual = var->yres * num_buffers; memcpy(&var->pixclock, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("pixclock:%d", var->pixclock); index += 4; memcpy(&var->left_margin, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("left_margin:%d", var->left_margin); index += 4; memcpy(&var->right_margin, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("right_margin:%d", var->right_margin); index += 4; memcpy(&var->upper_margin, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("upper_margin:%d", var->upper_margin); index += 4; memcpy(&var->lower_margin, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("lower_margin:%d", var->lower_margin); index += 4; var->vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_INTERLACED; memcpy(&interlaced, buf + index, 4); LOGHDMILIB3("vmode:%x", var->vmode); var->vmode |= interlaced ? FB_VMODE_INTERLACED : FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED; LOGHDMILIB("CEA %d nr %d found\n", cea, vesaceanr); return 0; } return -EINVAL; } void vesacea_prio_default(void) { /* 1920x1080P@30 */ vesaceaprio[0].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[0].nr = 34; /* 1280x720P@60 */ vesaceaprio[1].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[1].nr = 4; /* 1920x1080P@25 */ vesaceaprio[2].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[2].nr = 33; /* 1920x1080P@24 */ vesaceaprio[3].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[3].nr = 32; /* 1920x1080I@60 */ vesaceaprio[4].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[4].nr = 5; /* 1920x1080I@30 */ vesaceaprio[5].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[5].nr = 20; /* 1280x720P@50 */ vesaceaprio[6].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[6].nr = 19; /* 720x480P@60 */ vesaceaprio[7].cea = 1; vesaceaprio[7].nr = 3; /* end of list */ vesaceaprio[8].cea = 0; vesaceaprio[8].nr = 0; } static void set_vesacea_prio(__u8 cea, __u8 vesaceanr, __u8 prio) { int nr_formats = sizeof(video_formats)/sizeof(video_formats[0]); int index; for (index = 0; index < nr_formats; index++) { if ((video_formats[index].cea == cea) & (video_formats[index].vesaceanr == vesaceanr)) { video_formats[index].prio = prio; LOGHDMILIB("set_cea_prio %d %d", index, prio); break; } } } void set_vesacea_prio_all(void) { int index; /* Set cea prio. Continue until prio = 0 or maxsize */ for (index = 0; index < CEAPRIO_MAX_SIZE; index++) { LOGHDMILIB("index:%d cea:%d prio:%d", index, vesaceaprio[index].cea, vesaceaprio[index].nr); if (vesaceaprio[index].nr == 0) break; set_vesacea_prio(vesaceaprio[index].cea, vesaceaprio[index].nr, index + 1); } } int get_best_videoformat(__u8 *cea, __u8 *vesaceanr) { int index; int nr_formats; struct video_format *video_formats; __u8 best_prio; int best_ceanr; int best_vesanr; *cea = 1; *vesaceanr = VIDEO_FORMAT_DEFAULT; nr_formats = nr_formats_get(); video_formats = video_formats_get(); best_prio = VESACEAPRIO_DEFAULT + 1; best_ceanr = 0; best_vesanr = 0; /* Choose best video format */ for (index = 0; index < nr_formats; index++) { LOGHDMILIB("test cea:%d nr:%d prio:%d", video_formats[index].cea, video_formats[index].vesaceanr, video_formats[index].prio); if (video_formats[index].sink_support == 0) /* No sink support, check next format */ continue; if (video_formats[index].prio < best_prio) { /* Prio is best */ *cea = video_formats[index].cea; *vesaceanr = video_formats[index].vesaceanr; best_prio = video_formats[index].prio; } else if (best_prio >= VESACEAPRIO_DEFAULT) { /* Prio is not set; check ceanr */ if (video_formats[index].cea && (video_formats[index].vesaceanr > best_ceanr)) { /* It is the highest ceanr */ *cea = 1; *vesaceanr = video_formats[index].vesaceanr; best_ceanr = *vesaceanr; } /* If no cea has been chosen, check vesa */ if ((best_ceanr == 0) & (!video_formats[index].cea && (video_formats[index].vesaceanr > best_vesanr))) { /* It is the highest veasanr */ *cea = 0; *vesaceanr = video_formats[index].vesaceanr; best_vesanr = *vesaceanr; } } LOGHDMILIB("cea:%d nr:%d best_prio:%d", *cea, *vesaceanr, best_prio); } return 0; } int hdmi_fb_chres(__u8 cea, __u8 vesaceanr) { struct fb_var_screeninfo var; int fd; char fbname[128]; char buf[128]; int read_res; int disponoff; __u8 num_buffers; /* Get fb dev name */ disponoff = dispdevice_file_open(DISPONOFF_FILE, O_RDONLY); if (disponoff < 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to open %s *****", DISPONOFF_FILE); return -1; } read_res = read(disponoff, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(disponoff); if (read_res <= 0) { LOGHDMILIB("***** Failed to read %s *****", DISPONOFF_FILE); return -1; } /* Open fb */ sprintf(fbname, "%s%s", FBPATH, buf); LOGHDMILIB("fbname:%s", fbname); fd = open(fbname, O_RDONLY); if (fd <= 0) { LOGHDMILIB("%s", "***** Open fb failed *****"); return -2; } /* Get screen info */ if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var)) { LOGHDMILIB("%s", "***** FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO failed *****"); close(fd); return -3; } num_buffers = var.yres_virtual / var.yres; /* Convert ceanr to screeninfo */ vesaceanrtovar(&var, cea, vesaceanr, num_buffers); /* Set screen info */ if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &var)) { LOGHDMILIB("%s", "***** FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed *****"); close(fd); return -4; } /* Close fb */ close(fd); return 0; } int vesaceaprio_set(__u8 len, __u8 *data) { int index; int index_last; int cnt = 0; LOGHDMILIB("%s begin", __func__); if (len < CEAPRIO_MAX_SIZE) index_last = len; else index_last = CEAPRIO_MAX_SIZE; for (index = 0; index < CEAPRIO_MAX_SIZE; index++) { if (index < index_last) { vesaceaprio[index].cea = data[index * 2]; vesaceaprio[index].nr = data[index * 2 + 1]; LOGHDMILIB("prio:%d cea:%d nr:%d", cnt, vesaceaprio[index].cea, vesaceaprio[index].nr); } else { vesaceaprio[index].cea = 0; vesaceaprio[index].nr = 0; break; } cnt++; } LOGHDMILIB("%s end", __func__); return 0; }