path: root/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc')
4 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm.h b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37ccb36a5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2010. All rights reserved.
+ * This code is ST-Ericsson proprietary and confidential.
+ * Any use of the code for whatever purpose is subject to
+ * specific written permission of ST-Ericsson SA.
+ */
+#ifndef __INC_CM_H
+#define __INC_CM_H
+#include <cm/inc/cm_def.h>
+/* Component Manager API prototypes */
+ * User level wrapper
+ */
+#include <cm/proxy/api/cm_proxy.h>
+#endif /* __INC_CM_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_def.h b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_def.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc7a1fdad66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_def.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2010. All rights reserved.
+ * This code is ST-Ericsson proprietary and confidential.
+ * Any use of the code for whatever purpose is subject to
+ * specific written permission of ST-Ericsson SA.
+ */
+ * \brief Component Manager API.
+ *
+ * This file contains the Component Manager API for manipulating components.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __INC_CM_DEF_H
+#define __INC_CM_DEF_H
+#include <cm/inc/cm_type.h>
+#include <inc/nmf-def.h>
+ * \brief Get the version of the NMF CM engine at runtime
+ *
+ * This method should be used to query the version number of the
+ * NMF Component Manager engine at runtime. This is useful when using
+ * to check if version of the engine linked with application correspond
+ * to engine used for development.
+ *
+ * Such code can be used to check compatibility: \code
+ t_uint32 nmfversion;
+ // Print NMF version
+ CM_GetVersion(&nmfversion);
+ LOG("NMF Version %d-%d-%d\n",
+ VERSION_MAJOR(nmfversion),
+ VERSION_MINOR(nmfversion),
+ VERSION_PATCH(nmfversion));
+ if(NMF_VERSION != nmfversion) {
+ LOG("Error: Incompatible API version %d != %d\n", NMF_VERSION, nmfversion);
+ EXIT();
+ }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \param[out] version Internal hardcoded version (use \ref VERSION_MAJOR, \ref VERSION_MINOR, \ref VERSION_PATCH macros to decode it).
+ *
+ * \ingroup CM
+ */
+PUBLIC IMPORT_SHARED void CM_GetVersion(t_uint32 *version);
+#endif /* __INC_CM_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_macros.h b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_macros.h
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index 00000000000..2279c204a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2010. All rights reserved.
+ * This code is ST-Ericsson proprietary and confidential.
+ * Any use of the code for whatever purpose is subject to
+ * specific written permission of ST-Ericsson SA.
+ */
+ * \brief Component Manager Macros.
+ *
+ * \defgroup CM_MACROS NMF Macros (ANSI C99)
+ * The Component Manager Macros are provided to ease FromHost interface call and ToHost callback definition.
+ * \attention <b>These macros are only ANSI C99 compliant</b> (ARM RVCT 2.x/3.x, GNU gcc 4.x, ...)
+ * \ingroup CM_USER_API
+ */
+#ifndef __INC_CM_MACROS_H
+#define __INC_CM_MACROS_H
+ * The next macros are supported only with C Ansi 99, so....
+ */
+ * The Symbian environment dependency, computation which uses an old gnu cpp,
+ * does not accept "..." parameters.
+ * However the actual compiler (armcc) does.
+ * So remove the macro definitions when computing dependencies.
+ */
+#if ( defined(__CC_ARM) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) ) || !defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+ * Only for skilled eyes ;)
+ * The following macros are used to implement NMFCALL[VOID] and NMFMETH[VOID] macros in an elegant way
+ */
+#define WITH_PARAM(...) __VA_ARGS__)
+#define WITH_NOPARAM(...) )
+ * \brief Macro to ease Host to Dsp interface calling
+ *
+ * \attention <b>This macro is only ANSI C99 compliant</b>
+ *
+ * The <i>NMFCALL</i> macro can be used to call one method of any previously FromHost bounded interface.\n
+ * From Host side, today, we have no way to mask the multi-instance handling, so
+ * this macro is provided to ease FromHost interface calling and to avoid any mistake into the THIS parameter passing.
+ *
+ * So, any fromHost interface method call like: \code
+ * itf.method(itf.THIS, param1, param2, ...);
+ * \endcode
+ * can be replaced by: \code
+ * NMFCALL(itf, method)(param1, param2, ...);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \warning Don't forget to use NMFCALLVOID macro when declaring a FromHost interface method having none application parameter,
+ * else it will lead to erroneous C code expansion
+ * \hideinitializer
+ * \ingroup CM_MACROS
+ */
+#define NMFCALL(itfHandle, itfMethodName) \
+ (itfHandle).itfMethodName((itfHandle).THIS, WITH_PARAM
+ * \brief Macro to ease Host to Dsp interface calling (method without any user parameter)
+ *
+ * \attention <b>This macro is only ANSI C99 compliant</b>
+ *
+ * The <i>NMFCALLVOID</i> macro can be used to call one method (those without any user parameter) of any previously FromHost bounded interface.\n
+ * From Host side, today, we have no way to mask the multi-instance handling, so
+ * this macro is provided to ease FromHost interface calling and to avoid any mistake into the THIS parameter passing.
+ *
+ * So, any FromHost interface method call without any application parameter like:\code
+ * itf.method(itf.THIS);
+ * \endcode
+ * can be replaced by: \code
+ * NMFCALLVOID(itf, method)();
+ * \endcode
+ * \see NMFCALL
+ * \hideinitializer
+ * \ingroup CM_MACROS
+ */
+#define NMFCALLVOID(itfHandle, itfMethodName) \
+ (itfHandle).itfMethodName((itfHandle).THIS WITH_NOPARAM
+ * \brief Macro to ease Dsp to Host interface method declaration
+ *
+ * \attention <b>This macro definition is only ANSI C99 compliant</b>
+ *
+ * The <i>NMFMETH</i> macro can be used to ease the ToHost interface method declaration.\n
+ * From Host side, today, we have no way to mask the multi-intance handling, so the user shall handle it by hand
+ * by passing the "component" context as first parameter of each ToHost interface method through the void *THIS parameter.
+ * This macro could avoid any mistake into the THIS parameter declaration when never used by the user code.
+ *
+ * So, any ToHost interface method declaration like:\code
+ * void mynotify(void *THIS, mytype1 myparam1, mytype2 myparam2, ...) {
+ * <body of the interface routine>
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ * can be replaced by: \code
+ * void NMFMETH(mynotify)(mytype1 myparam1, mytype2 myparam2, ...) {
+ * <body of the interface routine>
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \warning Don't forget to use NMFMETHVOID macro when declaring a ToHost interface method having none application parameter,
+ * else it will lead to erroneous C code expansion
+ *
+ * \hideinitializer
+ * \ingroup CM_MACROS
+ */
+#define NMFMETH(itfMethodName) \
+ itfMethodName(void *THIS, WITH_PARAM
+ * \brief Macro to ease Dsp to Host interface method declaration (method without any user parameter)
+ *
+ * \attention <b>This macro is only ANSI C99 compliant</b>
+ *
+ * The <i>NMFMETHVOID</i> macro can be used to ease the ToHost interface method (those without any user parameter) declaration.\n
+ * From Host side, today, we have no way to mask the multi-intance handling, so the user shall handle it by hand
+ * by passing the "component" context as first parameter of each ToHost interface method through the void *THIS parameter.
+ * This macro could avoid any mistake into the THIS parameter declaration when never used by the user code.
+ *
+ * So, any ToHost interface method declaration having none application parameter like:\code
+ * void mynotify(void *THIS) {
+ * <body of the interface routine>
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ * can be replaced by: \code
+ * void NMFMETHVOID(mynotify)(void) {
+ * <body of the interface routine>
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \see NMFMETH
+ * \hideinitializer
+ * \ingroup CM_MACROS
+ */
+#define NMFMETHVOID(itfMethodName) \
+ itfMethodName(void *THIS WITH_NOPARAM
+#endif /* not Symbian environment or compiling with ARMCC and not in strict ANSI */
+#endif /* __INC_CM_MACROS_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_type.h b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_type.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..780e27ca600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/nmf-cm/cm/inc/cm_type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2010
+ * Author: Jean-Philippe FASSINO <> for ST-Ericsson.
+ * License terms: GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2, with
+ * user space exemption described in the top-level COPYING file in
+ * the Linux kernel source tree.
+ */
+ * \brief Component Manager types.
+ *
+ * This file contains the Component Manager types.
+ *
+ * \defgroup CM CM Type Definitions
+ * \ingroup CM_USER_API
+ */
+#ifndef _CM_TYPE_H_
+#define _CM_TYPE_H_
+#include <share/inc/nmf.h>
+#include <share/inc/macros.h>
+#include <nmf/inc/channel_type.h>
+ * @defgroup t_cm_error t_cm_error
+ * \brief Description of the various errors returned by CM API routines
+ * @{
+ * \ingroup CM
+ */
+typedef t_nmf_error t_cm_error; //!< Error type returned by CM API routines
+/* WARNING: UPDATE CM_StringError() func each time an error is added/removed !!! */
+/* CM_StringError() is defined twice in: */
+/* nmf_core/host/cm/proxy/common/wrapper/src/wrapper.c */
+/* tests/src/common/nte/src/nte.c */
+#define CM_LAST_ERROR_ID ((t_cm_error)-128)
+ /* Communication */
+#define CM_FLUSH_MESSAGE NMF_FLUSH_MESSAGE //!< Message send after call to CM_FlushChannel()
+#define CM_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ((t_cm_error)-105) //!< Buffer overflow (interface binding message bigger than buffer)
+#define CM_USER_NOT_REGISTERED ((t_cm_error)-104) //!< User not registered
+#define CM_PARAM_FIFO_OVERFLOW ((t_cm_error)-102) //!< Param fifo overflow
+#define CM_INTERNAL_FIFO_OVERFLOW ((t_cm_error)-101) //!< Internal services fifo overflow (not returned to user)
+#define CM_MPC_NOT_RESPONDING ((t_cm_error)-100) //!< MPC not responding (either crash, interrupt handler too long, internal NMF fifo coms overflow, ...).
+ /* ELF & File system */
+#define CM_FS_ERROR ((t_cm_error)-96) //!< FileSystem error
+#define CM_NO_SUCH_FILE ((t_cm_error)-95) //!< No such file or directory
+#define CM_INVALID_ELF_FILE ((t_cm_error)-94) //!< File isn't a valid MMDSP ELF file
+#define CM_NO_SUCH_BASE ((t_cm_error)-93) //!< The memory base doesn't exist
+ /* Introspection */
+ /* Component Life Cycle */
+#define CM_COMPONENT_NOT_UNBINDED ((t_cm_error)-79) //!< Component must be fully unbinded before perform operation
+#define CM_COMPONENT_NOT_STARTED ((t_cm_error)-78) //!< Component must be started to perform operation
+#define CM_COMPONENT_WAIT_RUNNABLE ((t_cm_error)-76) //!< Component need acknowlegdment of life cycle start function before perform operation
+#define CM_REQUIRE_INTERFACE_UNBINDED ((t_cm_error)-75) //!< Required component interfaces must be binded before perform operation
+#define CM_INVALID_COMPONENT_HANDLE ((t_cm_error)-74) //!< Try to access a component already destroyed
+ /* Binder */
+#define CM_ILLEGAL_BINDING ((t_cm_error)-62) //!< Client and server interface type mismatch
+#define CM_ILLEGAL_UNBINDING ((t_cm_error)-61) //!< Try to unbind component with bad binding Factories
+ /* Loader */
+#define CM_BINDING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ((t_cm_error)-48) //!< Binding Component template name don't exist on components repository (should be generated thanks nkitf tool)
+#define CM_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ((t_cm_error)-47) //!< Component template name doesn't exist on components repository
+#define CM_NO_SUCH_SYMBOL ((t_cm_error)-46) //!< Symbol name doesn't exported by the underlying component
+#define CM_COMPONENT_EXIST ((t_cm_error)-45) //!< Component name already exists in the component cache
+ /* Fifo management related ones */
+#define CM_FIFO_FULL ((t_cm_error)-40) //!< Fifo is full
+#define CM_FIFO_EMPTY ((t_cm_error)-39) //!< Fifo is empty
+#define CM_UNKNOWN_FIFO_ID ((t_cm_error)-38) //!< Fifo handle doesn't exist
+ /* Memory management related ones */
+#define CM_DOMAIN_VIOLATION ((t_cm_error)-33) //!< Domain violation
+#define CM_CREATE_ALLOC_ERROR ((t_cm_error)-32) //!< Error during allocator creation
+#define CM_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_HANDLE ((t_cm_error)-31) //!< Handle doesn't exists
+#define CM_BAD_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT ((t_cm_error)-29) //!< Memory alignment wanted is not correct
+#define CM_MEMORY_HANDLE_FREED ((t_cm_error)-28) //!< Handle was alread freed
+#define CM_INVALID_DOMAIN_DEFINITION ((t_cm_error)-27) //!< Domain to be created is not correctly defined
+#define CM_INTERNAL_DOMAIN_OVERFLOW ((t_cm_error)-26) //!< Internal domain descriptor overflow (too many domains) //TODO, juraj, remove this error
+#define CM_INVALID_DOMAIN_HANDLE ((t_cm_error)-25) //!< Invalid domain handle
+#define CM_ILLEGAL_DOMAIN_OPERATION ((t_cm_error)-21) //!< Operation on a domain is illegal (like destroy of a domain with referenced components)
+ /* Media Processor related ones */
+#define CM_MPC_INVALID_CONFIGURATION ((t_cm_error)-24) //!< Media Processor Core invalid configuration
+#define CM_MPC_NOT_INITIALIZED ((t_cm_error)-23) //!< Media Processor Core not yet initialized
+#define CM_MPC_ALREADY_INITIALIZED ((t_cm_error)-22) //!< Media Processor Core already initialized
+//ERROR 21 is defined above, with the domains
+ /* Power Mgt related ones */
+#define CM_PWR_NOT_AVAILABLE ((t_cm_error)-16) //!< No modification of the state of the power input
+ /* Common errors */
+#define CM_INVALID_DATA ((t_cm_error)-4) //!< Invalid internal data encountered
+#define CM_OUT_OF_LIMITS ((t_cm_error)-3) //!< User reach an internal nmf limits of limits.h file
+#define CM_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED ((t_cm_error)-1) //!< CM API not yet implemented
+#define CM_OK NMF_OK //!< \ref NMF_OK
+/** @} */
+ * \brief Definition of a physical memory address
+ * \ingroup MEMORY
+ */
+typedef t_uint32 t_cm_physical_address;
+ * \brief Definition of a logical memory address
+ * \ingroup MEMORY
+ */
+typedef t_uint32 t_cm_logical_address;
+ * \brief Definition of a system address into a system with MMU
+ * \ingroup MEMORY
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ t_cm_physical_address physical; //!< Physical memory address
+ t_cm_logical_address logical; //!< Logical memory address
+} t_cm_system_address;
+#define INVALID_SYSTEM_ADDRESS {(t_cm_physical_address)MASK_ALL32, (t_cm_logical_address)MASK_ALL32}
+ * \brief Define a type used to manipulate size of various buffers
+ * \ingroup MEMORY
+ */
+typedef t_uint32 t_cm_size;
+#endif /* _CM_TYPE_H_ */