What: /sys/devices/platform/ab5500-core.0/ab5500-adc.0/adc0volt Date: Nov 2011 KernelVersion: 3.0 Contact: Shreshtha Kumar SAHU Description: The adc0volt attribute allows the userspace to read the voltage of the device connected to the General Purpose Analog to Digital Converter (GPADC) channel-0. Voltage conversion from analog to digital happens only when this attribute is read. GPADC block is present in AB5500 chip and has input voltage range of 0-1.8 volt for GPADC Ch-0. It provides result of the converted voltage in 10 bits. Other GPADC channels attributes may appear in this path later. For minimum and maximum input voltage range for each channel please refer to the ST-Ericssons AB5500 datasheet. An example usage of GPADC can be an ALS device connected to the channel and user space adapts the LCD backlight brightness based on ambient light value read from the attribute. Users: HAL.