/* * EXTLOG Module log ID to log Format String mapping table * * Copyright (C) 2012, Broadcom Corporation * All Rights Reserved. * * This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation; * the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied * or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior * written permission of Broadcom Corporation. * * $Id: wlc_extlog_idstr.h 241182 2011-02-17 21:50:03Z $ */ #ifndef _WLC_EXTLOG_IDSTR_H_ #define _WLC_EXTLOG_IDSTR_H_ #include "wlioctl.h" /* Strings corresponding to the IDs defined in wlioctl.h * This file is only included by the apps and not included by the external driver * Formats of pre-existing ids should NOT be changed */ log_idstr_t extlog_fmt_str[ ] = { {FMTSTR_DRIVER_UP_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Driver is Up\n"}, {FMTSTR_DRIVER_DOWN_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Driver is Down\n"}, {FMTSTR_SUSPEND_MAC_FAIL_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "wlc_suspend_mac_and_wait() failed with psmdebug 0x%08x\n"}, {FMTSTR_NO_PROGRESS_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "No Progress on TX for %d seconds\n"}, {FMTSTR_RFDISABLE_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "Detected a change in RF Disable Input 0x%x\n"}, {FMTSTR_REG_PRINT_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR_INT, "Register %s = 0x%x\n"}, {FMTSTR_EXPTIME_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Strong RF interference detected\n"}, {FMTSTR_JOIN_START_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR, "Searching for networks with ssid %s\n"}, {FMTSTR_JOIN_COMPLETE_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR, "Successfully joined network with BSSID %s\n"}, {FMTSTR_NO_NETWORKS_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "No networks found. Please check if the network exists and is in range\n"}, {FMTSTR_SECURITY_MISMATCH_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "AP rejected due to security mismatch. Change the security settings and try again...\n"}, {FMTSTR_RATE_MISMATCH_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "AP rejected due to rate mismatch\n"}, {FMTSTR_AP_PRUNED_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "AP rejected due to reason %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_KEY_INSERTED_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "Inserting keys for algorithm %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_DEAUTH_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR_INT, "Received Deauth from %s with Reason %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_DISASSOC_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR_INT, "Received Disassoc from %s with Reason %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_LINK_UP_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Link Up\n"}, {FMTSTR_LINK_DOWN_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Link Down\n"}, {FMTSTR_RADIO_HW_OFF_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Radio button is turned OFF. Please turn it on...\n"}, {FMTSTR_RADIO_HW_ON_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Hardware Radio button is turned ON\n"}, {FMTSTR_EVENT_DESC_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT_STR, "Generated event id %d: (result status) is (%s)\n"}, {FMTSTR_PNP_SET_POWER_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "Device going into power state %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_RADIO_SW_OFF_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Software Radio is disabled. Please enable it through the UI...\n"}, {FMTSTR_RADIO_SW_ON_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Software Radio is enabled\n"}, {FMTSTR_PWD_MISMATCH_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Potential passphrase mismatch. Please try a different one...\n"}, {FMTSTR_FATAL_ERROR_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_INT, "Fatal Error: intstatus 0x%x\n"}, {FMTSTR_AUTH_FAIL_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR_INT, "Authentication to %s Failed with status %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_ASSOC_FAIL_ID, 0, LOG_ARGTYPE_STR_INT, "Association to %s Failed with status %d\n"}, {FMTSTR_IBSS_FAIL_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Unable to start IBSS since PeerNet is already active\n"}, {FMTSTR_EXTAP_FAIL_ID, FMTSTRF_USER, LOG_ARGTYPE_NULL, "Unable to start Ext-AP since PeerNet is already active\n"}, {FMTSTR_MAX_ID, 0, 0, "\0"} }; #endif /* _WLC_EXTLOG_IDSTR_H_ */