#Android makefile to build kernel as a part of Android Build ifeq ($(TARGET_USE_ST_ERICSSON_KERNEL),true) # Give other modules a nice, symbolic name to use as a dependent # Yes, there are modules that cannot build unless the kernel has # been built. Typical (only?) example: loadable kernel modules. .phony: build-kernel clean-kernel PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS := -C kernel ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$(CROSS_COMPILE) LOCALVERSION=+ PRIVATE_OUT := $(abspath $(PRODUCT_OUT)/system) PATH := $(PATH):$(BOOT_PATH)/u-boot/tools:$(abspath $(UBOOT_OUTPUT)/tools) export PATH # For compat-wireless gits to compile with kernel export STERICSSON_WLAN_BUILT_IN=y # only do this if we are buidling out of tree ifneq ($(KERNEL_OUTPUT),) ifneq ($(KERNEL_OUTPUT), $(abspath $(TOP)/kernel)) PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS += O=$(KERNEL_OUTPUT) endif else KERNEL_OUTPUT := $(call my-dir) endif # Include kernel in the Android build system include $(CLEAR_VARS) KERNEL_LIBPATH := $(KERNEL_OUTPUT)/arch/arm/boot LOCAL_PATH := $(KERNEL_LIBPATH) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := uImage LOCAL_MODULE := $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLES LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(PRODUCT_OUT) $(KERNEL_LIBPATH)/$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES): build-kernel include $(BUILD_PREBUILT) include $(CLEAR_VARS) KERNEL_LIBPATH := $(KERNEL_OUTPUT) LOCAL_PATH := $(KERNEL_LIBPATH) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := vmlinux LOCAL_MODULE := $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLES LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(PRODUCT_OUT) $(KERNEL_LIBPATH)/$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES): build-kernel include $(BUILD_PREBUILT) include $(CLEAR_VARS) KERNEL_LIBPATH := $(KERNEL_OUTPUT)/arch/arm/boot LOCAL_PATH := $(KERNEL_LIBPATH) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := zImage LOCAL_MODULE := $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLES LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(PRODUCT_OUT) $(KERNEL_LIBPATH)/$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES): build-kernel include $(BUILD_PREBUILT) # Configures, builds and installs the kernel. KERNEL_DEFCONFIG usually # comes from the BoardConfig.mk file, but can be overridden on the # command line or by an environment variable. # If KERNEL_DEFCONFIG is set to 'local', configuration is skipped. # This is useful if you want to play with your own, custom configuration. ifeq ($(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE),) build-kernel: $(UBOOT_OUTPUT)/tools/mkimage else build-kernel: endif # only do this if we are buidling out of tree ifneq ($(KERNEL_OUTPUT),) ifneq ($(KERNEL_OUTPUT), $(abspath $(TOP)/kernel)) @mkdir -p $(KERNEL_OUTPUT) endif endif ifeq ($(KERNEL_DEFCONFIG),local) @echo Skipping kernel configuration, KERNEL_DEFCONFIG set to local else $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) $(KERNEL_DEFCONFIG) endif # Enable openMAC from here, since the defconfig is now set for UMAC ifeq ($(WLAN_ENABLE_OPEN_MAC_SOLUTION),true) ifeq ($(shell [ -f kernel/net/compat-wireless-openmac/Makefile ] && echo "OK"), OK) kernel/scripts/config --file $(KERNEL_OUTPUT)/.config \ --enable CONFIG_MAC80211 \ --module CONFIG_CW1200 \ --enable CONFIG_CW1200_WAPI_SUPPORT \ --enable CONFIG_CW1200_USE_STE_EXTENSIONS \ --enable CONFIG_CW1200_NON_POWER_OF_TWO_BLOCKSIZES \ --enable CONFIG_CW1200_USE_GPIO_IRQ \ --disable CONFIG_CW1200_5GHZ_SUPPORT \ --enable CONFIG_CW1200_STA_DEBUG \ --enable CONFIG_CW1200_DEBUGFS \ --disable CONFIG_CW1200_BH_DEBUG \ --disable CONFIG_CW1200_WSM_DEBUG \ --disable CONFIG_CW1200_WSM_DUMPS \ --disable CONFIG_CW1200_TXRX_DEBUG \ --disable CONFIG_CW1200_TX_POLICY_DEBUG endif endif ifeq ($(AVI_DAUGHTERBOARD_PRESENT),true) kernel/scripts/config --file $(KERNEL_OUTPUT)/.config \ --module USB_ISP1763_HAL \ --module USB_ISP1763_HCD endif $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) uImage ifeq ($(KERNEL_NO_MODULES),) $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) modules $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) INSTALL_MOD_PATH:=$(PRIVATE_OUT) modules_install else @echo Skipping building of kernel modules, KERNEL_NO_MODULES set endif # Configures and runs menuconfig on the kernel based on # KERNEL_DEFCONFIG given on commandline or in BoardConfig.mk. # The build after running menuconfig must be run with # KERNEL_DEFCONFIG=local to not override the configuration modification done. menuconfig-kernel: # only do this if we are buidling out of tree ifneq ($(KERNEL_OUTPUT),) ifneq ($(KERNEL_OUTPUT), $(abspath $(TOP)/kernel)) @mkdir -p $(KERNEL_OUTPUT) endif endif $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) $(KERNEL_DEFCONFIG) $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) menuconfig clean clobber : clean-kernel clean-kernel: $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_KERNEL_ARGS) clean endif