path: root/source/config/a2_commands_marshal_cpp.xsl
diff options
authorViktor Mladenovski <>2011-05-20 14:10:59 +0200
committerViktor Mladenovski <>2011-05-20 14:10:59 +0200
commitf7e95217e936da34d7124aaced590692eb515923 (patch)
tree2d9ef4750a67d9d1dd3fe9180a4fef2929fad54b /source/config/a2_commands_marshal_cpp.xsl
Initial contribution of loader_communication
ST-Ericsson ID: 326913 ST-Ericsson FOSS-OUT ID: STETL-FOSS-OUT-10204 Change-Id: I171cfc2ee458a8a0a91a1916137d131f0f7ecee5
Diffstat (limited to 'source/config/a2_commands_marshal_cpp.xsl')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/config/a2_commands_marshal_cpp.xsl b/source/config/a2_commands_marshal_cpp.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a30be7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/config/a2_commands_marshal_cpp.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<import href="a2_common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target"/>
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="marshal">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="unmarshal">
+ /*
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template name="unmarshal">
+ <param name="name"/>
+ <param name="direction"/>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="name($direction)='output'">
+ /* Command <value-of select="../@name"/> / <value-of select="@name"/> (<value-of select="../@number"/> / <value-of select="@number"/>) */
+ case A2_COMMAND(FALSE, <call-template name="groupid"><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>, <call-template name="commandid"/>):
+ {
+<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="deserialize_size" /><if test="count(input/value) > 0"> if (0 != PayloadSize)
+ {
+<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="deserialize" /> }
+</if> ReturnValue = <value-of select="$name" />(Session<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="call" />);<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="clean"/>
+ }
+ break;
+ </when>
+ <when test="name($direction)='input'">
+ /* Response to <value-of select="../@name"/> / <value-of select="@name"/> (<value-of select="../@number"/> / <value-of select="@number"/>) */
+ case A2_COMMAND(TRUE, <call-template name="groupid"><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>, <call-template name="commandid"/>):
+ {
+<if test="../@number != 16"> ResponseStatus = (ErrorCode_e)Serialization::get_uint16_le(&amp;Data_p);
+ PayloadSize -= 2;</if><text>
+<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="deserialize_size" />
+<if test="count(output/value) > 0"><if test="../@number != 16"> if (E_SUCCESS == ResponseStatus)</if>
+ {
+<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="deserialize" /> }</if>
+ ReturnValue = <value-of select="$name" />(Session<if test="../@number != 16">, ResponseStatus</if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="call"><with-param name="continue" select="'true'" /></apply-templates>);<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="clean"/>
+ }
+ break;
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright ST-Ericsson 2010$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include "Serialization.h"
+#include "a2_commands_impl.h"
+#include "t_a2_protocol.h"
+//#include "a2_custom_commands.h" //when customer commands will be implemented
+#include "LCDriverMethods.h"
+#define A2_COMMAND(response, group, id) ((((int)(response)) &lt;&lt; 30) | (((int)(group)) &lt;&lt; 16) | ((int)(id)))
+#define A2_COMMANDDATA(TypeP,ApplicationP,CommandP,SessionP,SizeP) \
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(A2_CommandData_t)); \
+ CmdData.Type = TypeP; \
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = ApplicationP; \
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CommandP; \
+ CmdData.SessionNr = SessionP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = SizeP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL; \
+ if(SizeP != 0)\
+ { \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8*)malloc(sizeof(ErrorCode_e) + SizeP); \
+ if(NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p) \
+ { \
+ }\
+ }
+#define A2_COMMANDDATAOUT(TypeP,ApplicationP,CommandP,SessionP,SizeP,TargetCPU) \
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(A2_CommandData_t)); \
+ CmdData.Type = TypeP; \
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = ApplicationP; \
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CommandP; \
+ CmdData.SessionNr = SessionP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = SizeP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL; \
+ CmdData.DestAddress = TargetCPU; \
+ if(SizeP != 0) \
+ { \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8*)malloc(SizeP); \
+ if(NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p) \
+ { \
+ } \
+ }
+ErrorCode_e A2LoaderRpcInterfaceImpl::Do_CEH_Callback(CommandData_t* pCmdData)
+ A2_CommandData_t* CmdData_p = (A2_CommandData_t*)pCmdData;
+ ErrorCode_e ReturnValue = E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR;
+ ErrorCode_e ResponseStatus = E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR;
+ boolean response = FALSE;
+ const void *Data_p = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Data_p;
+ uint32 PayloadSize = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size;
+ uint16 Session = CmdData_p-&gt;SessionNr;
+ if (A2_GENERAL_RESPONSE == CmdData_p-&gt;Type)
+ {
+ // skip fields already handled by LCM: command group, 0xFF, more packets and original command
+ Data_p = ((uint8*)Data_p) + 4;
+ PayloadSize -= 4;
+ response = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (A2_COMMAND == CmdData_p-&gt;Type)
+ {
+ // skip fields already handled by LCM: command group, command and more packets fields
+ Data_p = ((uint8*)Data_p) + 3;
+ PayloadSize -= 3;
+ response = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (A2_CONTROL_MESSAGE == CmdData_p-&gt;Type)
+ {
+ // skip control message ID
+ Data_p = ((uint8*)Data_p) + 1;
+ PayloadSize -= 1;
+ response = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (A2_SPEEDFLASH_GR == CmdData_p->Type)
+ {
+ uint16 Status = Serialization::get_uint16_le(&amp;Data_p);
+ lcdMethods_-&gt;AddEvent(new Event(EVENT_SPEEDFLASH, Status));
+ return E_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ switch(A2_COMMAND(response, CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr, CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr))
+ {
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="unmarshal"/>
+ default:
+ {
+ return E_COMMAND_NO_ERROR; // Do_CustomCEH_Call(CmdData_p); // when customer commands will be implemented
+ }
+ }
+ if (response)
+ {
+ lcdMethods_-&gt;AddEvent(new Event(EVENT_GR_RECEIVED, ResponseStatus, CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr, CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lcdMethods_-&gt;AddEvent(new Event(EVENT_CMD_RECEIVED, 0, CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr, CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr));
+ }
+ return ReturnValue;
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="marshal"/>
+<template match="group/command" mode="marshal">
+<if test="contains(@source, &apos;PC&apos;)">
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="concat('A2LoaderRpcInterface::DoRPC_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />(uint16 SessionOut<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare" />)
+ ErrorCode_e Answer;
+ A2_CommandData_t CmdData;
+ void *Data_p;
+ uint32 PLSize = 3;
+<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize_size"/>
+ A2_COMMANDDATAOUT(A2_COMMAND, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>, <call-template name="commandid"/>, SessionOut, PLSize, targetCpu_);
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+ // set command group and command
+ Serialization::put_uint8(&amp;Data_p, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>);
+ Serialization::put_uint8(&amp;Data_p, <call-template name="commandid"/>);
+ // set more packets
+ Serialization::put_uint8(&amp;Data_p, morePackets_);
+<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize"/>
+ Answer = lcmInterface_->A2CommandSend(&amp;CmdData);
+ if(NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ return Answer;
+<if test="contains(@source, &apos;ME&apos;)">
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="concat('A2LoaderRpcInterface::DoneRPC_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />(uint16 Session<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="declare"><with-param name="continue" select="'true'" /></apply-templates>)
+ ErrorCode_e Answer;
+ A2_CommandData_t CmdData;
+ void *Data_p;
+ uint32 PLSize = 0;
+<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize_size_declaration" />
+<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize_size"/>
+ A2_COMMANDDATA(A2_GENERAL_RESPONSE, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>, <call-template name="commandid"/>, Session, PLSize);
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+<apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize"/>
+ Answer = lcmInterface_->A2CommandSend(&amp;CmdData);
+ if(NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ return Answer;
+<template match="group/command" mode="unmarshal">
+ <if test="contains(@source, &apos;PC&apos;)">
+ <call-template name="unmarshal">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('DoneRPC_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, &apos;ME&apos;)">
+ <call-template name="unmarshal">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('DoRPC_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>