/* * LibusbDevice.cpp * * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011 * Authors: Srimanta Panda , * Ola Borgelin , * Karin Hedlund , * Markus Andersson for ST-Ericsson. * License terms: 3-clause BSD license * */ #include "LibusbDevice.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "CommException.h" #include using namespace std; #define MIN(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B)) LibusbDevice::LibusbDevice(libusb_device* device): device_(device) { int status = libusb_open(device_, &handle_); if (status != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { throw CommException("failed to open usb device", COMM_DEVICE_LIBUSB_FAILED_TO_OPEN_PORT); } status = libusb_claim_interface(handle_, 0); if (status != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { libusb_close(handle_); throw CommException("failed to claim device interface", COMM_DEVICE_LIBUSB_FAILED_TO_CLAIM_INTERFACE); } libusb_config_descriptor* config; libusb_get_active_config_descriptor(device, &config); Debug::info("LibusbDevice: found %d endpoints", config->interface->altsetting->bNumEndpoints); for (int i = 0; i != config->interface->altsetting->bNumEndpoints; ++i) { if (config->interface->altsetting->endpoint[i].bEndpointAddress & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN) { inEndpoint_ = config->interface->altsetting->endpoint[i].bEndpointAddress; Debug::info("LibusbDevice: in endpoint set to 0x%02x", inEndpoint_); } else { outEndpoint_ = config->interface->altsetting->endpoint[i].bEndpointAddress; Debug::info("LibusbDevice: out endpoint set to 0x%02x", outEndpoint_); } } libusb_free_config_descriptor(config); libusb_get_device_descriptor(device, &descriptor_); readBufferLength_ = 0; readBufferHead_ = readBuffer_; } LibusbDevice::~LibusbDevice() { libusb_release_interface(handle_, 0); libusb_close(handle_); } int LibusbDevice::read(void *buffer, size_t size) { Debug::info("LibusbDevice read: called with size %d", size); unsigned char* dest = static_cast(buffer); while (true) { if (readBufferLength_) { size_t toCopy = MIN(readBufferLength_, size); memcpy(dest, readBufferHead_, toCopy); dest += toCopy; size -= toCopy; readBufferLength_ -= toCopy; if (readBufferLength_ != 0) { readBufferHead_ += toCopy; } else { readBufferHead_ = readBuffer_; } } if (size == 0) { break; } int transfered; int error = libusb_bulk_transfer(handle_, inEndpoint_, readBuffer_, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &transfered, 100000); if (isReadCanceled_) { Debug::info("LibusbDevice read: canceled..."); Debug::hexdump("read canceled", dest, transfered); isReadCanceled_ = false; return COMM_DEVICE_CANCEL; } if (error) { if (error == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { continue; } else { Debug::info("LibusbDevice read: error %d occured", error); return error; } } readBufferLength_ = transfered; } Debug::info("LibusbDevice read: complete"); return 0; } int LibusbDevice::write(void *buffer, size_t size) { Debug::info("LibusbDevice write: called with size %d", size); unsigned char* src = static_cast(buffer); while (size) { int transfered; //Call with timeout to enable possible cancel int error = libusb_bulk_transfer(handle_, outEndpoint_, src, size, &transfered, 0); if (error) { if (error == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { continue; } else { return error; } } size -= transfered; src += transfered; } Debug::info("LibusbDevice write: complete"); return 0; } int LibusbDevice::getVendorId() { return descriptor_.idVendor; } libusb_device* LibusbDevice::getPort() { return device_; }