#Android makefile to build u-boot as a part of Android Build ifeq ($(ENABLE_CR264527),true) # Give other modules a nice, symbolic name to use as a dependent # Yes, there are modules that cannot build unless uboot has # been built. Typical (only?) example: linux kernel (needs mkimage program) .phony: build-uboot clean-uboot PRIVATE_UBOOT_ARGS := -C $(BOOT_PATH)/u-boot ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$(CROSS_COMPILE) PRIVATE_OUT := $(abspath $(PRODUCT_OUT)/root) # Links the uboot build into the Android build ALL_PREBUILT += build-uboot # Configures, builds and installs uboot. UBOOT_DEFCONFIG usually # comes from the BoardConfig.mk file, but can be overridden on the # command line or by an environment variable. # If UBOOT_DEFCONFIG is set to 'local', configuration is skipped. # This is useful if you want to play with your own, custom configuration. build-uboot: ifeq ($(UBOOT_DEFCONFIG),local) @echo Skipping uboot configuration, UBOOT_DEFCONFIG set to local else $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_UBOOT_ARGS) $(UBOOT_DEFCONFIG) endif $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_UBOOT_ARGS) # An Android clean removes the files built for the current HW configuration, # such as u8500, # while a clobber removes all built files (rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)). # Uboot only has one build tree, so clean and clobber will be # the same. clean clobber : clean-uboot clean-uboot: $(MAKE) $(PRIVATE_UBOOT_ARGS) clean installclean: installclean-uboot installclean-uboot: rm -f u-boot.bin u-boot.map u-boot.srec endif