Workload descriptor format ========================== ctx.engine.duration_us.dependency.wait,... ..[-]..<0|1>,... d|p|s.,... For duration a range can be given from which a random value will be picked before every submit. Since this and seqno management requires CPU access to objects, care needs to be taken in order to ensure the submit queue is deep enough these operations do not affect the execution speed unless that is desired. Additional workload steps are also supported: 'd' - Adds a delay (in microseconds). 'p' - Adds a delay relative to the start of previous loop so that the each loop starts execution with a given period. 's' - Synchronises the pipeline to a batch relative to the step. 't' - Throttle every n batches 'q' - Throttle to n max queue depth Engine ids: RCS, BCS, VCS, VCS1, VCS2, VECS Example (leading spaces must not be present in the actual file): ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.VCS1.3000.0.1 1.RCS.500-1000.-1.0 1.RCS.3700.0.0 1.RCS.1000.-2.0 1.VCS2.2300.-2.0 1.RCS.4700.-1.0 1.VCS2.600.-1.1 p.16000 The above workload described in human language works like this: 1. A batch is sent to the VCS1 engine which will be executing for 3ms on the GPU and userspace will wait until it is finished before proceeding. 2-4. Now three batches are sent to RCS with durations of 0.5-1.5ms (random duration range), 3.7ms and 1ms respectively. The first batch has a data dependency on the preceding VCS1 batch, and the last of the group depends on the first from the group. 5. Now a 2.3ms batch is sent to VCS2, with a data dependency on the 3.7ms RCS batch. 6. This is followed by a 4.7ms RCS batch with a data dependency on the 2.3ms VCS2 batch. 7. Then a 0.6ms VCS2 batch is sent depending on the previous RCS one. In the same step the tool is told to wait for the batch completes before proceeding. 8. Finally the tool is told to wait long enough to ensure the next iteration starts 16ms after the previous one has started. When workload descriptors are provided on the command line, commas must be used instead of new lines.