// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* * Copyright © 2021 Intel Corporation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "igt.h" #include "intel_allocator_msgchannel.h" extern __thread pid_t child_tid; /* ----- SYSVIPC MSGQUEUE ----- */ #define FTOK_IGT_ALLOCATOR_KEY "/tmp/igt.allocator.key" #define FTOK_IGT_ALLOCATOR_PROJID 2020 #define MAXQLEN 4096 #define ALLOCATOR_REQUEST 1 struct msgqueue_data { key_t key; int queue; }; struct msgqueue_buf { long mtype; union { struct alloc_req request; struct alloc_resp response; } data; }; static void msgqueue_init(struct msg_channel *channel) { struct msgqueue_data *msgdata; struct msqid_ds qstat; key_t key; int fd, queue; igt_debug("Init msgqueue\n"); /* Create ftok key only if not exists */ fd = open(FTOK_IGT_ALLOCATOR_KEY, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0600); igt_assert(fd >= 0 || errno == EEXIST); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); key = ftok(FTOK_IGT_ALLOCATOR_KEY, FTOK_IGT_ALLOCATOR_PROJID); igt_assert(key != -1); igt_debug("Queue key: %x\n", (int) key); queue = msgget(key, 0); if (queue != -1) { igt_assert(msgctl(queue, IPC_STAT, &qstat) == 0); igt_debug("old messages: %lu\n", qstat.msg_qnum); igt_assert(msgctl(queue, IPC_RMID, NULL) == 0); } queue = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT); igt_debug("msg queue: %d\n", queue); igt_assert(msgctl(queue, IPC_STAT, &qstat) == 0); igt_debug("msg size in bytes: %lu\n", qstat.msg_qbytes); qstat.msg_qbytes = MAXQLEN * sizeof(struct msgqueue_buf); igt_debug("resizing queue to support %d requests\n", MAXQLEN); igt_assert_f(msgctl(queue, IPC_SET, &qstat) == 0, "Couldn't change queue size to %lu\n", qstat.msg_qbytes); msgdata = calloc(1, sizeof(*msgdata)); igt_assert(msgdata); msgdata->key = key; msgdata->queue = queue; channel->priv = msgdata; } static void msgqueue_deinit(struct msg_channel *channel) { struct msgqueue_data *msgdata = channel->priv; igt_debug("Deinit msgqueue\n"); msgctl(msgdata->queue, IPC_RMID, NULL); free(channel->priv); } static int msgqueue_send_req(struct msg_channel *channel, struct alloc_req *request) { struct msgqueue_data *msgdata = channel->priv; struct msgqueue_buf buf = {0}; int ret; buf.mtype = ALLOCATOR_REQUEST; buf.data.request.request_type = 1; memcpy(&buf.data.request, request, sizeof(*request)); retry: ret = msgsnd(msgdata->queue, &buf, sizeof(buf) - sizeof(long), 0); if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) goto retry; if (ret == -1) igt_warn("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ret; } static int msgqueue_recv_req(struct msg_channel *channel, struct alloc_req *request) { struct msgqueue_data *msgdata = channel->priv; struct msgqueue_buf buf = {0}; int ret, size = sizeof(buf) - sizeof(long); retry: ret = msgrcv(msgdata->queue, &buf, size, ALLOCATOR_REQUEST, 0); if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) goto retry; if (ret == size) memcpy(request, &buf.data.request, sizeof(*request)); else if (ret == -1) igt_warn("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ret; } static int msgqueue_send_resp(struct msg_channel *channel, struct alloc_resp *response) { struct msgqueue_data *msgdata = channel->priv; struct msgqueue_buf buf = {0}; int ret; buf.mtype = response->tid; memcpy(&buf.data.response, response, sizeof(*response)); retry: ret = msgsnd(msgdata->queue, &buf, sizeof(buf) - sizeof(long), 0); if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) goto retry; if (ret == -1) igt_warn("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ret; } static int msgqueue_recv_resp(struct msg_channel *channel, struct alloc_resp *response) { struct msgqueue_data *msgdata = channel->priv; struct msgqueue_buf buf = {0}; int ret, size = sizeof(buf) - sizeof(long); retry: ret = msgrcv(msgdata->queue, &buf, sizeof(buf) - sizeof(long), response->tid, 0); if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) goto retry; if (ret == size) memcpy(response, &buf.data.response, sizeof(*response)); else if (ret == -1) igt_warn("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ret; } static struct msg_channel msgqueue_channel = { .priv = NULL, .init = msgqueue_init, .deinit = msgqueue_deinit, .send_req = msgqueue_send_req, .recv_req = msgqueue_recv_req, .send_resp = msgqueue_send_resp, .recv_resp = msgqueue_recv_resp, }; struct msg_channel *intel_allocator_get_msgchannel(enum msg_channel_type type) { struct msg_channel *channel = NULL; switch (type) { case CHANNEL_SYSVIPC_MSGQUEUE: channel = &msgqueue_channel; } igt_assert(channel); return channel; }