LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(LOCAL_PATH)/Makefile.sources #================# # each igt test is a separate executable. define a function to build one of these tests define add_test include $(CLEAR_VARS) # specific to this test LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $1.c LOCAL_MODULE := $1 # common to all tests LOCAL_CFLAGS += ${IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS} LOCAL_C_INCLUDES = ${IGT_LOCAL_C_INCLUDES} LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := ${IGT_LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES} LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := ${IGT_LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES} LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional # ask linker to define a specific symbol; we use this to identify IGT tests LOCAL_LDFLAGS := -Wl,--defsym=$2=0 LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT)/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/intel/validation/core/igt include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) endef # some tests still do not build under android skip_tests_list := skip_tests_list += testdisplay # needs glib.h skip_tests_list += pm_rpm # set local compilation flags for IGT tests IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_STRUCT_SYSINFO_TOTALRAM -DANDROID -UNDEBUG IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS += -include "check-ndebug.h" -std=gnu99 # FIXME: drop once Bionic correctly annotates "noreturn" on pthread_exit IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-error=return-type # Excessive complaining for established cases. Rely on the Linux version warnings. IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-sign-compare # set local includes IGT_LOCAL_C_INCLUDES = $(LOCAL_PATH)/../lib IGT_LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/external/PRIVATE/drm/include/drm # set local libraries IGT_LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libintel_gpu_tools IGT_LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libpciaccess libdrm libdrm_intel # handle cairo requirements if it is enabled ifeq ("${ANDROID_HAS_CAIRO}", "1") IGT_LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/external/cairo-1.12.16/src IGT_LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libcairo IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DANDROID_HAS_CAIRO=1 else # the following tests depend on cairo, so skip them skip_tests_list += \ kms_3d \ kms_plane \ kms_addfb \ kms_cursor_crc \ kms_flip \ kms_flip_tiling \ kms_pipe_crc_basic \ kms_psr_sink_crc \ kms_fbc_crc \ kms_setmode \ kms_sink_crc_basic \ gem_render_copy \ pm_lpsp \ kms_fence_pin_leak \ kms_mmio_vs_cs_flip \ kms_render \ kms_universal_plane \ kms_rotation_crc \ kms_force_connector \ kms_flip_event_leak \ kms_crtc_background_color \ kms_plane_scaling \ kms_panel_fitting \ kms_pwrite_crc \ kms_pipe_b_c_ivb \ kms_legacy_colorkey IGT_LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DANDROID_HAS_CAIRO=0 endif # create two test lists, one for simple single tests, one for tests that have subtests tests_list := $(filter-out $(skip_tests_list),$(TESTS_progs) $(HANG) $(TESTS_testsuite)) tests_list_M := $(filter-out $(skip_tests_list),$(TESTS_progs_M)) $(foreach item,$(tests_list),$(eval $(call add_test,$(item),"IGT_SINGLE_TEST"))) $(foreach item,$(tests_list_M),$(eval $(call add_test,$(item),"IGT_MULTI_TEST")))