This directory contains test lists that are used by Intel's CI. The files are passed to piglit with the --test-list parameter directly. The test lists are contained in the IGT repository for several reasons: - The lists stay synchronized with the IGT codebase. - Public availability. Kernel developers can see what tests are run, and can see what changes are done to the set, when, and why. - Explicit test lists in general make it possible to implement a new test without having it run in CI (accidentally or on purpose) before CI is ready for it, and for CI to stop running a test without removing the test or changing its name. The previous method of test selection was based on name patterns. Changing the test lists should only happen with approval from the CI people. If you make a new test that should be tested by CI regularly, ask a maintainer (see MAINTAINERS). ====================== fast-feedback.testlist ====================== Fast-feedback is the testlist that is run for Patchwork and Trybot testing. It is also run on various drm-intel-* branches. The results of CI runs on drm-tip can be found in Time limit: Full run must complete in 15 minutes on all tested platforms. Feature coverage: Should test all working features, with at least 1 test per feature. The string "basic" in a test name means the test probably belongs in this list. ============= meta.testlist ============= Meta-testlist contains tests that are hardcoded to generate various different test results. It is used to test CI systems for proper result reporting, notification systems, etc.