// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only /* * MCP2221A - Microchip USB to I2C Host Protocol Bridge * * Copyright (c) 2020, Rishi Gupta <gupt21@gmail.com> * * Datasheet: https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/20005565B.pdf */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/err.h> #include <linux/mutex.h> #include <linux/completion.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/hid.h> #include <linux/hidraw.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/gpio/driver.h> #include "hid-ids.h" /* Commands codes in a raw output report */ enum { MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA = 0x90, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP = 0x94, MCP2221_I2C_RD_DATA = 0x91, MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START = 0x93, MCP2221_I2C_GET_DATA = 0x40, MCP2221_I2C_PARAM_OR_STATUS = 0x10, MCP2221_I2C_SET_SPEED = 0x20, MCP2221_I2C_CANCEL = 0x10, MCP2221_GPIO_SET = 0x50, MCP2221_GPIO_GET = 0x51, }; /* Response codes in a raw input report */ enum { MCP2221_SUCCESS = 0x00, MCP2221_I2C_ENG_BUSY = 0x01, MCP2221_I2C_START_TOUT = 0x12, MCP2221_I2C_STOP_TOUT = 0x62, MCP2221_I2C_WRADDRL_TOUT = 0x23, MCP2221_I2C_WRDATA_TOUT = 0x44, MCP2221_I2C_WRADDRL_NACK = 0x25, MCP2221_I2C_MASK_ADDR_NACK = 0x40, MCP2221_I2C_WRADDRL_SEND = 0x21, MCP2221_I2C_ADDR_NACK = 0x25, MCP2221_I2C_READ_COMPL = 0x55, MCP2221_ALT_F_NOT_GPIOV = 0xEE, MCP2221_ALT_F_NOT_GPIOD = 0xEF, }; /* * There is no way to distinguish responses. Therefore next command * is sent only after response to previous has been received. Mutex * lock is used for this purpose mainly. */ struct mcp2221 { struct hid_device *hdev; struct i2c_adapter adapter; struct mutex lock; struct completion wait_in_report; u8 *rxbuf; u8 txbuf[64]; int rxbuf_idx; int status; u8 cur_i2c_clk_div; struct gpio_chip *gc; u8 gp_idx; u8 gpio_dir; }; /* * Default i2c bus clock frequency 400 kHz. Modify this if you * want to set some other frequency (min 50 kHz - max 400 kHz). */ static uint i2c_clk_freq = 400; /* Synchronously send output report to the device */ static int mcp_send_report(struct mcp2221 *mcp, u8 *out_report, size_t len) { u8 *buf; int ret; buf = kmemdup(out_report, len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; /* mcp2221 uses interrupt endpoint for out reports */ ret = hid_hw_output_report(mcp->hdev, buf, len); kfree(buf); if (ret < 0) return ret; return 0; } /* * Send o/p report to the device and wait for i/p report to be * received from the device. If the device does not respond, * we timeout. */ static int mcp_send_data_req_status(struct mcp2221 *mcp, u8 *out_report, int len) { int ret; unsigned long t; reinit_completion(&mcp->wait_in_report); ret = mcp_send_report(mcp, out_report, len); if (ret) return ret; t = wait_for_completion_timeout(&mcp->wait_in_report, msecs_to_jiffies(4000)); if (!t) return -ETIMEDOUT; return mcp->status; } /* Check pass/fail for actual communication with i2c slave */ static int mcp_chk_last_cmd_status(struct mcp2221 *mcp) { memset(mcp->txbuf, 0, 8); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_I2C_PARAM_OR_STATUS; return mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 8); } /* Cancels last command releasing i2c bus just in case occupied */ static int mcp_cancel_last_cmd(struct mcp2221 *mcp) { memset(mcp->txbuf, 0, 8); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_I2C_PARAM_OR_STATUS; mcp->txbuf[2] = MCP2221_I2C_CANCEL; return mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 8); } static int mcp_set_i2c_speed(struct mcp2221 *mcp) { int ret; memset(mcp->txbuf, 0, 8); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_I2C_PARAM_OR_STATUS; mcp->txbuf[3] = MCP2221_I2C_SET_SPEED; mcp->txbuf[4] = mcp->cur_i2c_clk_div; ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 8); if (ret) { /* Small delay is needed here */ usleep_range(980, 1000); mcp_cancel_last_cmd(mcp); } return 0; } /* * An output report can contain minimum 1 and maximum 60 user data * bytes. If the number of data bytes is more then 60, we send it * in chunks of 60 bytes. Last chunk may contain exactly 60 or less * bytes. Total number of bytes is informed in very first report to * mcp2221, from that point onwards it first collect all the data * from host and then send to i2c slave device. */ static int mcp_i2c_write(struct mcp2221 *mcp, struct i2c_msg *msg, int type, u8 last_status) { int ret, len, idx, sent; idx = 0; sent = 0; if (msg->len < 60) len = msg->len; else len = 60; do { mcp->txbuf[0] = type; mcp->txbuf[1] = msg->len & 0xff; mcp->txbuf[2] = msg->len >> 8; mcp->txbuf[3] = (u8)(msg->addr << 1); memcpy(&mcp->txbuf[4], &msg->buf[idx], len); ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, len + 4); if (ret) return ret; usleep_range(980, 1000); if (last_status) { ret = mcp_chk_last_cmd_status(mcp); if (ret) return ret; } sent = sent + len; if (sent >= msg->len) break; idx = idx + len; if ((msg->len - sent) < 60) len = msg->len - sent; else len = 60; /* * Testing shows delay is needed between successive writes * otherwise next write fails on first-try from i2c core. * This value is obtained through automated stress testing. */ usleep_range(980, 1000); } while (len > 0); return ret; } /* * Device reads all data (0 - 65535 bytes) from i2c slave device and * stores it in device itself. This data is read back from device to * host in multiples of 60 bytes using input reports. */ static int mcp_i2c_smbus_read(struct mcp2221 *mcp, struct i2c_msg *msg, int type, u16 smbus_addr, u8 smbus_len, u8 *smbus_buf) { int ret; u16 total_len; mcp->txbuf[0] = type; if (msg) { mcp->txbuf[1] = msg->len & 0xff; mcp->txbuf[2] = msg->len >> 8; mcp->txbuf[3] = (u8)(msg->addr << 1); total_len = msg->len; mcp->rxbuf = msg->buf; } else { mcp->txbuf[1] = smbus_len; mcp->txbuf[2] = 0; mcp->txbuf[3] = (u8)(smbus_addr << 1); total_len = smbus_len; mcp->rxbuf = smbus_buf; } ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 4); if (ret) return ret; mcp->rxbuf_idx = 0; do { memset(mcp->txbuf, 0, 4); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_I2C_GET_DATA; ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 1); if (ret) return ret; ret = mcp_chk_last_cmd_status(mcp); if (ret) return ret; usleep_range(980, 1000); } while (mcp->rxbuf_idx < total_len); return ret; } static int mcp_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, struct i2c_msg msgs[], int num) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp = i2c_get_adapdata(adapter); hid_hw_power(mcp->hdev, PM_HINT_FULLON); mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); /* Setting speed before every transaction is required for mcp2221 */ ret = mcp_set_i2c_speed(mcp); if (ret) goto exit; if (num == 1) { if (msgs->flags & I2C_M_RD) { ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, msgs, MCP2221_I2C_RD_DATA, 0, 0, NULL); } else { ret = mcp_i2c_write(mcp, msgs, MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); } if (ret) goto exit; ret = num; } else if (num == 2) { /* Ex transaction; send reg address and read its contents */ if (msgs[0].addr == msgs[1].addr && !(msgs[0].flags & I2C_M_RD) && (msgs[1].flags & I2C_M_RD)) { ret = mcp_i2c_write(mcp, &msgs[0], MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 0); if (ret) goto exit; ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, &msgs[1], MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START, 0, 0, NULL); if (ret) goto exit; ret = num; } else { dev_err(&adapter->dev, "unsupported multi-msg i2c transaction\n"); ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; } } else { dev_err(&adapter->dev, "unsupported multi-msg i2c transaction\n"); ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; } exit: hid_hw_power(mcp->hdev, PM_HINT_NORMAL); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); return ret; } static int mcp_smbus_write(struct mcp2221 *mcp, u16 addr, u8 command, u8 *buf, u8 len, int type, u8 last_status) { int data_len, ret; mcp->txbuf[0] = type; mcp->txbuf[1] = len + 1; /* 1 is due to command byte itself */ mcp->txbuf[2] = 0; mcp->txbuf[3] = (u8)(addr << 1); mcp->txbuf[4] = command; switch (len) { case 0: data_len = 5; break; case 1: mcp->txbuf[5] = buf[0]; data_len = 6; break; case 2: mcp->txbuf[5] = buf[0]; mcp->txbuf[6] = buf[1]; data_len = 7; break; default: memcpy(&mcp->txbuf[5], buf, len); data_len = len + 5; } ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, data_len); if (ret) return ret; if (last_status) { usleep_range(980, 1000); ret = mcp_chk_last_cmd_status(mcp); if (ret) return ret; } return ret; } static int mcp_smbus_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, u16 addr, unsigned short flags, char read_write, u8 command, int size, union i2c_smbus_data *data) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp = i2c_get_adapdata(adapter); hid_hw_power(mcp->hdev, PM_HINT_FULLON); mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); ret = mcp_set_i2c_speed(mcp); if (ret) goto exit; switch (size) { case I2C_SMBUS_QUICK: if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ) ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, NULL, MCP2221_I2C_RD_DATA, addr, 0, &data->byte); else ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, NULL, 0, MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); break; case I2C_SMBUS_BYTE: if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ) ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, NULL, MCP2221_I2C_RD_DATA, addr, 1, &data->byte); else ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, NULL, 0, MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); break; case I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA: if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ) { ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, NULL, 0, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 0); if (ret) goto exit; ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, NULL, MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START, addr, 1, &data->byte); } else { ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, &data->byte, 1, MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); } break; case I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA: if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ) { ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, NULL, 0, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 0); if (ret) goto exit; ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, NULL, MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START, addr, 2, (u8 *)&data->word); } else { ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, (u8 *)&data->word, 2, MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); } break; case I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA: if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ) { ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, NULL, 0, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 1); if (ret) goto exit; mcp->rxbuf_idx = 0; mcp->rxbuf = data->block; mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_I2C_GET_DATA; ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 1); if (ret) goto exit; } else { if (!data->block[0]) { ret = -EINVAL; goto exit; } ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, data->block, data->block[0] + 1, MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); } break; case I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA: if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ) { ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, NULL, 0, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 1); if (ret) goto exit; mcp->rxbuf_idx = 0; mcp->rxbuf = data->block; mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_I2C_GET_DATA; ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 1); if (ret) goto exit; } else { if (!data->block[0]) { ret = -EINVAL; goto exit; } ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, &data->block[1], data->block[0], MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA, 1); } break; case I2C_SMBUS_PROC_CALL: ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, (u8 *)&data->word, 2, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 0); if (ret) goto exit; ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, NULL, MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START, addr, 2, (u8 *)&data->word); break; case I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL: ret = mcp_smbus_write(mcp, addr, command, data->block, data->block[0] + 1, MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP, 0); if (ret) goto exit; ret = mcp_i2c_smbus_read(mcp, NULL, MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START, addr, I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX, data->block); break; default: dev_err(&mcp->adapter.dev, "unsupported smbus transaction size:%d\n", size); ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; } exit: hid_hw_power(mcp->hdev, PM_HINT_NORMAL); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); return ret; } static u32 mcp_i2c_func(struct i2c_adapter *adapter) { return I2C_FUNC_I2C | I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA | I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL | (I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_EMUL & ~I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PEC); } static const struct i2c_algorithm mcp_i2c_algo = { .master_xfer = mcp_i2c_xfer, .smbus_xfer = mcp_smbus_xfer, .functionality = mcp_i2c_func, }; static int mcp_gpio_get(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp = gpiochip_get_data(gc); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_GPIO_GET; mcp->gp_idx = (offset + 1) * 2; mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 1); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); return ret; } static void mcp_gpio_set(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset, int value) { struct mcp2221 *mcp = gpiochip_get_data(gc); memset(mcp->txbuf, 0, 18); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_GPIO_SET; mcp->gp_idx = ((offset + 1) * 4) - 1; mcp->txbuf[mcp->gp_idx - 1] = 1; mcp->txbuf[mcp->gp_idx] = !!value; mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 18); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); } static int mcp_gpio_dir_set(struct mcp2221 *mcp, unsigned int offset, u8 val) { memset(mcp->txbuf, 0, 18); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_GPIO_SET; mcp->gp_idx = (offset + 1) * 5; mcp->txbuf[mcp->gp_idx - 1] = 1; mcp->txbuf[mcp->gp_idx] = val; return mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 18); } static int mcp_gpio_direction_input(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp = gpiochip_get_data(gc); mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); ret = mcp_gpio_dir_set(mcp, offset, 0); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); return ret; } static int mcp_gpio_direction_output(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset, int value) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp = gpiochip_get_data(gc); mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); ret = mcp_gpio_dir_set(mcp, offset, 1); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); /* Can't configure as output, bailout early */ if (ret) return ret; mcp_gpio_set(gc, offset, value); return 0; } static int mcp_gpio_get_direction(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp = gpiochip_get_data(gc); mcp->txbuf[0] = MCP2221_GPIO_GET; mcp->gp_idx = (offset + 1) * 2; mutex_lock(&mcp->lock); ret = mcp_send_data_req_status(mcp, mcp->txbuf, 1); mutex_unlock(&mcp->lock); if (ret) return ret; if (mcp->gpio_dir) return GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_IN; return GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_OUT; } /* Gives current state of i2c engine inside mcp2221 */ static int mcp_get_i2c_eng_state(struct mcp2221 *mcp, u8 *data, u8 idx) { int ret; switch (data[idx]) { case MCP2221_I2C_WRADDRL_NACK: case MCP2221_I2C_WRADDRL_SEND: ret = -ENXIO; break; case MCP2221_I2C_START_TOUT: case MCP2221_I2C_STOP_TOUT: case MCP2221_I2C_WRADDRL_TOUT: case MCP2221_I2C_WRDATA_TOUT: ret = -ETIMEDOUT; break; case MCP2221_I2C_ENG_BUSY: ret = -EAGAIN; break; case MCP2221_SUCCESS: ret = 0x00; break; default: ret = -EIO; } return ret; } /* * MCP2221 uses interrupt endpoint for input reports. This function * is called by HID layer when it receives i/p report from mcp2221, * which is actually a response to the previously sent command. * * MCP2221A firmware specific return codes are parsed and 0 or * appropriate negative error code is returned. Delayed response * results in timeout error and stray reponses results in -EIO. */ static int mcp2221_raw_event(struct hid_device *hdev, struct hid_report *report, u8 *data, int size) { u8 *buf; struct mcp2221 *mcp = hid_get_drvdata(hdev); switch (data[0]) { case MCP2221_I2C_WR_DATA: case MCP2221_I2C_WR_NO_STOP: case MCP2221_I2C_RD_DATA: case MCP2221_I2C_RD_RPT_START: switch (data[1]) { case MCP2221_SUCCESS: mcp->status = 0; break; default: mcp->status = mcp_get_i2c_eng_state(mcp, data, 2); } complete(&mcp->wait_in_report); break; case MCP2221_I2C_PARAM_OR_STATUS: switch (data[1]) { case MCP2221_SUCCESS: if ((mcp->txbuf[3] == MCP2221_I2C_SET_SPEED) && (data[3] != MCP2221_I2C_SET_SPEED)) { mcp->status = -EAGAIN; break; } if (data[20] & MCP2221_I2C_MASK_ADDR_NACK) { mcp->status = -ENXIO; break; } mcp->status = mcp_get_i2c_eng_state(mcp, data, 8); break; default: mcp->status = -EIO; } complete(&mcp->wait_in_report); break; case MCP2221_I2C_GET_DATA: switch (data[1]) { case MCP2221_SUCCESS: if (data[2] == MCP2221_I2C_ADDR_NACK) { mcp->status = -ENXIO; break; } if (!mcp_get_i2c_eng_state(mcp, data, 2) && (data[3] == 0)) { mcp->status = 0; break; } if (data[3] == 127) { mcp->status = -EIO; break; } if (data[2] == MCP2221_I2C_READ_COMPL) { buf = mcp->rxbuf; memcpy(&buf[mcp->rxbuf_idx], &data[4], data[3]); mcp->rxbuf_idx = mcp->rxbuf_idx + data[3]; mcp->status = 0; break; } mcp->status = -EIO; break; default: mcp->status = -EIO; } complete(&mcp->wait_in_report); break; case MCP2221_GPIO_GET: switch (data[1]) { case MCP2221_SUCCESS: if ((data[mcp->gp_idx] == MCP2221_ALT_F_NOT_GPIOV) || (data[mcp->gp_idx + 1] == MCP2221_ALT_F_NOT_GPIOD)) { mcp->status = -ENOENT; } else { mcp->status = !!data[mcp->gp_idx]; mcp->gpio_dir = !!data[mcp->gp_idx + 1]; } break; default: mcp->status = -EAGAIN; } complete(&mcp->wait_in_report); break; case MCP2221_GPIO_SET: switch (data[1]) { case MCP2221_SUCCESS: if ((data[mcp->gp_idx] == MCP2221_ALT_F_NOT_GPIOV) || (data[mcp->gp_idx - 1] == MCP2221_ALT_F_NOT_GPIOV)) { mcp->status = -ENOENT; } else { mcp->status = 0; } break; default: mcp->status = -EAGAIN; } complete(&mcp->wait_in_report); break; default: mcp->status = -EIO; complete(&mcp->wait_in_report); } return 1; } static int mcp2221_probe(struct hid_device *hdev, const struct hid_device_id *id) { int ret; struct mcp2221 *mcp; mcp = devm_kzalloc(&hdev->dev, sizeof(*mcp), GFP_KERNEL); if (!mcp) return -ENOMEM; ret = hid_parse(hdev); if (ret) { hid_err(hdev, "can't parse reports\n"); return ret; } ret = hid_hw_start(hdev, HID_CONNECT_HIDRAW); if (ret) { hid_err(hdev, "can't start hardware\n"); return ret; } ret = hid_hw_open(hdev); if (ret) { hid_err(hdev, "can't open device\n"); goto err_hstop; } mutex_init(&mcp->lock); init_completion(&mcp->wait_in_report); hid_set_drvdata(hdev, mcp); mcp->hdev = hdev; /* Set I2C bus clock diviser */ if (i2c_clk_freq > 400) i2c_clk_freq = 400; if (i2c_clk_freq < 50) i2c_clk_freq = 50; mcp->cur_i2c_clk_div = (12000000 / (i2c_clk_freq * 1000)) - 3; mcp->adapter.owner = THIS_MODULE; mcp->adapter.class = I2C_CLASS_HWMON; mcp->adapter.algo = &mcp_i2c_algo; mcp->adapter.retries = 1; mcp->adapter.dev.parent = &hdev->dev; snprintf(mcp->adapter.name, sizeof(mcp->adapter.name), "MCP2221 usb-i2c bridge on hidraw%d", ((struct hidraw *)hdev->hidraw)->minor); ret = i2c_add_adapter(&mcp->adapter); if (ret) { hid_err(hdev, "can't add usb-i2c adapter: %d\n", ret); goto err_i2c; } i2c_set_adapdata(&mcp->adapter, mcp); /* Setup GPIO chip */ mcp->gc = devm_kzalloc(&hdev->dev, sizeof(*mcp->gc), GFP_KERNEL); if (!mcp->gc) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_gc; } mcp->gc->label = "mcp2221_gpio"; mcp->gc->direction_input = mcp_gpio_direction_input; mcp->gc->direction_output = mcp_gpio_direction_output; mcp->gc->get_direction = mcp_gpio_get_direction; mcp->gc->set = mcp_gpio_set; mcp->gc->get = mcp_gpio_get; mcp->gc->ngpio = 4; mcp->gc->base = -1; mcp->gc->can_sleep = 1; mcp->gc->parent = &hdev->dev; ret = devm_gpiochip_add_data(&hdev->dev, mcp->gc, mcp); if (ret) goto err_gc; return 0; err_gc: i2c_del_adapter(&mcp->adapter); err_i2c: hid_hw_close(mcp->hdev); err_hstop: hid_hw_stop(mcp->hdev); return ret; } static void mcp2221_remove(struct hid_device *hdev) { struct mcp2221 *mcp = hid_get_drvdata(hdev); i2c_del_adapter(&mcp->adapter); hid_hw_close(mcp->hdev); hid_hw_stop(mcp->hdev); } static const struct hid_device_id mcp2221_devices[] = { { HID_USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDOR_ID_MICROCHIP, USB_DEVICE_ID_MCP2221) }, { } }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(hid, mcp2221_devices); static struct hid_driver mcp2221_driver = { .name = "mcp2221", .id_table = mcp2221_devices, .probe = mcp2221_probe, .remove = mcp2221_remove, .raw_event = mcp2221_raw_event, }; /* Register with HID core */ module_hid_driver(mcp2221_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("Rishi Gupta <gupt21@gmail.com>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("MCP2221 Microchip HID USB to I2C master bridge"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2");