path: root/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config')
18 files changed, 4845 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_command_ids_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_command_ids_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c5a686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_command_ids_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet xmlns="" version="2.0">
+<import href="a2_common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text" indent="no"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _A2_COMMAND_IDS_H
+#define _A2_COMMAND_IDS_H
+#include "t_basicdefinitions.h"
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="id"/>} ENUM8(A2_GroupId_e);
+typedef enum {
+<apply-templates select="group/command" mode="id"/>} A2_CommandId_e;
+<apply-templates select="typedef" />
+#endif /* _A2_COMMAND_IDS_H */
+<template match="typedef">
+typedef struct <value-of select="interface/@name" />_s
+<apply-templates select="value" />}<value-of select="interface/@name" />_t;
+<template match="value">
+ <text> </text>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='string'">
+ char *<text> </text><value-of select="@name" />; /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">
+ <value-of select="@type" /><text> </text><value-of select="@name" />; /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'">
+ <value-of select="@type" /><text> </text><value-of select="@name" />; /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="group" mode="id">
+ <text> </text><call-template name="groupid" /> = <value-of select="@number" />, /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
+<template match="group[last()]" mode="id">
+ <text> </text><call-template name="groupid" /> = <value-of select="@number" /> /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
+<template match="command" mode="id">
+ <text> </text><call-template name="commandid" /> = <value-of select="@number" />, /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
+<template match="group[last()]/command[last()]" mode="id">
+ <text> </text><call-template name="commandid" /> = <value-of select="@number" /> /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_command_marshal.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_command_marshal.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50b0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_command_marshal.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<import href="a2_common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target"/>
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="marshal">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="unmarshal">
+ /*
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template name="unmarshal">
+<param name="name"/>
+<param name="direction"/>
+ <when test="@flag='true'">
+<when test="name($direction)='input'">
+ /* Command <value-of select="../@name"/> / <value-of select="@name"/> (<value-of select="../@number"/> / <value-of select="@number"/>) */
+ case A2_COMMAND(FALSE, <call-template name="groupid"><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>, <call-template name="commandid"/>):
+ {
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="deserialize_size" />
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="deserialize" />
+ Status = <value-of select="$name" />(Session<if test="count(input/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="call" />);
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="clean"/>
+ }
+ break;
+<when test="name($direction)='output'">
+ /* Response to <value-of select="../@name"/> / <value-of select="@name"/> (<value-of select="../@number"/> / <value-of select="@number"/>) */
+ case A2_COMMAND(TRUE, <call-template name="groupid"><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>, <call-template name="commandid"/>):
+ {
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="deserialize_size" />
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="deserialize" />
+ Status = <value-of select="$name" />(Session<if test="count(output/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="call"></apply-templates>);
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="clean"/>
+ }
+ break;
+ <when test="@flag='true'">#endif
+ </when>
+<template match="/commandspec">
+/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include "t_command_protocol.h"
+#include "r_debug.h"
+#include "r_communication_service.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "command_ids.h"
+#include "commands_impl.h"
+#include "a2_commands.h"
+#include "a2_command_ids.h"
+#include "a2_commands_impl.h"
+#include "custom_commands.h"
+#include "error_codes.h"
+#include "r_serialization.h"
+#include "r_a2_protocol.h"
+#include "r_command_protocol.h"
+#include "audit.h"
+#include "r_adbg_command.h"
+#define A2_COMMAND(response, group, id) ((((int)(response)) &lt;&lt; 30) | (((int)(group)) &lt;&lt; 16) | ((int)(id)))
+#define A2_COMMANDDATA(TypeP,ApplicationP,CommandP,SessionP,SizeP) \
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(CommandData_t)); \
+ CmdData.Type = TypeP; \
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = ApplicationP; \
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CommandP; \
+ CmdData.SessionNr = SessionP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = SizeP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8 *)malloc(SizeP); \
+ if(NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p) \
+ { \
+ A_(printf("command_marshal.c (%d): ** memory allocation failed! **\n",__LINE__);) \
+ }\
+#define A2_COMMANDDATAOUT(TypeP,ApplicationP,CommandP,SizeP) \
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(CommandData_t)); \
+ CmdData.Type = TypeP; \
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = ApplicationP; \
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CommandP; \
+ CmdData.SessionNr = 0; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = SizeP; \
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL; \
+ if(SizeP !=0)\
+ {\
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8 *)malloc( SizeP); \
+ if(NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p) \
+ { \
+ A_(printf("command_marshal.c (%d): ** memory allocation failed! **\n",__LINE__);) \
+ }\
+ }
+//static uint16 Session;
+//void disable_interrupt(void)
+//#ifndef WIN32
+///* todo implement this */
+////#warning This is disable_interrupt
+//void enable_interrupt(void)
+//#ifndef WIN32
+///* todo implement this */
+////#warning This is enable_interrupt
+ErrorCode_e Do_A2_CEH_Call(void *Object_p, CommandData_t * CmdData_p)
+ ErrorCode_e Status = E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR;
+// uint32 PL_GRSize = 0;
+ ErrorCode_e ResponseStatus = E_SUCCESS;
+ boolean response = FALSE;
+// CommandPermissionList_t* CmdPermission_p;
+ void *Data_p = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Data_p;
+ uint16 Session = CmdData_p-&gt;SessionNr;
+ if (CmdData_p-&gt;Type == PROTO_CTRL_MSG)
+ {
+ response = TRUE;
+// PL_GRSize = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size;
+// ResponseStatus = (ErrorCode_e)get_uint16(&amp;Data_p);
+ }
+ Session = CmdData_p-&gt;SessionNr;
+// CmdPermission_p = GetAuditData(CmdData_p);
+ switch(A2_COMMAND(response, CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr, CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr))
+ {
+ <apply-templates select="group" mode="unmarshal"/>
+ default:
+ {
+ Status = Do_CustomCEH_Call(CmdData_p);
+ if (E_SUCCESS != Status)
+ {
+ Status = Do_System_ShutDownImpl( Session);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return Status;
+ <apply-templates select="group" mode="marshal"/>
+<template match="group/command" mode="marshal">
+ <when test="@flag='true'">
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />(<choose><when test="count(input/value) > 0"><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare" /></when><otherwise>void</otherwise></choose>)
+ ErrorCode_e Answer;
+ CommandData_t CmdData;
+ void *Data_p;
+ uint32 PLSize =0;
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize_size_declaration" />
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize_size"/>
+ A2_COMMANDDATAOUT(COMMAND_TYPE, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>, <call-template name="commandid"/>, PLSize);
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+ (void)(Data_p); //XVSZOAN Temporary solution!
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize"/>
+ Answer = Do_A2_Command_Send(GlobalCommunication_p, &amp;CmdData);
+ if(NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ return Answer;
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'PC')">
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />(uint16 Session<if test="count(output/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="declare"></apply-templates>)
+ ErrorCode_e Answer;
+ CommandData_t CmdData;
+ void *Data_p;
+ uint32 PLSize =0;
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize_size_declaration" />
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize_size"/>
+ A2_COMMANDDATA( GENERAL_RESPONSE, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>, <call-template name="commandid"/>, Session, PLSize);
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize"/>
+ Answer = Do_A2_Command_Send(GlobalCommunication_p, &amp;CmdData);
+ if(NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ return Answer;
+ </if>
+ <when test="@flag='true'">#endif
+ </when>
+<template match="group/command" mode="unmarshal">
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'PC')">
+ <call-template name="unmarshal">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+ <call-template name="unmarshal">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands.xml b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ad470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="a2_command_ids_h.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="a2_command_marshal.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="a2_commands_h.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="a2_commands_impl_h.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="a2_common.xsl"?>
+ <AuthenticationList>
+ <value number="1" name="A1">A1</value>
+ <value number="2" name="CA">CA</value>
+ </AuthenticationList>
+ <PermissionList>
+ <value number="0" name="Permission1">Permission1</value>
+ <value number="2" name="Permission2">Permission2</value>
+ <value number="3" name="Permission3">Permission3</value>
+ <value number="4" name="Permission4">Permission4</value>
+ <value number="5" name="Permission5">Permission5</value>
+ <value number="6" name="Permission6">Permission6</value>
+ <value number="7" name="Permission7">Permission7</value>
+ <value number="8" name="Permission8">Permission8</value>
+ <value number="9" name="Permission9">Permission9</value>
+ <value number="10" name="Permission10">Permission10</value>
+ </PermissionList>
+ Predefine generic type of data are: uint32, string and buffer.
+ All A2 commands use only one buffer as an input and one buffer as an output parametar.
+ !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
+ All new types of data (structures or vectors of structures) that need to be defined should first be reviewed and approved by:
+ Hans Holmberg (QHANHOL) for loaders, Mikael Sjolen XX for PTK and Daniel Chong for PA.
+ -->
+ <group number="1" name="A2 System group">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 System commands group (0x01)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_System"/>
+ <command number="101" name="TestCommand" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="TestCommand"/>
+ <documentation>
+ Performs controlled power down of the ME.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="EnglandLength"/>
+ <value type="string" name="Sweden"/>
+ <value type="uint32" name="GermanyLength"/>
+ <value type="uint32" name="France"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="Germany" length="GermanyLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="England" length="EnglandLength"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="AfricaLength"/>
+ <value type="string" name="Europa"/>
+ <value type="uint32" name="America"/>
+ <value type="string" name="Asia"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="Africa" length="AfricaLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="1" name="Shutdown" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="Shutdown"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader shuts down in a controlled fashion and proceeds to shut down the ME itself.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ShutdownIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ShutdownOutLenght">Loader version length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ShutdownOut" length="ShutdownOutLenght">No data</value>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Loader Version" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="LoaderVersion"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader Version command is sent by the PC to request version information from the loader. The ME responds with a Loader Version information coded as ASCII characters in the data field.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LoaderVersionIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="LVLength">Loader version length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LoaderVersionOut" length="LVLength">Loader version identifier</value>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Protocol Version" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ProtocolVersion"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Protocol Version command is sent by the PC to request the application protocol version information from the loader. The ME responds with two bytes holding the major and the minor version respectively.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ProtocolVersionIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PVLength">Protocol version length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ProtocolVersionOut" length="PVLength">Protocol version identifier</value>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="System Supported Command groups" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SupportedCommandGroups"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader returns a list of implemented command groups and whether they are permitted to execute in the current Loader state.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="CommandGroupsIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CommandGroupsOutLength">Supported Groups length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="CommandGroupsOut" length="CommandGroupsOutLength">Each byte of the string represents a supported command group.</value>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="6" name="Get Platform Property" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetPlatformProperty"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is sent by the PC to request a Platform Property, by sending a PropertyID in the data field. The ME responds with the Property value.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetPropertyIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="GetPropertyOutLength">The size of the PropertyValue depends on the PropertyID</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetPropertyOut" length="GetPropertyOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="8" name="Get Memory Property" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetMemoryProperty"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is sent by the PC to request a Memory Property. The ME responds with the Memory Property value.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetMemPropertyIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="GetMemPropertyOutLength">The size of the PropertyValue depends on the PropertyID</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetMemPropertyOut" length="GetMemPropertyOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="9" name="Set Memory Property" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetMemoryProperty"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is sent by the PC to set a Memory Property.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SetMemPropertyIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The MemoryPropertyPayload buffer holds the Memory Propertiy ID and the Memory Property value. The size of the MemoryPropertyValue depends on the PropertyID</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SetMemPropertyOutLength">The size of the PropertyValue depends on the PropertyID</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SetMemPropertyOut" length="SetMemPropertyOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="15" name="Read Security Data" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ReadSecurityData"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used in a Flashless bridge configuration. It returns the Static data and all dinamic variables cretaed during the signing process.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SecurityDataIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SecurityDataOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SecurityDataOut" length="SecurityDataOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="17" name="Loader on Loader" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="LoaderOnLoader"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to transfer a new Loader to the ME. The data should hold either Header or Payload.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LOLIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="LOLOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LOLOut" length="LOLOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="19" name="Reset" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="Reset"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Reset command is used to instruct the Loader to reset the ME. Upon receiving this command, the Loader shuts down in a controlled fashion and restarts the ME.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ResetIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The ResetTimeout value is in ms.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ResetOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ResetOut" length="ResetOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="20" name="Simlock Authentication Request" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SimlockAuthenticationRequest"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is sent by the PC to set the SIM Lock Keys.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SIMLockAuthReqIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">There are 12 SIM Lock Keys, each represented with a 16 bytes long string.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SIMLockAuthReqOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SIMLockAuthReqOut" length="SIMLockAuthReqOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+<group number="2" name="A2 Flash group">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 Flash Commands group (0x02)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_Flash"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Verify Signed Header" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="VerifySignedHeader"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="VerifyHeaderIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="VerifyHeaderOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="VerifyHeaderOut" length="VerifyHeaderOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Software Block Address" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SoftwareBlockAddress"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SoftBlockAddIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">There are two parameters in the input buffer: Start address and Block size, both 4 bytes long.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SoftBlockAddOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SoftBlockAddOut" length="SoftBlockAddOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Program Flash" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ProgramFlash"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ProgramFlashIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ProgramFlashOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ProgramFlashOut" length="ProgramFlashOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Verify Software Flash" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="VerifySoftwareFlash"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="VerifySoftwareFlashIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="VerifySoftwareFlashOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="VerifySoftwareFlashOut" length="VerifySoftwareFlashOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Dump Flash Image" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to readp from the flash. The input parameters buffer holds: Logical Unit number = 4 bits, Start address = 28 bits and End address = 4 bytes.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="DumpFlashImage"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DumpFlashImageIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DumpFlashImageOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DumpFlashImageOut" length="DumpFlashImageOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="3" name="A2 GDFS group">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 GDFS Commands Group (0x03)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_GDFS"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Get GDFS Property" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetGDFSProperty"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetGDFSPropertyIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="GetGDFSPropertyOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetGDFSPropertyOut" length="GetGDFSPropertyOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="4" name="File system group">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 File system commands Group (0x04)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_File_System"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Get File System Property" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetFileSystemProperty"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetFSPropertyIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="GetFSPropertyOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="GetFSPropertyOut" length="GetFSPropertyOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="5" name="Signature group">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 Signature Commands Group (0x05)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_Signature"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Set Control Keys" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to write the SIM Lock control keys.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetControlKeys"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SetControlKeysIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">There are 12 SIM Lock Keys, each represented with a 16 bytes long string.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SetControlKeysOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SetControlKeysOut" length="SetControlKeysOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Set Platform Property" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetPlatformProperty"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SetPlatformPropertyIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The SetPlatformPropertyIn buffer holds the Platform Property ID and the Platform property value. The size of the Platform Property ID is 4 bytes and the size of the Platform Property Value depends on the PropertyID</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SetPlatformPropertyOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SetPlatformPropertyOut" length="SetPlatformPropertyOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Write and Lock OTP" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteAndLockOTP"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteAndLockOTPIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="WriteAndLockOTPOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteAndLockOTPOut" length="WriteAndLockOTPOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Write Default Data" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteDefaultData"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteDefaultDataIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The WriteDefaultDataIn buffer holds the Unit number,the Unit size and Unit data</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="WriteDefaultDataOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteDefaultDataOut" length="WriteDefaultDataOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Write Full Signature" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteFullSignature"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteFullSignIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="WriteFullSignOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteFullSignOut" length="WriteFullSignOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="6" name="Write CID" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteCID"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteCIDIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="WriteCIDOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteCIDOut" length="WriteCIDOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="7" name="Write Test Signature" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteTestSignature"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteTestSignIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="WriteTestSignOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="WriteTestSignOut" length="WriteTestSignOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="8" name="Erase Security Data" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="EraseSecurityData"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="EraseSecDataIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="EraseSecDataOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="EraseSecDataOut" length="EraseSecDataOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="9" name="Key Sharing Stage 1 Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="KeySharingStage1Request"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="KeySharStage1ReqIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The KeySharStage1ReqIn buffer holds the Version (1 byte), the ID (4 bytes) and Random Value (24 bytes)</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="KeySharStage1ReqOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="KeySharStage1ReqOut" length="KeySharStage1ReqOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="10" name="Key Sharing Stage 2 Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="KeySharingStage2Request"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="KeySharStage2ReqIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The KeySharStage2ReqIn buffer holds the ID (4 bytes), the Cipher (1 byte), the CertificateLength (4 bytes) and Certificate (CertificateLength)</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="KeySharStage2ReqOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="KeySharStage2ReqOut" length="KeySharStage2ReqOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="11" name="Key Sharing Stage 3 Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="KeySharingStage3Request"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="KeySharStage3ReqIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">The KeySharStage3ReqIn buffer holds the ID (4 bytes), C2 (16 bytes) and MAC (20 bytes).</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="KeySharStage3ReqOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="KeySharStage3ReqOut" length="KeySharStage3ReqOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="12" name="DRM Secure Storage Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="DRMSecureStorageRequest"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DRMSecStorReqIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DRMSecStorReqOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DRMSecStorReqOut" length="DRMSecStorReqOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="14" name="Verify Control Keys" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to compare received SIM Lock keys against the SIM Lock keys stored in the ME.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="VerifyControlKeys"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="VerifyControlKeysIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size">There are 12 SIM Lock Keys, each represented with a 16 bytes long string.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="VerifyControlKeysOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="VerifyControlKeysOut" length="VerifyControlKeysOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="16" name="Secure Storage Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SecureStorageRequest"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SecStorReqIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SecStorReqOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="SecStorReqOut" length="SecStorReqOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="7" name="Reset group">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 Reset Commands group (0x07)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_Reset"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Init Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="InitRequest"/>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="InitRequestIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="InitRequestOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="InitRequestOut" length="InitRequestOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Update Request" flag="true1" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="UpdateRequest"/>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PayloadSize">Application packet length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="UpdateRequestIn" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="UpdateRequestOutLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="UpdateRequestOut" length="UpdateRequestOutLength"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="16" name="Control massage">
+ <documentation>
+ A2 Control massage (0x10)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="A2_Control"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Loader Started" source="ME">
+ <interface type="loader" name="LoaderStarted"/>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="LoaderStartedInLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LoaderStartedIn" length="LoaderStartedInLength"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LoaderStartedOut" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Loader Not Started" source="ME">
+ <interface type="loader" name="LoaderNotStarted"/>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="LoaderNotStartedInLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LoaderNotStartedIn" length="LoaderNotStartedInLength"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LoaderNotStartedOut" length="CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974ea90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<import href="a2_common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target"/>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _A2_COMMANDS_H
+#define _A2_COMMANDS_H
+#include &quot;error_codes.h&quot;
+#include &quot;t_a2_protocol.h&quot;
+#include "a2_command_ids.h"
+ErrorCode_e Do_A2_CEH_Call(void *Object_p, CommandData_t *CmdData_p);
+<apply-templates select="group"/>
+#endif /* _A2_COMMANDS_H */
+<template match="group/command">
+ <if test="contains(@source, &apos;ME&apos;)">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat(&apos;Do_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name)"/>
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat(&apos;Done_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;Impl&apos;)"/>
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input"/>
+ <with-param name="source" select="&apos;ME&apos;"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, &apos;PC&apos;)">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat(&apos;Done_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name)"/>
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat(&apos;Do_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;Impl&apos;)"/>
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output"/>
+ <with-param name="source" select="&apos;PC&apos;"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands_impl_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands_impl_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88526b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_commands_impl_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" >
+<import href="a2_common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _A2_COMMANDS_IMPL_H
+#define _A2_COMMANDS_IMPL_H
+#include "error_codes.h"
+<apply-templates select="group" />
+#endif /* _A2_COMMANDS_IMPL_H */
+<template match="group/documentation">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/command">
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'PC')">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input" />
+ <with-param name="source" select="'PC'" />
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output" />
+ <with-param name="source" select="'PC'" />
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_common.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_common.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf771b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/a2_common.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" >
+<!-- Ugly name-mangling templates. upper-case() did not work in this
+ implementation -->
+<template name="groupidmain">
+ <param name="path" select="../." />
+ <value-of select="concat('GROUP_', translate($path/interface[@type='loader']/@name,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'))" />
+<template name="groupid">
+ <param name="path" select="." />
+ <value-of select="concat('GROUP_', translate($path/interface[@type='loader']/@name,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'))" />
+<template name="commandid">
+ <param name="path" select="." />
+ <value-of select="translate(concat('COMMAND_', $path/../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', $path/interface[@type='loader']/@name),'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')" />
+<template match="value" mode="deserialize">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = get_uint64_le(&amp;Data_p);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = skip_str(&amp;Data_p);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = Data_p;
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text>
+ </text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="deserialize_size">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'"> uint32 <value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"> uint64 <value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"> char *<value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"> void *<value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text>
+ </text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="serialize">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"> put_uint64_le(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"> put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length='*'"> put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@name" />PLSize);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"> put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand' and @length!='*'"> put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice' and @length!='*'"> put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='DirEntry' and @length!='*'"> put_entries(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />);<!--put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);-->
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='Cipher' and @length!='*'"> put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="serialize_size">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"> PLSize += sizeof(uint64);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"> PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = get_uint32_string_le((void**)&amp;<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"> PLSize += <value-of select="@length" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand' and @length!='*'"> PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(SupportedCommand_t);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice' and @length!='*'"> PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(ListDevice_t);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='DirEntry' and @length!='*'"> PLSize += get_entries_len(<value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />); <!--PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(DirEntry_t);-->
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='Cipher' and @length!='*'"> PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(Cipher_t);
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="serialize_size_declaration">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='string'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ <!--<when test="@type='DirEntry'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>-->
+ <when test="@type='Cipher'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="perm">
+ <if test="position() > 1">,
+ </if>
+ <value-of select="@ref" />
+<template match="value" mode="auth">
+ <if test="position() > 1">,
+ </if>
+ <value-of select="@ref" />
+<template match="value" mode="permnumber">
+ <if test="position() = last()">
+ <value-of select="position()" />
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="authnumber">
+ <if test="position() = last()">
+ <value-of select="position()" />
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="clean">
+ <when test="@type='string'"></when>
+<template match="value" mode="document">
+ * @param [in] <value-of select="@name" /><text> </text><value-of select="text()" />
+<if test="position() = last()">
+ * </if>
+<template match="value" mode="declare">
+ <if test="position() > 1">, </if>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">const uint32 <value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'">const uint64 <value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='string'">const char *<value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length='*'">int <value-of select="@name" />Length, const void *<value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"> void *<value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand' and @length!='*'">SupportedCommand_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice' and @length!='*'">ListDevice_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+ <when test="@type='DirEntry' and @length!='*'">DirEntry_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+ <when test="@type='Cipher' and @length!='*'">Cipher_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+<template match="value" mode="call">
+ <if test="position() > 1">, </if>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length='*'"><value-of select="@name" />Length, <value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+<template match="group/documentation">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template name="prototype">
+<param name="name" />
+<param name="direction" />
+<param name="source" />
+<param name="ref" />
+<when test="name($direction)='input' and contains($source, 'PC')">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(./documentation/text())"/>
+ * \see <value-of select="$ref"/>
+ * Call source: <value-of select="$source"/>
+ * <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="document" />
+ * @return ErrorCode_e ...
+ */
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="$name"/>(uint16 Session<if test="count(input/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare"/>);</when>
+<when test="name($direction)='input' and contains($source, 'ME')">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(./documentation/text())"/>
+ * \see <value-of select="$ref"/>
+ * Call source: <value-of select="$source"/>
+ * <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="document" />
+ * @return ErrorCode_e ...
+ */
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="$name"/>(<choose><when test="count(input/value) > 0"><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare"/></when><otherwise>void</otherwise></choose>);</when>
+<when test="name($direction)='output'">
+ * Response to \see <value-of select="$ref"/>
+ * Call source: <value-of select="$source"/>
+ *
+ * @param [in] Status Completion status code.
+ * <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="document" />
+ * @return ErrorCode_e ...
+ */
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="$name"/>(uint16 Session<if test="count(output/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="declare"></apply-templates>);</when>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/audit_c.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/audit_c.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc00fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/audit_c.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" >
+<import href="common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="array">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="autharray">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="staticarray">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ /*
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template name="staticarray">
+<param name="name" />
+<param name="direction" />
+<when test="name($direction)='input'">
+ /* Command <value-of select="../@name" /> / <value-of select="@name" /> (<value-of select="../@number" /> / <value-of select="@number" />) */
+<when test="name($direction)='output'">
+ /* Response to <value-of select="../@name" /> / <value-of select="@name" /> (<value-of select="../@number" /> / <value-of select="@number" />) */
+ {
+ <call-template name="groupid" ><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>,
+ <call-template name="commandid" />,
+ <variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+ <variable name="command" select="@number" />
+ <choose>
+ <when test='not($supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions)'>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="permissions"><text> </text><apply-templates select="permissions/value" mode="permnumber" />,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> 0,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="permissions"> PermArray_<value-of select="concat(../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> NULL,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ </when>
+ <otherwise>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="$supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions"><text> </text><apply-templates select="$supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions/value" mode="permnumber" />,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> 0,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="$supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions"> PermArray_<value-of select="concat(../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> NULL,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication"><text> </text><apply-templates select="authentication/value" mode="authnumber" />,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> 0,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication"> AuthArray_<value-of select="concat(../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> NULL,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="./authentication/@depandancy='and'"> 1,
+ </when>
+ <when test="./authentication/@depandancy='or'"> 2,
+ </when>
+ <when test="./authentication/@depandancy='xor'"> 3,
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> 0,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication"><text> </text><value-of select="./authentication/@factory"/>,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> FALSE,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication"><text> </text><value-of select="./authentication/@rd"/>,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> FALSE,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication"><text> </text><value-of select="./authentication/@product"/>,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> FALSE,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="authentication"><text> </text><value-of select="./authentication/@service"/>,
+ </when>
+ <otherwise> FALSE,
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose> NULL
+ },
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright ST-Ericsson 2010 $ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include "t_command_protocol.h"
+#include "r_debug.h"
+#include "r_communication_service.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "command_ids.h"
+#include "commands_impl.h"
+#include "error_codes.h"
+#include "r_serialization.h"
+#include "r_command_protocol.h"
+#include "audit.h"
+#include "r_loader_sec_lib.h"
+#include "r_adbg_command.h"
+ * Command Permissions Vectors.
+ */
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="array"/>
+ * Command Authentication Vectors.
+ */
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="autharray"/>
+CommandPermissionList_t CommandPermissionList[]=
+{<apply-templates select="group" mode="staticarray"/>
+ /* End of array */
+ {
+ 0,
+ (CommandId_e)0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ }
+CommandPermissionList_t * GetAuditData(CommandData_t * CmdData_p)
+ boolean A1_Authentication = FALSE;
+ boolean CA_Authentication = FALSE;
+ boolean A1_Factory = FALSE;
+ boolean A1_RD = FALSE;
+ boolean A1_Product = FALSE;
+ boolean A1_Service = FALSE;
+ uint8 A1_depandancy = 0x00;
+ uint32 AuthenticationVector = 0; */
+ int CounterList = 0;
+ while(CommandPermissionList[CounterList].Group != 0)
+ {
+ if(CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr==CommandPermissionList[CounterList].Group &amp;&amp; CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr==CommandPermissionList[CounterList].Command)
+ {
+ CommandPermissionList[CounterList].DataParam_p = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Data_p;
+ return (&amp;CommandPermissionList[CounterList]);
+ }
+ CounterList++;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ErrorCode_e CommandAudit(CommandData_t * CmdData_p)
+ ErrorCode_e ReturnValue = E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR;
+ CommandPermissionList_t* CmdPermission_p = NULL;
+ CmdPermission_p = GetAuditData(CmdData_p);
+ if(NULL == CmdPermission_p)
+ {
+ ReturnValue = E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ ReturnValue = (ErrorCode_e)Do_LoaderSecLib_Audit_Permission_Levels(CmdPermission_p);
+ if(ReturnValue != E_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ ReturnValue = E_AUDITING_FAILED;
+ }
+ return ReturnValue;
+<template match="group/command" mode="array">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+ <variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test="contains(@source, 'ME') and not(contains(@source, 'PC')) and permissions">
+CommandPermission_e PermArray_<value-of select="concat(../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />[] =
+ <choose>
+ <when test='not($supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions)'><apply-templates select="permissions/value" mode="perm" />
+ </when>
+ <otherwise>
+ <apply-templates select="$supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions/value" mode="perm" />
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+<if test="contains(@source, 'PC') and permissions">
+CommandPermission_e PermArray_<value-of select="concat( ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />[] =
+ <choose>
+ <when test='not($supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions)'><apply-templates select="permissions/value" mode="perm" />
+ </when>
+ <otherwise>
+ <apply-templates select="$supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]/permissions/value" mode="perm" />
+ </otherwise>
+ </choose>
+<template match="group/command" mode="autharray">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+<if test="contains(@source, 'ME') and not(contains(@source, 'PC')) and authentication">
+CommandAuthentication_e AuthArray_<value-of select="concat(../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />[] =
+ <apply-templates select="authentication/value" mode="auth" />
+<if test="contains(@source, 'PC') and authentication">
+CommandAuthentication_e AuthArray_<value-of select="concat( ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />[] =
+ <apply-templates select="authentication/value" mode="auth" />
+<template match="group/command" mode="staticarray">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+<if test="contains(@source, 'PC') and not(contains(@source, 'ME'))">
+<call-template name="staticarray">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input" />
+<if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+<call-template name="staticarray">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output" />
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/audit_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/audit_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b11cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/audit_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" >
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<template match="/commandspec">
+/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _AUDIT_H
+#define _AUDIT_H
+#include "t_command_protocol.h"
+#include "command_ids.h"
+ * @addtogroup ldr_LCM
+ * Error codes for internal loader commands.
+ * @{
+ */
+<apply-templates select="AuthenticationList" />
+<apply-templates select="PermissionList" />
+typedef struct CommandPermissionList_s
+ GroupId_e Group;
+ CommandId_e Command;
+ int CommmandPermissionLength;
+ CommandPermission_e *CommmandPermmision_p;
+ int ComandAuthenticationLength;
+ CommandAuthentication_e *CommandAuthentication_p;
+ int Depandancy;
+ boolean factory;
+ boolean rd;
+ boolean product;
+ boolean service;
+ uint8 *DataParam_p;
+CommandPermissionList_t * GetAuditData(CommandData_t * CmdData_p);
+ErrorCode_e CommandAudit(CommandData_t * CmdData_p);
+#endif /* _AUDIT_H */
+<template match="AuthenticationList">
+<apply-templates select="value" />}ENUM8(CommandAuthentication_e);
+<template match="PermissionList">
+<apply-templates select="value" />}ENUM8(CommandPermission_e);
+<template match="value">
+<text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@number" />, /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+<template match="value[last()]">
+<text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@number" /> /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/ces_commands_c.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/ces_commands_c.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab37c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/ces_commands_c.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<import href="common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text" indent="no"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="command">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+<if test='contains(@supportedcmdtype, "longrunning")'>
+<text> </text>{
+<text> </text>NULL,
+<text> </text><value-of select="../interface/@name"/>_<value-of select="interface/@name"/>Repeat,
+<text> </text><call-template name="commandid"/>,
+<text> </text>1
+<text> </text>},
+<template match="group" mode="CommandsList">
+<variable name="group" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+<if test='contains(@supportedcmdtype, "longrunning")'>
+CommandInformation_t Generic<value-of select="interface/@name"/>GroupCommandsList[]=
+<apply-templates select="command" />
+ {
+ <value-of select="interface/@name"/>_ErrorHandlerRepeat,
+ 1
+ },
+ /*stop block. it can not be removed*/
+ {
+ 0xFF,
+ 1
+ }
+<template match="group" mode="ActiveApplications">
+<variable name="group" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+<if test='contains(@supportedcmdtype, "longrunning")'>
+<text> </text>{
+<text> </text><call-template name="groupid" />,
+<text> </text>0,
+<text> </text>Generic<value-of select="interface/@name"/>GroupCommandsList
+<text> </text>},
+<template match="/commandspec">
+ * $Copyright ST-Ericsson 2010 $
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * @addtogroup ldr_communication_module
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Includes
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include &quot;ces_commands.h&quot;
+#include &quot;t_command_exec_service.h&quot;
+#include &quot;command_ids.h&quot;
+#include &quot;command_execution_control.h&quot;
+ * File scope types, constants and variables
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Commands that need command execution service
+ */
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="CommandsList" />
+ApplicationInfo_t ActiveApplications[]=
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="ActiveApplications" />
+ * Definition of external functions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+uint32 Get_ApplicationInfoSize(void)
+ return sizeof(ApplicationInfo_t);
+uint32 Get_ActiveApplicationsSize(void)
+ return sizeof(ActiveApplications);
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/ces_commands_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/ces_commands_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b425fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/ces_commands_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<output method="text" indent="no"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="command">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+<if test='contains(@supportedcmdtype, "longrunning")'>ErrorCode_e <value-of select="../interface/@name"/>_<value-of select="interface/@name"/>Repeat(void* ExecutionContext_p);
+<template match="group">
+<variable name="group" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+<apply-templates select="command"/><if test='contains(@supportedcmdtype, "longrunning")'>ErrorCode_e <value-of select="interface/@name"/>_ErrorHandlerRepeat(void* ExecutionContext_p);
+<template match="/commandspec">
+ * $Copyright ST-Ericsson 2010 $
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _CES_COMMANDS_H_
+#define _CES_COMMANDS_H_
+ * @addtogroup ldr_communication_module
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Includes
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include &quot;error_codes.h&quot;
+ * Declaration of functions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+<apply-templates select="group"/>uint32 Get_ApplicationInfoSize(void);
+uint32 Get_ActiveApplicationsSize(void);
+#endif /*_CES_COMMANDS_H_*/
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/command_ids_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/command_ids_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a310b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/command_ids_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet xmlns="" version="2.0">
+<import href="common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text" indent="no"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _COMMAND_IDS_H
+#define _COMMAND_IDS_H
+#include "t_basicdefinitions.h"
+<apply-templates select="group" mode="id"/>} ENUM8(GroupId_e);
+typedef enum {
+<apply-templates select="group/command" mode="id"/>} CommandId_e;
+<apply-templates select="typedef" />
+#endif /* _COMMAND_IDS_H */
+<template match="typedef">
+typedef struct <value-of select="interface/@name" />_s
+<apply-templates select="value" />}<value-of select="interface/@name" />_t;
+<template match="value">
+ <text> </text>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='string'">
+ char *<text> </text><value-of select="@name" />; /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">
+ <value-of select="@type" /><text> </text><value-of select="@name" />; /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'">
+ <value-of select="@type" /><text> </text><value-of select="@name" />; /**&lt; <value-of select="text()" /> */
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="group" mode="id">
+<variable name="group" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ <text> </text><call-template name="groupid" /> = <choose> <when test="@number&lt;10"> <value-of select="substring-after(@number, '0')" /> </when> <otherwise> <value-of select="@number"/> </otherwise> </choose>, /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
+<template match="group[last()]" mode="id">
+<variable name="group" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ <text> </text><call-template name="groupid" /> = <choose> <when test="@number&lt;10"> <value-of select="substring-after(@number, '0')" /> </when> <otherwise> <value-of select="@number"/> </otherwise> </choose> /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
+<template match="command" mode="id">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <text> </text><call-template name="commandid" /> = <value-of select="@number" />, /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
+<template match="group[last()]/command[last()]" mode="id">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <text> </text><call-template name="commandid" /> = <value-of select="@number" /> /**&lt; <value-of select="@name" /> */
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/command_marshal.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/command_marshal.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e351827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/command_marshal.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<import href="common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target"/>
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="marshal">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/documentation" mode="unmarshal">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ /*
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template name="unmarshal">
+<param name="name"/>
+<param name="direction"/>
+ <when test="@flag='true'">
+ <when test="@flag='true1'">
+#ifdef CFG_ENABLE_AUDIT_CMD</when>
+ <when test="@flagbitsset='trueset'">
+ <when test="@flagwritebits='truewrite'">
+<when test="name($direction)='input'">
+ /* Command <value-of select="../@name"/> / <value-of select="@name"/> (<value-of select="../@number"/> / <value-of select="@number"/>) */
+ case COMMAND(FALSE, <call-template name="groupid"><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>, <call-template name="commandid"/>):
+ {
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="deserialize_size" />
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="deserialize" />
+ Status = <value-of select="$name" />(Session<if test="count(input/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="call" />);
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="clean"/>
+ }
+ break;
+<when test="name($direction)='output'">
+ /* Response to <value-of select="../@name"/> / <value-of select="@name"/> (<value-of select="../@number"/> / <value-of select="@number"/>) */
+ case COMMAND(TRUE, <call-template name="groupid"><with-param name="path" select=".."/></call-template>, <call-template name="commandid"/>):
+ {
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="deserialize_size" />
+ ResponseStatus = (ErrorCode_e)get_uint32_le(&amp;Data_p);
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="deserialize" />
+ Status = <value-of select="$name" />(Session, ResponseStatus<if test="count(output/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="call"></apply-templates>);
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="clean"/>
+ }
+ break;
+ <when test="@flagbitsset='trueset'">#endif
+ </when>
+ <when test="@flagwritebits='truewrite'">#endif
+ </when>
+ <when test="@flag='true1'">#endif
+ </when>
+ <when test="@flag='true'">#endif
+ </when>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include "t_command_protocol.h"
+#include "r_debug.h"
+#include "r_communication_service.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "custom_commands.h"
+#include "command_ids.h"
+#include "commands_impl.h"
+#include "error_codes.h"
+#include "r_serialization.h"
+#include "r_command_protocol.h"
+#include "r_adbg_applications.h"
+#include "audit.h"
+#include "r_adbg_command.h"
+#define COMMAND(response, group, id) ((((int)(response)) &lt;&lt; 30) | (((int)(group)) &lt;&lt; 16) | ((int)(id)))
+#define COMMANDDATA(TypeP,ApplicationP,CommandP,SessionP,SizeP)\
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(CommandData_t));\
+ CmdData.Type = TypeP;\
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = ApplicationP;\
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CommandP;\
+ CmdData.SessionNr = SessionP;\
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = SizeP;\
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL;\
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8*)malloc(SizeP);\
+ if (NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p)\
+ {\
+ A_(printf("command_marshal.c (%d): ** memory allocation failed! **\n",__LINE__);)\
+ }\
+#define COMMANDDATAOUT(TypeP,ApplicationP,CommandP,SizeP)\
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(CommandData_t));\
+ CmdData.Type = TypeP;\
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = ApplicationP;\
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CommandP;\
+ CmdData.SessionNr = 0;\
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = SizeP;\
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL;\
+ if (0 != SizeP)\
+ {\
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8 *)malloc( SizeP);\
+ if (NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p)\
+ {\
+ A_(printf("command_marshal.c (%d): ** memory allocation failed! **\n",__LINE__);)\
+ }\
+ }
+//static uint16 Session;
+void disable_interrupt(void)
+#ifndef WIN32
+/* todo implement this */
+//#warning This is disable_interrupt
+void enable_interrupt(void)
+#ifndef WIN32
+/* todo implement this */
+//#warning This is enable_interrupt
+ErrorCode_e Do_CEH_Call(void *Object_p, CommandData_t *CmdData_p)
+ ErrorCode_e Status = E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR;
+// uint32 PL_GRSize = 0;
+ ErrorCode_e ResponseStatus = E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR;
+ boolean response = FALSE;
+// CommandPermissionList_t* CmdPermission_p;
+ void *Data_p = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Data_p;
+ uint16 Session = CmdData_p-&gt;SessionNr;
+ if (CmdData_p-&gt;Type == GENERAL_RESPONSE_PACKAGE)
+ {
+ response = TRUE;
+// PL_GRSize = CmdData_p-&gt;Payload.Size;
+// ResponseStatus = (ErrorCode_e)get_uint16(&amp;Data_p);
+ }
+ if(COMMAND_TYPE == CmdData_p-&gt;Type)
+ {
+ ErrorCode_e AuditResponse = CommandAudit(CmdData_p);
+ CommandData_t CmdData = {0};
+ uint32 PLSize = sizeof(ErrorCode_e);
+ if (E_SUCCESS != AuditResponse)
+ {
+ memset((uint8*)&amp;CmdData, 0x00, sizeof(CommandData_t));
+ CmdData.CommandNr = CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr;
+ CmdData.ApplicationNr = CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr;
+ CmdData.SessionNr = CmdData_p-&gt;SessionNr;
+ CmdData.Payload.Size = PLSize;
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = NULL;
+ CmdData.Payload.Data_p = (uint8*)malloc(PLSize);
+ if (NULL == CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ {
+ A_(printf("command_marshal.c (%d): ** memory allocation failed! **\n",__LINE__);)
+ }
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+ put_uint32(&amp;Data_p, AuditResponse);
+ Status = Do_R15_Command_Send(GlobalCommunication_p, &amp;CmdData);
+ if (NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ {
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ }
+ if (E_SUCCESS != Status)
+ {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ if (E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD == AuditResponse)
+ {
+ Status = Do_System_ShutDownImpl(CmdData.SessionNr);
+ }
+ return Status;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(COMMAND(response, CmdData_p-&gt;ApplicationNr, CmdData_p-&gt;CommandNr))
+ {
+ <apply-templates select="group" mode="unmarshal"/>
+ default:
+ {
+ Status = Do_CustomCEH_Call(CmdData_p);
+ if (E_SUCCESS != Status)
+ {
+ Status = Do_System_ShutDownImpl(Session);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return Status;
+ <apply-templates select="group" mode="marshal"/>
+<template match="group/command" mode="marshal">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <when test="@flag='true'">
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />(<choose><when test="count(input/value) > 0"><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare" /></when><otherwise>void</otherwise></choose>)
+ ErrorCode_e Answer;
+ CommandData_t CmdData;
+ void *Data_p;
+ uint32 PLSize =0;
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize_size_declaration" />
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize_size"/>
+ COMMANDDATAOUT(COMMAND_TYPE, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>, <call-template name="commandid"/>, PLSize);
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+ (void)(Data_p); //XVSZOAN Temporary solution!
+ <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="serialize"/>
+ Answer = Do_R15_Command_Send(GlobalCommunication_p, &amp;CmdData);
+ if(NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ return Answer;
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'PC')">
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />(uint16 Session, ErrorCode_e Status<if test="count(output/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="declare"></apply-templates>)
+ ErrorCode_e Answer;
+ CommandData_t CmdData;
+ void *Data_p;
+ uint32 PLSize =0;
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize_size_declaration" />
+ PLSize += sizeof(ErrorCode_e);
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize_size"/>
+ COMMANDDATA(GENERAL_RESPONSE, <call-template name="groupidmain"/>, <call-template name="commandid"/>, Session, PLSize);
+ Data_p = CmdData.Payload.Data_p;
+ put_uint32(&amp;Data_p, Status);
+ <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="serialize"/>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@ADbg!='true'">
+ Answer = ReleaseADbg_AppFunc(Status);</when>
+ </choose>
+ Answer = E_SUCCESS;
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@ADbg!='true'">
+#else </when>
+ </choose>
+ Answer = Do_R15_Command_Send(GlobalCommunication_p, &amp;CmdData);
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@ADbg!='true'">
+ </choose>
+ if(NULL != CmdData.Payload.Data_p)
+ free(CmdData.Payload.Data_p);
+ return Answer;
+ </if>
+<when test="@flag='true'">#endif
+<template match="group/command" mode="unmarshal">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'PC')">
+ <call-template name="unmarshal">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+ <call-template name="unmarshal">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands.xml b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4274666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="command_ids_h.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="command_marshal.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="commands_h.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="commands_impl_h.xsl"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="common.xsl"?>
+ <typedef>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SupportedCommand"/>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Group">Application Group number</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Command">Command number</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Permitted">Permission value</value>
+ </typedef>
+ <typedef>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ListDevice"/>
+ <value type="string" name="Path_p">Absolute device path pointing of the described device</value>
+ <value type="string" name="Type_p">Type of the device</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="BlockSize">Size of the smallest addressable unit in the device in bytes</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Start">Offset in bytes of the start of the device relative to its parents offset 0 with a granularity of its parents block size</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Length">Length of the device in bytes</value>
+ </typedef>
+ <typedef>
+ <interface type="loader" name="DirEntry"/>
+ <value type="string" name="Name_p">Name of file or directory</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Size">Size of file or directory</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Mode">Indicator if it is file or directory</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Time">Time of last modification</value>
+ </typedef>
+ <typedef>
+ <interface type="loader" name="Cipher"/>
+ <value type="string" name="Name_p">supported ciphers</value>
+ </typedef>
+ <AuthenticationList>
+ <value number="1" name="A1">A1</value>
+ <value number="2" name="CA">CA</value>
+ </AuthenticationList>
+ <PermissionList>
+ <value number="0" name="ServiceModeLevel">ServiceModeLevel</value>
+ <value number="1" name="FlashModeLevel">FlashModeLevel</value>
+ <value number="64" name="AdvanceServiceModeLevel">AdvanceServiceModeLevel</value>
+ <value number="65" name="LimitedProductionModeLevel">LimitedProductionModeLevel</value>
+ <value number="66" name="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel">VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel</value>
+ <value number="127" name="ProductionModeLevel">ProductionModeLevel</value>
+ </PermissionList>
+ Predefine generic type of data are: uint32, string and buffer.
+ !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
+ All new types of data (structures or vectors of structures) that need to be defined should first be reviewed and approved by:
+ Hans Holmberg (QHANHOL) for loaders, Mikael Sjolen XX for PTK and Daniel Chong for PA.
+ -->
+ <group number="01" name="System application" supportedcmdtype="longrunning,shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ System commands group (0x01)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="System"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Loader Start-up Status" ADbg="false" source="ME">
+ <interface type="loader" name="LoaderStartUpStatus"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader Start-up Status command is sent by the ME to notify the host that it has started. The Status parameter indicates in what mode the Loader started.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Status">0 = started successfully, 1 = failed to start (lack of permissions), 2 = software module failed to initialize</value>
+ <value type="string" name="LoaderVersion_p">Loader version identifier</value>
+ <value type="string" name="ProtocolVersion_p">Protocol version identifier</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="System Reboot" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="Reboot"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Reboot command is used to instruct the Loader to reset the ME. Upon receiving this command, the Loader shuts down in a controlled fashion and restarts the ME. The Mode parameter is used to select the mode of reset.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Mode">0 = normal restart, 1 = restart in service mode, 2 = restart with JTAG debugging enabled, 3 = restart in service mode and with JTAG debugging enabled</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="System Shutdown" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ShutDown"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader shuts down in a controlled fashion and proceeds to shut down the ME itself.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="System Supported Command" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SupportedCommands"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader returns a list of implemented commands and whether they are permitted to execute in the current Loader state. Further fine-grained permission controls might also deny execution of a specific command.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CommandCount">Number of implemented commands</value>
+ <value type="SupportedCommand" name="Commands" length="CommandCount">An array of command identifiers. The Permitted field indicates whether the command can be executed at the current time (non-zero value means allowed)</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="6" name="System Execute Software" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ExecuteSoftware"/>
+ <documentation>
+ Receive, verify and execute software, which can be a signed Loader. After having sent this command, the ME will attempt to read the software payload data from the host using the Bulk protocol or from the flash file system depending on the selected path.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ExecuteMode">Execute mode: 1 = execution from specified address, 2 = first load the software then execute.</value>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath_p">File system or Bulk id path</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Length">Total length of the execute software file</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="7" name="System Authenticate" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="Authenticate"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to escalate the privileges of the operator. Two modes of authentication are available by default; Control Key authentication and Certificate based authentication. The authentication command sets the loader in a specific authentication context when it takes control over the command flow. After receiving the authentication command, the Loader will send the appropriate request for information to the PC.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Type">Authentication type: 0 = Control Key authentication, 1 = Certificate authentication.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="8" name="System Get Control Keys" ADbg="false" source="ME">
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetControlKeys"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used by the Loader to retrieve the SimLock Control Keys from the host in order to authenticate a user. The command is used in authentication context.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="string" name="NLCKLock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="NSLCKLock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="SPLCKLock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="CLCKLock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="PCKLock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="ESLCKLock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="NLCKUnlock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="NSLCKUnlock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="SPLCKUnlock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="CLCKUnlock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="PCKUnlock_p"/>
+ <value type="string" name="ESLCKUnlock_p"/>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="9" name="System Authentication Challenge" ADbg="false" source="ME">
+ <interface type="loader" name="AuthenticationChallenge"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used by the Loader to perform a certificate authentication. The command is only used in authentication context.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ChallengeBlockLength">Authentication Challenge buffer length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ChallengeBlock_p" length="ChallengeBlockLength">Authentication Challenge that must be signed using the correct certificate and returned to the Loader</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ResponseBlockLength">Updated authentication challenge buffer length</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="ResponseBlock_p" length="ResponseBlockLength">Signed authentication challenge together with the requested permissions.</value>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ <command number="10" name="System Collect Data" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="CollectData"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to collect printouts (debug data) and measurements results.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Type">Type of requested data.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataLenght">Length of output buffer.</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="CollectedData_p" length="DataLenght">Output data buffer. Contain debug data (printouts) or measurement data.</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="11" name="System Get Progress Status" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetProgressStatus"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used by the Loader to get the minimal progress status from all running commands.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ProgressStatus">Command progress status presented in percent.</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="12" name="Set System Time" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetSystemTime"/>
+ <documentation>
+ The Set System Time command is used to instruct the Loader to use real world time and date during its run time. Upon receiving this command, the Loader sets internal Real Time Clock. This command can be issued more then once by PC tool.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="EpochTime">Number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="13" name="Switch Communication Device" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SwitchCommunicationDevice"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to instruct the Loader to switch to a new communication device.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Device">Communication device number to switch to.</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DeviceParam">Communication device parameters.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="14" name="System Get Control Keys Data" ADbg="false" source="ME">
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetControlKeysData"/>
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used by the Loader to retrieve the SimLock Control Keys data buffer from the host in order to authenticate a user. The command is used in authentication context.
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="iDataSize">Length of output buffer.</value>
+ <value type="buffer" length="iDataSize" name="SIMLockKeysData_p">Data buffer with all SIMLock keys.</value>
+ </output>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="02" name="Flash application" supportedcmdtype="longrunning,shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Flash Commands group (0x02)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="Flash"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Process File" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to initiate a flashing session. The Type argument is used to select the type of file to process and Length parameter defines the total size of the file.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ProcessFile"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Length">Total length of the opened file</value>
+ <value type="string" name="Type_p">Type of the opened file. Currently the only supported type is x-empflash/flasharchive </value>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath_p">File system or Bulk id path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="List Devices" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ The Loader returns a list of detected block devices. A block device can be a physical device ( flash0 , mmc0 , usb0 ), a logical device ( cabs0 , mbbs0 ) or a file system volume ( boot , sys ). Together they form paths on the form /flash0/mbbs0 or /flash1/cabs1/vfat .
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ListDevices"/>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DeviceCount">Indicates the number of returned devices</value>
+ <value type="ListDevice" name="Devices" length="DeviceCount">Absolute device path, Type of the device, Block Size, Start address of the device, Length of the device</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Dump Area" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to initiate a Dump session.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="DumpArea"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="Path_p">Path to the device to dump.</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Start">Start of the dump relative to the start of the device indicated by Path in bytes. Actual start is determined by the Mode parameter.</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Length">Length of the dump in bytes. Actual length is determined by the Mode parameter.</value>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system or bulk id path.</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="RedundantArea">If set to 0 dump flash including redundant area, if set to 1 dump flash without redundant area.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Erase Area" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to erase a flash device or part of a flash device.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="EraseArea"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="Path_p">Path to the device to erase.</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Start">Start of the dump relative to the start of the device indicated by Path in bytes. This must be a multiple of the block size of the device.</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Length">Length of the dump in bytes. This must be a multiple of the block size of the device.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Flash RAW" ADbg = "false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ This command is used to flash raw flash image.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="FlashRaw" />
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Start">Address where RAW image should be written. This must be a multiple of the block size of the device.</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Length">Length of RAW data in bytes</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Device">Target flash device.[0,1]</value>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath_p">Bulk id path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref ="A1"/>
+ <value ref ="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="03" name="File system operations" supportedcmdtype="longrunning,shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ File System Commands Group (0x03)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="File_System_Operations"/>
+ <command number="2" name="Volume Properties" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Retrieve properties of the specified file system volume
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="VolumeProperties"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">Path of file system volume</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="string" name="FS_Type_p">File system type</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Size">Total size of the file system (in bytes)</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Free">Available space (in bytes)</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Format Volume" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Formats an unmounted file system volume. This operation fails if the volume is currently in use.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="FormatVolume"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">Device path of the file system volume</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="List Directory" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ List files and directories residing in a specified path
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ListDirectory"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="Path_p">File system path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="EntriesCount">Number of directory entries</value>
+ <value type="DirEntry" name="Entries" length="EntriesCount">Name and Size of file or directory, Mode as indicator if it is file or directory, Time of last modification</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Move File" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Moves or renames a file.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="MoveFile"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath_p">File system path (source)</value>
+ <value type="string" name="DestinationPath_p">File system path (destination)</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="6" name="Delete File" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Deletes the specified file or directory. The Loader will only delete empty directories.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="DeleteFile"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="7" name="Copy File" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Copies a file from the PC to the ME, between two directories or file systems on the ME or from the ME to the PC.
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="CopyFile"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath_p">File system or bulk id path (source)</value>
+ <value type="string" name="DestinationPath_p">File system or bulk id path (destination)</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="8" name="Create Directory" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Creates a directory
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="CreateDirectory"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="9" name="Properties (Stat)" ADbg="false" source="PC,ME" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Retrieves the properties of a file or directory
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="Properties"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Mode">File Type and Access restrictions descriptor (see 5.1)</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="Size">File size in bytes</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="MTime">Last modification time stamp</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ATime">Last access time stamp</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CTime">Creation time stamp</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="10" name="Change Access (Chmod)" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Changes the access permissions of a path
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ChangeAccess"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system path</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Access">New access permissions</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="11" name="Read Load Modules Manifests" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Read all manifests in elf files and send it to PC
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ReadLoadModulesManifests"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system path</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="04" name="OTP" supportedcmdtype="longrunning,shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ OTP handling commands Group (0x04)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="OTP"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Read Bits" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Reads the specified bits from the OTP
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ReadBits"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="OTP_id">Indicates which OTP memory is to be read</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Start">Starting offset in bits</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Length">Length of read in bits</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="BitsLength">Length of read bits</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataBitsLength">Length of the DataBits buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DataBits_p" length="DataBitsLength">A left-adjusted buffer of the read data. Padded with zeroes. Length of returned value (in bytes), equal to floor((Length + 7) / 8). </value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="LockStatusBitsLength">Length of the LockStatus of read bits</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="LockStatusLength">Length of the LockStatus buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="LockStatus_p" length="LockStatusLength">A left-adjusted buffer of the lock status of each read bit. Padded with zeroes. Length of returned value (in bytes), equal to floor((Length + 7) / 8). </value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Set Bits" flagbitsset="trueset" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Writes and locks the specified bits in the OTP
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetBits"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="OTP_id">Indicates which OTP memory is to be read</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Start">Starting offset in bits</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="BitsLength">Length of write in bits</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataBitsLength">Length of DataBits buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DataBits_p" length="DataBitsLength">Left-adjusted byte buffer containing the data to be written. Only Length bits will be written.</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Write and Lock OTP" flagbitsset="trueset" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Writes and locks the specified bits in the OTP
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteAndLock"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="OTP_id">Indicates which OTP memory is to be written and locked</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ForceWrite">If = 0 - Write only complete lockable areas. If != 0 Write complete lockable areas even if not all bit are received in cache. </value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Store Secure Object" flagbitsset="trueset" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Installs Secure objects into OTP or Flash
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="StoreSecureObject"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath">File system or bulk id path</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="SecureObjectDestination">Secure Object destination address</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="05" name="Parameter Storage" supportedcmdtype="longrunning,shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Parameter Storage Commands Group (0x05)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ParameterStorage"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Read Global Data Unit" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Reads the specified unit from Global Data area
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ReadGlobalDataUnit"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">GD storage area to read from (gdfs, trim area)</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Unit_id">Unit id to read</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataBuffLength">Length of the Data buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DataBuff_p" length="DataBuffLength">The read data</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Write Global Data Unit" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Writes the specified unit to Global Data area
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteGlobalDataUnit"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">GD storage area to write to (gdfs, trim area)</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Unit_id">Unit id to write</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataBuffLength">Length of the Data buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DataBuff_p" length="DataBuffLength">The data to write</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Read Global Data Set" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Reads a complete Global Data area
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ReadGlobalDataSet"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">GD storage area to read (gdfs, trim area)</value>
+ <value type="string" name="TargetPath_p">File system or bulk id path indicating the destination of the read operation</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Write Global Data Set" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Writes a complete Global Data area
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="WriteGlobalDataSet"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">GD storage area to write (gdfs, trim area)</value>
+ <value type="uint64" name="DataLength">Data Length when is used bulk transfer </value>
+ <value type="string" name="SourcePath_p">File system or bulk id path indicating the source of the write operation</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Erase Global Data Set" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Erases a complete Global Data area
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="EraseGlobalDataSet"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="string" name="DevicePath_p">GD storage area to erase (gdfs, trim area)</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="06" name="Security" supportedcmdtype="longrunning,shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Security settings Commands Group (0x06)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="Security"/>
+ <command number="1" name="Set Domain" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Set the ME domain
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetDomain"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Domain">Target domain</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="Get Domain" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Get the ME domain
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetDomain"/>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CurrentDomain">The ME Domain</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Get Properties" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Reads a security data unit (such as a secure static or dynamic data unit)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="GetProperties"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Unit_id">Unit id to read</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataBuffLength">Length of the Data buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DataBuff_p" length="DataBuffLength">The unit data</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Set Properties" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Writes a security data unit (such as a secure static or dynamic data unit)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetProperties"/>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Unit_id">Unit id to write</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="DataBuffLength">Length of the Data buffer</value>
+ <value type="buffer" name="DataBuff_p" length="DataBuffLength">The data to write</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Bind Properties" ADbg="false" source="PC" supportedcmdtype="longrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ Associates all security data units with the current ME
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="BindProperties"/>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ </group>
+ <group number="08" name="ADbg application" supportedcmdtype="shortrunning">
+ <documentation>
+ ADbg test suite (automatic test tool)
+ </documentation>
+ <interface type="loader" name="ADbg"/>
+ <command number="1" name="List all modules, test cases and its parameters " flag="true" ADbg="true" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ListCase"/>
+ <documentation>
+ List all modules, test cases and its parameters
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CmdDataLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="CmdDataPayLoad_p" length="CmdDataLength">CmdData</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="2" name="List all modules, interface groups, interface functions and its parameters " flag="true" ADbg="true" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ListInterface"/>
+ <documentation>
+ List all modules, interface groups, interface functions and its parameters
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CmdDataLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="CmdDataPayLoad_p" length="CmdDataLength">CmdData</value>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="3" name="Set test case precondition " flag="true" ADbg="true" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="SetPrecondition"/>
+ <documentation>
+ Set test case precondition
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ModuleId">ModuleId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="IntGroupId">IntGroupId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="IntFunctionId">IntFunctionId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="RecoveryFlag">RecoveryFlag</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PreconditionLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="Precondition_p" length="PreconditionLength">Precondition_p</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="4" name="Recovery test case condition " flag="true" ADbg="true" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="RecoveryCondition"/>
+ <documentation>
+ Recovery test case condition
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ModuleId">ModuleId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="IntGroupId">IntGroupId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="IntFunctionId">IntFunctionId</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="5" name="Run test case " flag="true" ADbg="true" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="Run"/>
+ <documentation>
+ Run test case
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ModuleId">ModuleId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="CaseId">CaseId</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="PreconditionLength"/>
+ <value type="buffer" name="Precondition_p" length="PreconditionLength">Precondition_p</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="AssertStatus"/>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ <command number="6" name="Protocol test case " flag="true" ADbg="true" source="PC">
+ <interface type="loader" name="ProtocolTest"/>
+ <documentation>
+ Protocol test case
+ </documentation>
+ <input>
+ <value type="uint32" name="NrOfRetransmission">NrOfRetransmission</value>
+ <value type="uint32" name="Type">Type</value>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <value type="uint32" name="ProtocolTestStatus"/>
+ </output>
+ <authentication depandancy="or" factory="TRUE" rd="TRUE" product="TRUE" service="TRUE">
+ <value ref="A1"/>
+ <value ref="CA"/>
+ </authentication>
+ <permissions>
+ <value ref="ServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="FlashModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="AdvanceServiceModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="ProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="LimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ <value ref="VeryLimitedProductionModeLevel"/>
+ </permissions>
+ </command>
+ </group>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0893fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<import href="common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target"/>
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _COMMANDS_H
+#define _COMMANDS_H
+#include &quot;error_codes.h&quot;
+#include &quot;t_command_protocol.h&quot;
+#include "command_ids.h"
+ErrorCode_e Do_CEH_Call(void *Object_p, CommandData_t *CmdData_p);
+<apply-templates select="group"/>
+#endif /* _COMMANDS_H */
+<template match="group/command">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <if test="contains(@source, &apos;ME&apos;)">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat(&apos;Do_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name)"/>
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat(&apos;Done_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;Impl&apos;)"/>
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input"/>
+ <with-param name="source" select="&apos;ME&apos;"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, &apos;PC&apos;)">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat(&apos;Done_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name)"/>
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat(&apos;Do_&apos;, ../interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;_&apos;, ./interface[@type=&apos;loader&apos;]/@name, &apos;Impl&apos;)"/>
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output"/>
+ <with-param name="source" select="&apos;PC&apos;"/>
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands_impl_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands_impl_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..650a032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/commands_impl_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" >
+<import href="common.xsl"/>
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target" />
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#include "error_codes.h"
+<apply-templates select="group" />
+#endif /* _COMMANDS_IMPL_H */
+<template match="group/documentation">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template match="group/command">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<variable name="command" select="@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]/command[@number=$command]'>
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'PC')">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="input" />
+ <with-param name="source" select="'PC'" />
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
+ <if test="contains(@source, 'ME')">
+ <call-template name="prototype">
+ <with-param name="name" select="concat('Done_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name, 'Impl')" />
+ <with-param name="ref" select="concat('Do_', ../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', ./interface[@type='loader']/@name)" />
+ <with-param name="direction" select="output" />
+ <with-param name="source" select="'PC'" />
+ </call-template>
+ </if>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/common.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/common.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..591d99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/common.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" >
+<param name="supportedCommands" />
+<variable name="supported_commands" select="document($supportedCommands)/commandspec"/>
+<!-- Ugly name-mangling templates. upper-case() did not work in this
+ implementation -->
+<template name="groupidmain">
+ <param name="path" select="../." />
+ <value-of select="concat('GROUP_', translate($path/interface[@type='loader']/@name,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'))" />
+<template name="groupid">
+ <param name="path" select="." />
+ <value-of select="concat('GROUP_', translate($path/interface[@type='loader']/@name,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'))" />
+<template name="commandid">
+ <param name="path" select="." />
+ <value-of select="translate(concat('COMMAND_', $path/../interface[@type='loader']/@name, '_', $path/interface[@type='loader']/@name),'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')" />
+<template match="value" mode="deserialize">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = get_uint32_le(&amp;Data_p);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = get_uint64_le(&amp;Data_p);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = skip_str(&amp;Data_p);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"><text> </text><value-of select="@name" /> = Data_p;
+ skip_block( &amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@length" />);
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text>
+ </text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="deserialize_size">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'"> uint32 <value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"> uint64 <value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"> char *<value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"> void *<value-of select="@name" />;
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text>
+ </text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="serialize">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">put_uint32_le(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'">put_uint64_le(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'">put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length='*'">put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@name" />PLSize);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'">put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand' and @length!='*'">if (<value-of select="@name" /> != NULL)
+ {
+ put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ }
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice' and @length!='*'">serialize_device_entries(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />);<!--put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);-->
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='DirEntry' and @length!='*'">serialize_directory_entries(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />);<!--put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);-->
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='Cipher' and @length!='*'">put_block(&amp;Data_p, <value-of select="@name" />, PLSize<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="serialize_size">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">PLSize += sizeof(uint32);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'">PLSize += sizeof(uint64);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='string'">PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = get_uint32_string_le((void**)&amp;<value-of select="@name" />);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'">PLSize += <value-of select="@length" />;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand' and @length!='*'">PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(SupportedCommand_t);
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice' and @length!='*'">PLSize += get_device_entries_len(<value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />); <!--PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(DirEntry_t);-->
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='DirEntry' and @length!='*'">PLSize += get_directory_entries_len(<value-of select="@name" />, <value-of select="@length" />); <!--PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(DirEntry_t);-->
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='Cipher' and @length!='*'">PLSize += PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = <value-of select="@length" /> * sizeof(Cipher_t);
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="serialize_size_declaration">
+ <choose>
+ <when test="@type='string'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ <!--<when test="@type='ListDevice'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>-->
+ <!--<when test="@type='DirEntry'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>-->
+ <when test="@type='Cipher'">uint32 PLSize<value-of select="@name" /> = 0;
+ </when>
+ </choose>
+ <if test="position() = last()"><text></text>
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="perm">
+ <if test="position() > 1">,
+ </if>
+ <value-of select="@ref" />
+<template match="value" mode="auth">
+ <if test="position() > 1">,
+ </if>
+ <value-of select="@ref" />
+<template match="value" mode="permnumber">
+ <if test="position() = last()">
+ <value-of select="position()" />
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="authnumber">
+ <if test="position() = last()">
+ <value-of select="position()" />
+ </if>
+<template match="value" mode="clean">
+ <when test="@type='string'"></when>
+<template match="value" mode="document">
+ * @param [in] <value-of select="@name" /><text> </text><value-of select="text()" />
+<if test="position() = last()">
+ * </if>
+<template match="value" mode="declare">
+ <if test="position() > 1">, </if>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'">const uint32 <value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'">const uint64 <value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='string'">const char *<value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length='*'">int <value-of select="@name" />Length, const void *<value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"> void *<value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='SupportedCommand' and @length!='*'">SupportedCommand_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+ <when test="@type='ListDevice' and @length!='*'">ListDevice_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+ <when test="@type='DirEntry' and @length!='*'">DirEntry_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+ <when test="@type='Cipher' and @length!='*'">Cipher_t <value-of select="@name" />[]</when>
+<template match="value" mode="call">
+ <if test="position() > 1">, </if>
+ <when test="@type='uint32'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='uint64'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='string'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length='*'"><value-of select="@name" />Length, <value-of select="@name" /></when>
+ <when test="@type='buffer' and @length!='*'"><value-of select="@name" /></when>
+<template match="group/documentation">
+<variable name="group" select="../@number" />
+<if test='$target="lcm" or $supported_commands/group[@number=$group]'>
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+ */
+<template name="prototype">
+<param name="name" />
+<param name="direction" />
+<param name="source" />
+<param name="ref" />
+<when test="name($direction)='input' and contains($source, 'PC')">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(./documentation/text())"/>
+ * \see <value-of select="$ref"/>
+ * Call source: <value-of select="$source"/>
+ * @param [in] Session Input session.<apply-templates select="input/value" mode="document" />
+ * @return ErrorCode_e ...
+ */
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="$name"/>(uint16 Session<if test="count(input/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare"/>);</when>
+<when test="name($direction)='input' and contains($source, 'ME')">
+ * <value-of select="normalize-space(./documentation/text())"/>
+ * \see <value-of select="$ref"/>
+ * Call source: <value-of select="$source"/>
+ * <apply-templates select="input/value" mode="document" />
+ * @return ErrorCode_e ...
+ */
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="$name"/>(<choose><when test="count(input/value) > 0"><apply-templates select="input/value" mode="declare"/></when><otherwise>void</otherwise></choose>);</when>
+<when test="name($direction)='output'">
+ * Response to \see <value-of select="$ref"/>
+ * Call source: <value-of select="$source"/>
+ * @param [in] Session Transfered input session.
+ * @param [in] Status Completion status code.
+ * <apply-templates select="output/value" mode="document" />
+ * @return ErrorCode_e ...
+ */
+ErrorCode_e <value-of select="$name"/>(uint16 Session, ErrorCode_e Status<if test="count(output/value) > 0">, </if><apply-templates select="output/value" mode="declare"></apply-templates>);</when>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/error_codes.xml b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/error_codes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..549b369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/error_codes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+ <status>
+ <!--
+ * General Fatal 0-50
+ * General non-fatal 51-99
+ -->
+ <value number="0" name="E_SUCCESS" fatal="false" short="Operation successful."> Operation finished successfully.</value>
+ <value number="1" name="E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR" fatal="true" short="General Failure."> Unknown error.</value>
+ <value number="2" name="E_ALLOCATE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to allocate memory."> Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="51" name="E_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS" fatal="false" short="The expected value into the function was incorrect."> Check the input parameters in the command that you try to execute. Repeat operation. Report if problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="52" name="E_INVALID_CURRDATE_STRING_LENGTH" fatal="false" short="Indicate that the currdate string array variable has invalid length."> Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="53" name="E_UNALIGNED_DATA" fatal="false" short="Indicate that a variable is not aligned."> Try to reset the loader and if still exist the problem, report this error.</value>
+ <!--
+ * IO Fatal 100-150
+ * IO non-fatal 151-199
+ -->
+ <value number="100" name="E_VECTOR_CREATE_FAIL" fatal="true" short="Failed to create vector in IO Layer.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="101" name="E_VECTOR_DESTROY_FAIL" fatal="true" short="Failed to destroy vector in IO Layer.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="151" name="E_GENERAL_IO_ERROR" fatal="false" short="Unknown IO error.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="152" name="E_IO_FAILED_TO_READ" fatal="false" short="IO failed to read from source.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="153" name="E_IO_FAILED_TO_WRITE" fatal="false" short="IO failed to write to destination.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="154" name="E_IO_FAILED_TO_CLOSE" fatal="false" short="IO failed to close media.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="155" name="E_IO_FAILED_TO_OPEN" fatal="false" short="IO failed to open media.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="156" name="E_IO_FAILED_TO_GET_LENGTH" fatal="false" short="IO failed to get length of media.">Internal malicious state detected in IO layer. Report this problem.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Communication Fatal 200-250
+ * Communication non-fatal 251-299
+ -->
+ <value number="200" name="E_GENERAL_COMMUNICATION_ERROR" fatal="false" short="General communication error.">Check the communication cable and restart the loader.</value>
+ <value number="201" name="E_FAILED_TO_START_BULK_SESSION" fatal="true" short="Failed to start bulk session.">Try to reset the loader and if still exist the problem, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="202" name="E_FAILED_TO_CLOSE_BULK_SESSION" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the transport layer.">Try to reset the loader and if still exist the problem, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="203" name="E_FAILED_TO_FIND_CHUNK_DATA_BLOCK" fatal="true" short="Failed to find chunk data block.">Try to reset the loader and if still exist the problem, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="204" name="E_FAILED_TO_INIT_COM_DEVICE" fatal="true" short="Failed to reinitialize communication device.">Try to reset the loader and if still exist the problem, report this error. Possible hardware problem.</value>
+ <value number="205" name="E_FAILED_TO_USE_COM_DEVICE" fatal="true" short="Failed to use communication device.">Communication device do not respond and try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="206" name="E_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_COMM_BUFFER" fatal="true" short="Failed to allocate communication buffer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="207" name="E_FAILED_TO_FLUSH_RXFIFO" fatal="true" short="Failed to flush RX FIFO.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="208" name="E_RETRANSMITION_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Retransmission failed. After MAX_RESENDS attempt, failed to send packet.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="209" name="E_COMMAND_NO_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Stopped command error sequence."> Reset the loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="210" name="E_FAILED_TO_RELEASE_COMM_BUFFER" fatal="true" short="Failed to release communication buffer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="211" name="E_FAILED_TO_INTIALIZE_TIMER_FUNCTIONS" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize timer functions.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="212" name="E_FAILED_TO_INTIALIZE_QUEUE_FUNCTIONS" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize queue functions.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="213" name="E_DMA_INIT_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize DMA.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="214" name="E_FAILED_TO_STOP_DMA" fatal="true" short="Failed to stop DMA channel.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="215" name="E_FAILED_TO_OPEN_DMA_CHANNEL" fatal="true" short="Failed to open DMA channel.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="216" name="E_FAILED_TO_SET_DMA_CHANNEL_TYPE" fatal="true" short="Failed to set DMA channel type.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="217" name="E_FAILED_TO_SET_DMA_CHANNEL_MODE" fatal="true" short="Failed to set DMA channel mode.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="218" name="E_FAILED_TO_OPEN_DMA_PIPE" fatal="true" short="Failed to open DMA pipe.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="219" name="E_FAILED_TO_SET_DMA_IT_LOGIC" fatal="true" short="Failed to set DMA interrupt logic.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="220" name="E_FAILED_TO_CLOSE_DMA_PIPE" fatal="true" short="Failed to close DMA pipe.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="221" name="E_FAILED_TO_CLOSE_DMA_CHANNEL" fatal="true" short="Failed to close DMA channel.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="222" name="E_FAILED_TO_CONFIG_SRC_DMA_DEVICE" fatal="true" short="Failed to configure DMA source device.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="223" name="E_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_DMA_SRC_MEMORY_BUFFER" fatal="true" short="Failed to update DMA source memory buffer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="224" name="E_FAILED_TO_CONFIG_DEST_DMA_DEVICE" fatal="true" short="Failed to configure DMA destination device.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="225" name="E_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_DMA_DEST_MEMORY_BUFFER" fatal="true" short="Failed to update DMA destination memory buffer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="226" name="E_FAILED_TO_RUN_DMA" fatal="true" short="Failed to run DMA transfer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="251" name="E_INVALID_BULK_MODE" fatal="false" short="Invalid bulk mode.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="252" name="E_FAILED_TO_FIND_COMM_BUFFER" fatal="false" short="Failed to find communication buffer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="253" name="E_INVALID_TYPE_OF_BUFFER" fatal="false" short="Invalid type of buffer.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="254" name="E_COM_DEVICE_BUSY" fatal="false" short="Communication device is busy.">Current transfer is not finished.</value>
+ <value number="255" name="E_NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT_IN_RETRANSMISSION_LIST" fatal="false" short="The element in retransmission list is not found.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="256" name="E_FAILED_READING_FROM_BULK" fatal="false" short="Failed to read from bulk.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="257" name="E_FAILED_WRITING_TO_BULK" fatal="false" short="Failed to write to bulk.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="258" name="E_FAILED_TO_GET_UART_DESCRIPTOR" fatal="false" short="Failed to get UART descriptor.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="259" name="E_FAILED_TO_GET_USB_DESCRIPTOR" fatal="false" short="Failed to get USB descriptor.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="260" name="E_INVALID_BULK_SESSION_ID" fatal="false" short="Invalid bulk session ID is used.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="261" name="E_PREVIOUS_BULK_SESSION_IS_NOT_CLOSED" fatal="false" short="Previous bulk session not closed.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="262" name="E_INVALID_BULK_PROTOCOL_STATE" fatal="false" short="Invalid bulk protocol state.">Try to reset the loader. If the problem still exist, report this error.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Signature Fatal 300-350
+ * Signature non-fatal 351-399
+ -->
+ <value number="351" name="E_UNKNWON_PROPERTY" fatal="false" short="Unknown property id.">Check the input value of the command that you try to execute.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Services Fatal 400-450
+ * Services non-fatal 451-499
+ -->
+ <value number="451" name="E_CYCLIC_GRAPH" fatal="false" short="Cyclic graph in services detected."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="452" name="E_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="false" short="The service is not supported."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="453" name="E_INCONSISTENCY_IN_SERVICES" fatal="false" short="Inconsistency in services is detected."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="454" name="E_SERVICE_IN_USE" fatal="false" short="The service is in use and can't be stopped."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="455" name="E_UNREGISTER_BDM_SERVICE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Unregistering of Block Device Manager Service failed."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="456" name="E_UNREGISTER_BAM_SERVICE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Unregistering of Boot Area Manager Service failed."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="457" name="E_UNREGISTER_COPS_SERVICE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Unregistering of COPS Data Manager Service failed."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="458" name="E_UNREGISTER_FS_SERVICE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Unregistering of File System Manager Service failed."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="459" name="E_UNREGISTER_FPD_SERVICE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Unregistering of Flash Physical Driver Service failed."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <value number="460" name="E_UNREGISTER_GD_SERVICE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Unregistering of Global Data Manager Service failed."> Some internal error occurred and you need to reset the loader to avoid further unpredictable behaviour.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Zip Parser Fatal 500-550
+ * Zip Parser non-fatal 551-599
+ -->
+ <value number="551" name="E_GENERAL_ZIP_ERROR" fatal="false" short="General error."> Possible error in zip format.Verify that the zip is not corrupted,otherwise report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="552" name="E_ZIP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_CONTEXT" fatal="false" short=" Failed to parse the zip."> Possible error in zip format.Verify that the zip is not corrupted,otherwise report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="553" name="E_ZIP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE" fatal="false" short=" Failed to open file from the zip.">Possible error in zip format.Verify that the zip is not corrupted,otherwise report the problem.</value>
+ <!--
+ * System Fatal 600-650
+ * System non-fatal 651-699
+ -->
+ <value number="600" name="E_FILESYS_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the file system application.">Internal error.Reset loader.Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="601" name="E_NO_FILESYSTEM_PROPERTY" fatal="true" short="Failed to start file system."> Verify that archive is successfuly flashed.Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="602" name="E_UNDEFINED_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE" fatal="true" short="Undefined authentication type.">Check the authentication type. The loader supports authentication with CA certificate and control keyes.Repeat authentiacton. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="651" name="E_RTC_TIME_NOT_ACCURATE" fatal="false" short="System Time is not properly set."> Default system time is used.Set the Time properly. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="652" name="E_RTC_INTIALIZATION_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Hardware error ocure during initialization of RTC."> Report this problem</value>
+ <!--
+ * Flash Fatal 700-750
+ * Flash non-fatal 751-799
+ -->
+ <value number="751" name="E_DIFFERENT_FLASHLAYOUT" fatal="false" short="Different flashlayout."> You must erase the flash before flashing archive with different flashlayout.</value>
+ <value number="752" name="E_EMPTY_FILE_IN_ARCHIVE" fatal="false" short="Archive contain empty file."> Check files in flash archive. Empty files not allowed.</value>
+ <value number="753" name="E_UNKNOWN_COMM_DEVICE" fatal="false" short="Unknown communication device was detected."> Try to restart the loader and if still exist the problem, report this error.</value>
+ <value number="754" name="E_FLASH_APP_INTERNAL_ERROR" fatal="false" short="Internal during execution of flash commands."> Try to erase flash and restart the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="755" name="E_DEVICE_NAME_TOO_LONG" fatal="false" short="Device name is too long."> Try to erase flash and restart the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="756" name="E_FLASH_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH" fatal="false" short="Mismatch between archieve that is flashed and previosly flashed one."> During previous flashing some fail condition occurs. Reflash same archieve again before try a new one.</value>
+ <value number="757" name="E_UNSUPPORTED_FLASH_TYPE" fatal="false" short="Flash memory device type is not supported."> Try to use loaders with support for memory device attached to DBB. If loaders does not exist, fire CR in FIDO to get loaders that support that memory.</value>
+ <value number="758" name="E_FPD_NOT_CONFIGURED" fatal="false" short= "Flash physical driver is not configured."> Check MEMCONF settings in flash archive.</value>
+ <value number="759" name="E_INVALID_SIZE_IN_MEMCONF" fatal="false" short= "MEMCONF boot record contain invalid TotalSize field."> Check MEMCONF settings in flash archive. Very likely flash archive is built for ME with flash device with larger capacity</value>
+ <value number="760" name="E_ARCHIVE_TO_LARGE" fatal="false" short= "Flash archive larger than available space in BDM."> Check CABS settings in flash archive. Very likely flash archive is built for ME with flash device with larger capacity</value>
+ <value number="761" name="E_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND_IN_FLASHLAYOUT" fatal="false" short="Entry not found in flashlayout file.">Entry stated in manifest file is not found in flashlayout file. All entries in manifest must be defined in flashlayout file.</value>
+ <value number="762" name="E_MISMATCH_MANIFEST_FLASHLAYOUT" fatal="false" short="Mismatch between manifest and flashlayout.">Entry start address in manifest and flashlayout are not equal.</value>
+ <value number="763" name="E_INVALID_SUBTOC_PARAMETERS" fatal="false" short="SUBTOC is invalid.">SUBTOC parameters are not valid.</value>
+ <value number="764" name="E_FAILED_TO_READ_SUBTOC" fatal="false" short="Reading SUBTOC from flash failed.">Reading SUBTOC from flash failed.</value>
+ <value number="765" name="E_OVERLAPPING_PARTITIONS_FOUND" fatal="false" short="Overlapping partitions found in the archive.">Overlapping partitions found in the archive.</value>
+ <value number="766" name="E_PARTITION_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="Partition not found in TOC.">Partition not found in TOC.</value>
+ <value number="767" name="E_FLASHLAYOUT_NULL" fatal="false" short="Flashlayout data equals NULL.">Flashlayout data equals NULL.</value>
+ <value number="768" name="E_INVALID_TOC_TYPE" fatal="false" short="Invalid TOC type supplied during TOC list creation.">Loader internal error. Report this issue to loaders team.</value>
+ <value number="769" name="E_TOC_HANDLER_INPUT_DATA_EMPTY" fatal="false" short="TOC list cannot be created because supplied buffer is empty.">Input buffer in create TOC list functionality is filled from empty location.</value>
+ <value number="770" name="E_TOC_HANDLER_INPUT_DATA_CORRUPTED" fatal="false" short="TOC list cannot be created because supplied buffer contains corrupted data."> Report this issue to loaders team.</value>
+ <value number="771" name="E_TOC_LIST_CORRUPTED" fatal="false" short="TOC list cannot be created. Some malicious state occurs.">Erase flash and try all procedure once again. If problem still exist report it to loaders team.</value>
+ <value number="772" name="E_TOC_BOOT_AREA_EMPTY" fatal="false" short="TOC list cannot be created. Boot area is empty.">Flash archive first before using some TOC operations.</value>
+ <value number="773" name="E_BOOT_AREA_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="Boot Area not found.">There is no boot area on flash, nor in the archive you are trying to flash.</value>
+ <value number="774" name="E_MISMATCH_MANIFEST_TOC" fatal="false" short="Mismatch between manifest and TOC.">Entry start address or flash device in manifest are not equal to TOC.</value>
+ <value number="775" name="E_FILE_TOO_LARGE" fatal="false" short="File too large.">The file is too large to fit in the partition. Increase the partition size and try to flash the file again. If problem still exist, report it</value>
+ <value number="776" name="E_FILE_OUT_OF_BOOT_AREA" fatal="false" short="File outside of boot area">The file is too large to fit in the boot area.</value>
+ <value number="777" name="E_DUMP_OUT_OF_FLASH_RANGE" fatal="false" short="Dump outside of flash range">The requested dump size is outside of the flash range, available flash range is dumped.</value>
+ <!--
+ * File management Fatal 900-950
+ * File management non-fatal 951-999
+ -->
+ <value number="951" name="E_PATH_NOT_EXISTS" fatal="false" short="Path not exist."> Verify that supplied path is valid. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="952" name="E_CLOSE_FILE" fatal="false" short="Failed to close a file in the file system."> Repeat operation. If still doesn't work reset loader. If that does not resolve problem report it.</value>
+ <value number="953" name="E_INSUFFICENT_SPACE" fatal="false" short="Not enough memory space for desired operation."> Use Volume Properties command to check if enough memory space exists. Report problem in case of information mismatch.</value>
+ <value number="954" name="E_REMOVE_FILE" fatal="false" short="Failed to remove a file from the file system."> Check the access of the file. Repeat operation. If problem still exist possible file system corruption and you need to reset the loader. Report if problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="955" name="E_RENAME_FILE" fatal="false" short="Failed to rename a file from the file system."> Check the access of the file. Repeat operation. If problem still exist possible file system corruption and you need to reset the loader. Report if problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="956" name="E_CREATE_DIR" fatal="false" short="Failed to create a new directory in the file system."> Use Volume Properties command to check if enough memory space exists. Repeat operation or reset loader. If problem still exist possible file system corruption. Report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="957" name="E_REMOVE_DIRECTORY" fatal="false" short="Failed to remove directory."> Check the access of the file. Repeat operation. If problem still exist possible file system corruption and you need to reset the loader. Report if problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="958" name="E_FREE_SPACE" fatal="false" short="No free space left."> Use Volume Properties command to check if enough memory space exists. Report problem in case of information mismatch.</value>
+ <value number="959" name="E_ITEM_STAT" fatal="false" short="Failed to retrieve status data."> Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="960" name="E_CLOSE_DIRECTORY" fatal="false" short="Failed to close a directory in the file system."> Internal error. Possible file system corruption. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="961" name="E_MOUNT_VOLUME" fatal="false" short="Failed to mount volume in the file system."> Internal error. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="962" name="E_READ_DIRECTORY" fatal="false" short="Failed to read directory in the file system."> Check the access of the file and check input parameters. Repeat operation. If problem still exist possible file system corruption and you need to reset the loader. Report if problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="963" name="E_FS_IO" fatal="false" short="Input/output error."> Internal error. Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="964" name="E_FS_ARGUMENT_LIST_2BIG" fatal="false" short="Argument list too long."> Internal error. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="965" name="E_FS_BAD_FILE_DESC" fatal="false" short="Bad file descriptor."> Internal error. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="966" name="E_FS_ACCESS" fatal="false" short="Permission denied."> In order to perform operation first change file access permissions and than repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="967" name="E_FS_BAD_ADDRESS" fatal="false" short="Bad address."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="968" name="E_FS_FILE_EXIST" fatal="false" short="File exists."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="969" name="E_FS_NOT_DIR" fatal="false" short="Not a directory."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="970" name="E_FS_IS_DIR" fatal="false" short="Is a directory."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="971" name="E_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE" fatal="false" short="File too large."> Check input parameters. Use Volume Properties command to check if enough memory space exists. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="972" name="E_FS_READ_ONLY_FS" fatal="false" short="Read-only file system."> Operation is not allowed.</value>
+ <value number="973" name="E_FS_OPER_NOT_SUPP" fatal="false" short="Operation not supported."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="974" name="E_FS_NAME_TOO_LONG" fatal="false" short="File name too long."> Repeat operation with correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="975" name="E_FS_OPERATION_CANCELED" fatal="false" short="Operation canceled."> Internal error. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="976" name="E_FS_FAIL" fatal="false" short="Cannot start operation."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="977" name="E_FS_INTERNAL" fatal="false" short="Internal error."> Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="978" name="E_FS_NOT_MOUNTED" fatal="false" short="Volume not mounted."> Requested volume not exist. Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="979" name="E_FS_NOT_PERMITED" fatal="false" short="Operation not permitted."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="980" name="E_FS_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIR" fatal="false" short="No such file or directory."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="981" name="E_FS_NOT_EXIST" fatal="false" short="Specified FS does not exist."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="982" name="E_FS_UNKNOWN_ERROR" fatal="false" short="Error is unknown."> Internal error. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="983" name="E_FAILED_WRITING_TO_FILE" fatal="false" short="Failed to write to file."> Internal error. Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="984" name="E_FAILED_READING_FROM_FILE" fatal="false" short="Failed to read from the specified file."> Internal error. Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="985" name="E_ACCESS_DENIED" fatal="false" short="The access permission attributes do not allow operation."> Change the access and repeat operation. If problem still exist possible file system corruption and you need to reset the loader. Report if problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="986" name="E_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE" fatal="false" short="Can not open the specified file."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="987" name="E_FAILED_TO_STOP_FS" fatal="false" short="Can not stop file system."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="988" name="E_FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG" fatal="false" short="File name is too long."> Correct the file name. Repeat operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="989" name="E_FAILED_TO_FIND_ELF_SECTION" fatal="false" short="Can not find elf section."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="990" name="E_MAX_NUMBER_OF_MOUNTED_VOLUMES_EXCEEDED" fatal="false" short="Unable to mount volume due to exceeding the maximum number of allowed volumes.">First check the defined number of volumes in the flasharchive. If it is lower than maximum allowed volumes repeat the operation or reset loader. Report if problem still exist </value>
+ <value number="991" name="E_NO_MOUNTED_DEVICES_ARE_FOUND" fatal="false" short="Information message that no mounted devices are found."> This message can be issued in case when is detected that loader is trying to unmount zero mounted devices.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Command Auditing and execution Fatal 1000-1050
+ * Command Auditing and execution non-fatal 1051-1099
+ -->
+ <value number="1000" name="E_NOT_FREE_CMD_SPACE" fatal="true" short="Index for new command is not founded in execution queue."> Internal limitation. Wait some time and then try again.</value>
+ <value number="1001" name="E_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER" fatal="true" short="Invalid input parameter"> Reset loader. If problem still exist report it.</value>
+ <value number="1002" name="E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD" fatal="true" short="The loader does not support the requested command."> Check your authentication level. Some command need authentication. Verify that you are sending correct command.</value>
+ <value number="1003" name="E_UNSUPPORTED_GROUP" fatal="true" short="The loader does not support the requested group."> Check your authentication level. Verify that you are sending command from existing group.</value>
+ <value number="1051" name="E_INVALID_COMMAND_SIZE" fatal="false" short="The size of the command is invalid."> Check the command payload. If payload is fine, report this problem</value>
+ <value number="1052" name="E_OVERLOAD_COMMAND_TABLE" fatal="false" short="Too many commands are registered."> It is not allowed more than 5 commands to be registered.</value>
+ <value number="1053" name="E_COMMAND_ALREADY_REGISTERED" fatal="false" short="Command has already registered in execution queue.">It is not allowed the command to be registerd more than once in execution queue</value>
+ <value number="1054" name="E_AUDITING_FAILED" fatal="false" short=" Command auditing failed."> You should be authenticate with appropriate permission level in order to execute this command.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Timers Fatal 1200-1250
+ * Timers non-fatal 1251-1299
+ -->
+ <value number="1251" name="E_NONEXIST_TIMER" fatal="false" short="Timer with the specified index does not exist.">Internal error.Report this problem</value>
+ <value number="1252" name="E_FAILED_TO_SET_TIMER" fatal="false" short="Failed to start the timer.">Internal error. Report this problem</value>
+ <value number="1253" name="E_TIMER_INIT_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Timer initialization failed.">Internal error. Report this problem</value>
+ <value number="1254" name="E_TIMER_IRQ_CONF_FAILED" fatal="false"> short="Timer interrupt configure failed.">Internal error. Report this problem</value>
+ <!--
+ * Parameter Fatal 1300-1350
+ * Parameter non-fatal 1351-1399
+ -->
+ <value number="1351" name="E_GD_INVALID_UNIT_SIZE" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Error in specifying unit size."> Check input parameters. Repeat command.</value>
+ <value number="1352" name="E_GD_LL_ILLEGAL_SIZE" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Size too large for the block."> Internal error. Check input parameters. Repeat command.</value>
+ <value number="1353" name="E_GD_LL_WRITE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Write failed on FLASH device level."> Try to reset the loader and repeat operation. If problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1354" name="E_GD_LL_ERASE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Erase failed on FLASH device level."> Try to reset the loader and repeat operation. If problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1355" name="E_GD_LL_UNKNOWN_DEVICE" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: FLASH device unknown."> Possible error in flash driver configuration. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1356" name="E_GD_STARTUP_LOG_BLK_MISSING" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Logical block not found during start-up scan."> Possible wrong configuration or memory corruption. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1357" name="E_GD_STARTUP_DUPLICATE_LOG_BLK" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Duplicate instances of same logical block."> Internal error or memory corruption. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1358" name="E_GD_ERASE_ILLEGAL_BLK_NR" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Attempt to erase non-existing physical block."> Internal error. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1359" name="E_GD_FG_UNIT_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Requested unit not found, probably never written or has been deleted."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1360" name="E_GD_FG_UNIT_SIZE_MISMATCH" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Attempt to access a unit outside its beyond its end."> Check input parameters. Repeat command.</value>
+ <value number="1361" name="E_GD_FG_ILLEGAL_LOG_BLK_NR" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Attempt to access a logical block that does not exist. (Hardware, fatal)."> Check input parameters. Restart loader and if problem doesn't solved, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1362" name="E_GD_FG_ILLEGAL_PHYS_BLK_NR" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Attempt to access a physical block that does not exist (internal error)."> Reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1363" name="E_GD_FG_BLK_FULL" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Attempted to write more data to a block than could be fitted into one FLASH block."> Check input parameters. Reset loader and if problem doesn't solved reset loader.</value>
+ <value number="1364" name="E_GD_FG_NO_BLK_FREE" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Internal error (no free blocks are available)."> There's no more space available. Check input parameters and try to repeat same operation. Report if problem does't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1365" name="E_GD_FG_UNIT_CHECKSUM" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: The checksum or a unit being read is wrong."> Internal error. Try to repeat command. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1366" name="E_GD_FG_NOT_DIRECT_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Block is not direct."> Internal error. Try to repeat command. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1367" name="E_GD_FG_NOT_FREE_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: For some reason, a free block could not be properly erased."> Internal error. Try to repeat command and reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1368" name="E_GD_FG_ILLEGAL_SIZE" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: The size of a unit being written exceeds the maximum limit of a unit."> Internal error. Try to repeat command and reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1369" name="E_GD_E_FG_FREE_AREA_DIRTY" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: The startup check found non-FF bytes in unused range within a block."> Internal error. Try to repeat command and reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1370" name="E_GD_FG_SYNC_FAILED" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Failed to synchronize."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1371" name="E_GD_NOT_OPEN" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Tried to access data although GD was in closed state."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1372" name="E_GD_NOT_ALLOWED" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Operation not allowed in the current mode."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1373" name="E_GD_ALREADY_OPEN" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Tried to open or format when GD was already opened."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1374" name="E_GD_FRONKENSTIENS_PATTERN_MISMATCH" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: The id mark of the GDVAR file does not match the data in the flash. Fatal and makes GD read only."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1375" name="E_GD_ILLEGAL_ALIGNMENT" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Tried to erase at an address that was not aligned to a flash block boundary. Internal error."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1376" name="E_GD_ILLEGAL_SIZE" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: The operation may not be performed with the specified size. Tried to write a to large unit."> Check input parameters. Retry command. If problem doesn't solved reset loader. Report this problem if this not help.</value>
+ <value number="1377" name="E_GD_ACCESS_DENIED" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Operation not allowed. Flash device protected. Possible wrong flash driver configuration."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1378" name="E_GD_ILLEGAL_INDEX" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Illegal GD index."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1379" name="E_GD_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Fatal. Failed to allocate dynamic memory."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1380" name="E_GD_MISSING_CONFIG" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Missing configuration parameter."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1381" name="E_GD_ILLEGAL_CONFIG" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: Illegal configuration."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1382" name="E_GD_TRANSACTION_LOG_CORRUPT" fatal="false" short="GD/GDFS: The transaction log used for tracking updates to GD contents is corrupt and prevents roll-back from working properly."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1383" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_INVALID_KEY" fatal="false" short="Error, parameter key not valid."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1384" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_OUT_OF_SPACE" fatal="false" short="Error, there is not space enough on memory media to update the parameter area."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1385" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_NO_VALID_IMAGE" fatal="false" short="Error, no valid CSPSA image found."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1386" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_MEDIA_INACCESSIBLE" fatal="false" short="Memory media could not be accessed."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1387" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_READ_ONLY" fatal="false" short="Image is read-only."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1388" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_READ_ERROR" fatal="false" short="Error occurred while reading from media."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1389" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_WRITE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="Error occurred while writing to media."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1390" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_UNDEFINED" fatal="false" short="Represents an undefined value of this enum."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1391" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_END_OF_DATA" fatal="false" short="No more parameters, end of data has been reached."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1392" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_OPEN_ERROR" fatal="false" short="Parameter storage area could not be opened (media error)."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1393" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_ALREADY_EXISTS" fatal="false" short="Parameter storage area with same name was already registered."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1394" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY" fatal="false" short="There was not enough memory to perform the operation."> Loader internal problem. Report this issue.</value>
+ <value number="1395" name="E_CSPSA_RESULT_E_BAD_PARAMETER" fatal="false" short="Error because of bad input parameter.">Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1399" name="E_GD_NO_DATA_TO_READ" fatal="false" short="GD: No data to read."> Write something to GD before attempting to read from it. Report this problem if you are shore that GD is not empty.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Block device Fatal 1400-1450
+ * Block device non-fatal 1451-1499
+ -->
+ <value number="1451" name="E_BDM_W_NO_MORE_GC_POSSIBLE" fatal="false" short="BDM: No more garbage collection is possible."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1452" name="E_BDM_UNIT_STARTED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Unit has already been started."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1453" name="E_BDM_UNIT_NOT_STARTED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Unit has not yet been started."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1454" name="E_BDM_NOT_CONFIGURED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Has not been configured yet."> Check is archive was flashed. If not, flash archive. If problem still exist reset loader and report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1455" name="E_BDM_STARTUP_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Startup failed."> Check is archive was flashed. If not, flash archive. If problem still exist reset loader and report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1456" name="E_BDM_SHUTDOWN_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Shutdown failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1457" name="E_BDM_WRITE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: An error occurred while writing."> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1458" name="E_BDM_READ_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: An error occurred while reading"> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1459" name="E_BDM_ERASE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: An error occurred while erasing."> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1460" name="E_BDM_JUNK_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: An error occurred while junking."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1461" name="E_BDM_GC_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: An error occurred while garbage collecting."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1462" name="E_BDM_GET_INFO_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: An error occurred while retrieving info about a BDM unit."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1463" name="E_BDM_WRITE_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Write not supported.">Writing was attempted when compiled as read-only.</value>
+ <value number="1464" name="E_BDM_JUNK_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Junk not supported.">Junking was attempted when compiled as read-only.</value>
+ <value number="1465" name="E_BDM_GC_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Garbage collection not supported.">Garbage collection was attempted when compiled as read-only.</value>
+ <value number="1466" name="E_BDM_SYNC_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Synchronize failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1467" name="E_BDM_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Function not supported."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1468" name="E_BDM_PAUSED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Paused.">Error returned when using os-free code when calling any other method then resume or shutdown when BDM is in the paused state.</value>
+ <value number="1469" name="E_BDM_NOT_PAUSED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Not paused.">Returned when calling resume when BDM is not in the paused state (In the os-free case).</value>
+ <value number="1470" name="E_BDM_FINDING_BAM_BLOCKS" fatal="false" short="BDM: BAM blocks not found."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1471" name="E_BDM_BAD_PARAM" fatal="false" short="BDM: Argument invalid or out of range."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1472" name="E_BDM_FORMAT_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Formatting failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1473" name="E_BDM_INVALID_UNIT" fatal="false" short="BDM: The unit number is out of range."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1474" name="E_BDM_INVALID_CONFIG" fatal="false" short="BDM: Some part of the configuration is invalid."> Possible error in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1475" name="E_BDM_PRE_FLASH_FINISHED" fatal="false" short="BDM: No more preflash blocks can be fetched."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1476" name="E_BDM_PRE_FLASH_TERMINATE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BDM: Termination of preflash failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1477" name="E_BDM_OUT_OF_MEM" fatal="false" short="BDM: Could not allocate enough memory."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1481" name="E_BDM_XSR_CRITICAL_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Critical error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1482" name="E_BDM_XSR_INVALID_PARAMS" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Invalid parameters."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1483" name="E_BDM_XSR_PARTITION_NOT_OPENED" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Could not open partition."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1484" name="E_BDM_XSR_UNFORMATTED_FLASH" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Unformatted flash."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1485" name="E_BDM_XSR_ALLOCATION_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Failed to allocate."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1486" name="E_BDM_XSR_INVALID_PARTITION" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Invalid partition."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1487" name="E_BDM_XSR_READ_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: An error occurred while reading."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1488" name="E_BDM_XSR_WRITE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: An error occurred while writing."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1489" name="E_BDM_XSR_ERASE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: An error occurred while erasing."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1490" name="E_BDM_XSR_DEVICE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Device error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1491" name="E_BDM_XSR_GOODBLOCK" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Good block."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1492" name="E_BDM_XSR_BADBLOCK" fatal="false" short="BDM XSR: Bad block."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Boot area Fatal 1500-1550
+ * Boot area non-fatal 1551-1619
+ -->
+ <value number="1551" name="E_BAM_NOT_CONFIGURED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Is not configured."> Check is archive was flashed. If not, flash archive. If problem still exist reset loader and report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1552" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE" fatal="false" short="BAM: Unsupported page size."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1553" name="E_BAM_ERR_ERASING_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: Erase block could not be properly erased."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1554" name="E_BAM_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY" fatal="false" short="BAM: Not enough free memory to serve request."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1555" name="E_BAM_ERR_CHECKING_BADNESS" fatal="false" short="BAM: There was a problem checking if a block was bad or not."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1556" name="E_BAM_ERR_FINDING_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: Reserved block could not be found."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1557" name="E_BAM_ERR_READING_PAGE" fatal="false" short="BAM: An error occurred while reading a page in a block."> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1558" name="E_BAM_ERR_MARKING_BLOCK_BAD" fatal="false" short="BAM: A block went bad and BAM could not mark it as bad properly."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1559" name="E_BAM_ERR_READING_OUTSIDE_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: Read would result in a read beyond end of reserved block."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1560" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM: An uncorrectable read error occurred while reading block."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1561" name="E_BAM_ERR_WRITING_PAGE" fatal="false" short="BAM: An error occurred while writing a page to a reserved block."> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1562" name="E_BAM_ERR_WRITING_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: An error occurred while writing to a reserved block."> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1563" name="E_BAM_ERR_RESCUING_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: There was a problem rescuing a block that went bad during the request."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1564" name="E_BAM_ERR_CONFIG_MISSING" fatal="false" short="BAM: No configuration was given."> Check is archive was flashed. If not, flash archive. If problem still exist reset loader and report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1565" name="E_BAM_ERR_ALREADY_STARTED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Has already been started."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1566" name="E_BAM_ERR_NOT_STARTED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Has not been started yet."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1567" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION" fatal="false" short="BAM: Requested operation is not supported."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1568" name="E_BAM_ERR_CORRUPT_STATE" fatal="false" short="BAM: Internal state has been corrupted."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1569" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA" fatal="false" short="BAM: The configured media type is not supported."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1570" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_REDUNDANT_AREA_SIZE" fatal="false" short="BAM: Unsupported redundant area size."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1571" name="E_BAM_ERR_READING_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: Reading block failed."> Possible error in flash driver. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1572" name="E_BAM_ERR_SHUTTING_DOWN" fatal="false" short="BAM: Shutting down failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1573" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNINITIALIZING" fatal="false" short="BAM: An error occurred with uninitializing."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1574" name="E_BAM_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET" fatal="false" short="BAM: Invalid offset."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1575" name="E_BAM_ERR_INVALID_SIZE" fatal="false" short="BAM: Invalid size."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1576" name="E_BAM_ERR_RETRIEVING_INFO" fatal="false" short="BAM: Retrieving info failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1577" name="E_BAM_ERR_INVALID_CONFIG" fatal="false" short="BAM: Invalid configuration."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1578" name="E_BAM_ERR_ERASING_ALL_BLOCKS" fatal="false" short="BAM: An error occurred while erasing all blocks."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1579" name="E_BAM_ERR_BLOCK_MARKED_BAD" fatal="false" short="BAM: Block was marked as bad while doing an operation."> Repeat operation. If problem still exist reset the loader. Report if the problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="1580" name="E_BAM_ERR_VALIDATING_START_BLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM: Can not assure that start block configuration refers to a block boundary."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1581" name="E_BAM_ERR_FAILED_TO_GET_MEMORYTECHNOLOGY" fatal="false" short="BAM: Unable the query FAM about the memory technology used in the memory we are trying to initialize BAM on."></value>
+ <value number="1582" name="E_BAM_ERR_BLOCK_RESCUED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Block rescue failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1583" name="E_BAM_ERR_DETERMINING_BBM" fatal="false" short="BAM: Failed to determine what BBM type configuration has been written to flash."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1584" name="E_BAM_ERR_SET_ECC_LENGTH" fatal="false" short="BAM: Failed to set the length to use with HW ECC acceleration."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1585" name="E_BAM_ERR_INVALID_BBM_TYPE" fatal="false" short="BAM: Invalid BBM type."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1586" name="E_BAM_ERR_BOOT_BDM_CONFIG_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Failed to configure boot block device management."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1587" name="E_BAM_ERR_BOOT_BDM_STARTUP_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Failed to startup boot block device management."> Possible missing configuration for BDM. Check is archive was flashed. If not, flash archive. If problem still exist reset loader and report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1588" name="E_BAM_ERR_BOOT_BDM_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="BAM: Boot block device management instance not found."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1589" name="E_BAM_ERR_BOOT_BDM_BLOCKS_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="BAM: Boot block device management blocks not found."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1590" name="E_BAM_ERR_BOOT_BDM_NOT_STARTED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Boot block device management not started. Requested operation require BDM to be started."> Internal error. Report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1591" name="E_BAM_ERR_UNIT_OUT_OF_RANGE" fatal="false" short="BAM: Unit is out of range."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1592" name="E_BAM_ERR_BDM_STARTUP_FAILED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Block device management startup failed."> Possible missing configuration for BDM. Check is archive was flashed. If not, flash archive. If problem still exist reset loader and report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1593" name="E_BAM_ERR_BLOCK_NOT_ERASED" fatal="false" short="BAM: Block not erased."> Repeat operation. If problem still exist reset the loader. Report if the problem is not solved.</value>
+ <value number="1601" name="E_BAM_ONLD_CRITICAL_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: Critical error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1602" name="E_BAM_ONLD_INVALID_PARAMS" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: Invalid parameters."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1603" name="E_BAM_ONLD_INITIALISATION_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: Initialisation error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1604" name="E_BAM_ONLD_READ_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: An error occurred while reading."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1605" name="E_BAM_ONLD_WRITE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: An error occurred while writing."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1606" name="E_BAM_ONLD_ERASE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: An error occurred while erasing."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1607" name="E_BAM_ONLD_DEVICE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: Device error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1608" name="E_BAM_ONLD_GOODBLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: Good block."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="1609" name="E_BAM_ONLD_BADBLOCK" fatal="false" short="BAM ONLD: Bad block."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Cops data Fatal 1620-1650
+ * Cops data non-fatal 1651-1699
+ -->
+ <value number="1651" name="E_COPS_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED" fatal="false" short="COPS: Memory allocation failed."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1652" name="E_COPS_DATA_TAMPERED" fatal="false" short="COPS: Data is tempered."> Check the file that you want to bind. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1653" name="E_COPS_IMEI_MISSMATCH" fatal="false" short="COPS: IMEI missmatch.">IMEI in the OTP differs from the IMEI in the COPS data.</value>
+ <value number="1654" name="E_COPS_OTP_LOCKED" fatal="false" short="COPS: OTP is locked.">It is not allowed to write in already locked OTP area</value>
+ <value number="1655" name="E_COPS_MAC_FUNCTION_LOCKED_DOWN" fatal="false" short="COPS: Function for calculating MAC is locked down."> Restart loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1656" name="E_COPS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED" fatal="false" short="COPS: Authentication failed.">Be sure that authentication is performed with valid data.(Correct Certificate, Domain, Control Keys)</value>
+ <value number="1657" name="E_COPS_DATA_NOT_PRESENT" fatal="false" short="COPS: Default Data is not present."> Execute Bind Properties command first and than repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1658" name="E_COPS_IMEI_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED" fatal="false" short="COPS: IMEI update is not allowed."> Check if IMEI changeable is set in OTP. Report this issue if IMEI changeable is set and requested operation can not be executed.</value>
+ <value number="1659" name="E_COPS_LOCK_PERMANENTLY_DISABLED" fatal="false" short="COPS: Locking of SIMLocks is disabled.">lock is disabled or already locked.</value>
+ <value number="1660" name="E_COPS_NO_ATTEMPTS_LEFT" fatal="false" short="COPS: No more attempts for verification left."> Check the validation of the certificate or control keys.</value>
+ <value number="1661" name="E_COPS_INCORRECT_CONTROLKEY" fatal="false" short="COPS: Control key is not correct."> Control keys that you try to authenticate and control keys from Default Data missmach.</value>
+ <value number="1662" name="E_COPS_TOO_SHORT_CONTROLKEY" fatal="false" short="COPS: Control key is too short."> Valid length is 8-16 bytes. Repeat operation with valid control keys. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1663" name="E_COPS_TOO_LONG_CONTROLKEY" fatal="false" short="COPS: Control key is too long.">Valid length is 8-16 bytes. Repeat operation with valid control keys. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1664" name="E_COPS_INVALID_CONTROLKEY" fatal="false" short="COPS: Control key is not valid."> Check the control keys. Repeat operation with valid control keys. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1665" name="E_COPS_TIMER_RUNNING" fatal="false" short="COPS: Timer is running.">For the appropiate LockType timer is already running.</value>
+ <value number="1666" name="E_COPS_SIM_ERROR" fatal="false" short="COPS: SIM error.">Check that the SIM is active. If the SIM is active be sure that you are entering correct SIM Pin. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="1667" name="E_COPS_LOCKING_FAILED" fatal="false" short="COPS: Locking failed.">Be sure that the SIM data conatains valid data for IMSI, GID1 and GID2</value>
+ <value number="1668" name="E_COPS_OTA_UNLOCK_IMEI_MISMATCH" fatal="false" short="COPS: OTA unlock IMEI mismatch.">IMEI in the OTP differs from the IMEI in the COPS data.</value>
+ <value number="1669" name="E_COPS_INCORRECT_IMSI" fatal="false" short="COPS: Incorrect IMSI.">IMSI on interface doesn't match SIM IMSI</value>
+ <value number="1670" name="E_COPS_PARAMETER_ERROR" fatal="false" short="COPS: Parameter error."> Check the input parameters. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1671" name="E_COPS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" fatal="false" short="COPS: Memory buffer is too small."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1672" name="E_COPS_FORBIDDEN_PARAMETER_ID" fatal="false" short="COPS: Parameter is not allowed."> Check the input parameters. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1673" name="E_COPS_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_ID" fatal="false" short="COPS: Parameter can not be recognised."> Check the input parameters. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1674" name="E_COPS_ARGUMENT_ERROR" fatal="false" short="COPS: Argument error!"> Verify the input parameters. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1698" name="E_COPS_VERIFY_FAILED" fatal="false" short="COPS: Failed to verify internal data.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1699" name="E_COPS_UNDEFINED_ERROR" fatal="false" short="COPS: Undefined error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <!--
+ * PD NAND Fatal 1700-1750
+ * PD NAND non-fatal 1751-1799
+ -->
+ <value number="1751" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_BIT_ERROR_CORRECTED" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: A bit error was detected and corrected."> Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1752" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_UNCORRECTABLE_BIT_ERROR" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: An uncorrectable bit error was detected."> Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1753" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_BAD_PARAMETER" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: The function could not perform the requested operation due to a bad parameter."> Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1754" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_HW_ERROR" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: A hardware error occurred."> Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1755" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: A module internal error has occurred. The module has reach an unexpected state or request."> Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1756" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_BUSY" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: Busy flag was returned.">If T_PD_NAND_CONFIG_FLAG_BLOCKING_MUTEX is not set, a call to NAND PD may return with this busy flag.</value>
+ <value number="1757" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_READING_ERASED_PAGE" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: Attempting to read erased page."> Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1758" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: Number of valid states of this type."> Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1759" name="E_PD_NAND_RESULT_UNDEFINED" fatal="false" short="PD NAND: Represents an undefined value of this type."> Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Trim Area non-fatal 1851-1899
+ -->
+ <value number="1851" name="E_GD_TA_BASE" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: TA base."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1852" name="E_GD_TA_UNKNOWN_PARTITION" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Unknown partition."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation with the correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1853" name="E_GD_TA_UNKNOWN_CONFIG" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Unknown configuration."> Possible wrong or missing configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1854" name="E_GD_TA_ILLOGICAL_CONFIGURATION" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Ilogical configuration."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1855" name="E_GD_TA_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_TYPE" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Unknown memory type."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="1856" name="E_GD_TA_WRONG_PARAMETER" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Wrong parameter."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation with the correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1857" name="E_GD_TA_OUT_OF_MEMORY" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Out of memory."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1858" name="E_GD_TA_INVALID_ADRESS" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Invalid adress."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1859" name="E_GD_TA_UNUSED_ADRESS" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Unused adress."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1860" name="E_GD_TA_UNIT_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: Unit not found."> No data was written in the specified unit. Write data to the unit and than perform read operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1861" name="E_GD_TA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: TA is not supported."></value>
+ <value number="1862" name="E_GD_TA_FAIL" fatal="false" short="GD/TA: TA fail."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1863" name="E_GD_UNKNOWN_UNIT_NAME" fatal="false" short="GD: Unknown unit name."> Check input parameters. Requested unit is not supported. Repeat operation with the correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1864" name="E_GD_LAST" fatal="false" short="GD: Last enumeration (last valid + 1)."> Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Loader utilities Fatal 1900-1950
+ * Loader utilities non-fatal 1951-1999
+ -->
+ <value number="1900" name="E_FAILED_TO_STORE_IN_FIFO" fatal="true" short="Failed to store data in FIFO."> Reset loader.</value>
+ <value number="1951" name="E_FAILED_TO_SET_COMM_DEVICES" fatal="false" short="Failed to set parameters of communications devices."> Reset loader. If problem does'n solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1952" name="E_FAILED_TO_STORE_IN_STACK" fatal="false" short="Failed to store in stack."> Reset loader. If problem does'n solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1954" name="E_ZIP_PARSER_FILE_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="The requested file is not found in the specified Zip archive."> Check ZIP archive. Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1955" name="E_ELF_FILE_FORMAT" fatal="false" short="The requested file is not an elf file."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation with correct input.</value>
+ <value number="1956" name="E_ELF_OPEN_SECTION" fatal="false" short="Can not open elf section."> Possible damaged elf file. Retry operation and reset loader. If problem doesn't solved report it.</value>
+ <value number="1957" name="E_NAME_TOO_LONG" fatal="false" short="The name of parameter is too long."> Check input parameters. Retry operation.</value>
+ <value number="1958" name="E_BOOTRECORDS_MISMATCH" fatal="false" short="Error in boot records."> Some information in boot image doesn't agree. Check software that you flash.</value>
+ <value number="1959" name="E_BOOTRECORD_EMPTY" fatal="false" short="Boot record is empty and operation cannot be executed."> Internal error. Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved, report it.</value>
+ <value number="1960" name="E_INVALID_BOOTRECORD_IMAGE" fatal="false" short="Boot record image is not valid."> Invalid boot image. Check software that you flash.</value>
+ <value number="1961" name="E_BOOTRECORD_FULL" fatal="false" short="Boot record has no space to accept new boot record."> Internal limitation. Report this problem.</value>
+ <value number="1962" name="E_BOOTRECORD_NOT_EXIST" fatal="false" short="Boot record not exist."> The boot record with that ID is never written.</value>
+ <value number="1963" name="E_BOOTRECORD_WRITE_FAILED" fatal="false" short="Writing failed."> The boot record with that ID was not written.</value>
+ <value number="1964" name="E_BOOTRECORD_UNALIGNED_DATA" fatal="false" short="Boot record data is unaligned."> For successfully writing in flash boot record must be a multiple of four bytes.</value>
+ <value number="1965" name="E_CONTENT_TYPE" fatal="false" short="Content type to long."> Check manifest file from flash archive. Repeat operation with correct flash archive. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1966" name="E_DEVICE_TYPE" fatal="false" short="Device type to long."> Check manifest file from flash archive. Repeat operation with correct flash archive. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1967" name="E_NUMBER_OF_TARGET_DEVICES" fatal="false" short="Number of target devices to big.">Internal error. Reset the loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="1968" name="E_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG" fatal="false" short="Description field too long.">Internal error. Reset the loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Loader ADBG Fatal 2000-2050
+ * Loader ADBG non-fatal 2051-2099
+ -->
+ <value number="2000" name="E_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Testing this module currently not supported in ADbg."> Check the module number and try again.</value>
+ <value number="2001" name="E_MODULE_LIST_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="There isn't any module available for testing."> Use List Cases command to see available modules for testing.</value>
+ <value number="2002" name="E_CASE_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Specified case can not be found."> Use List Cases command to see available test cases.</value>
+ <value number="2003" name="E_CASE_LIST_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="There isn't any test cases in specified module."> Use List Cases command to see available test cases.</value>
+ <value number="2004" name="E_INT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Specified internal group can not be found."> Use List Interface command to see available internal groups.</value>
+ <value number="2005" name="E_INT_GROUP_LIST_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="There isn't any internal group.">Use List Interface command to see if is any available internal group.</value>
+ <value number="2006" name="E_INT_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Specified interface function cannot be found."> Use List Interface command to see if specified internal function exist.</value>
+ <value number="2007" name="E_INT_FUNCTION_LIST_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="There isn't any interface function in interface group."> Use List Interface command to see if there's any available internal function.</value>
+ <value number="2008" name="E_PRECONDITION_IS_ALREADY_SET" fatal="true" short="Request for setting precondition that is already set."> Precondition is already set. If you want to change it, recover precondition, and than set it again.</value>
+ <value number="2009" name="E_PRECONDITION_IS_NOT_SET" fatal="true" short="Request to recover condition that is not changed."> You cannot recover condition that is not set before. There's no need of any further activities in order to resolve this problem. Loader will work fine.</value>
+ <!--
+ * OTP applications Fatal 2100-2150
+ * OTP applications non-fatal 2151-2199
+ -->
+ <value number="2100" name="E_INIT_OTP_PD_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize OTD driver."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2101" name="E_READING_OTP_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to read data from OTP."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2102" name="E_WRITTING_OTP_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to write data in OTP."> Internal error.Possible hardware malfunction. Please report this problem immediately</value>
+ <value number="2103" name="E_INVALID_CID_VALUE" fatal="true" short="Trying to write invalid CID in OTP."> The value for CID must be in the range from 19 to 16384.0 value is also alowed CID value</value>
+ <value number="2104" name="E_INIT_OTP_LD_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize OTD logical driver."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2105" name="E_OTP_AREA_LOCKED" fatal="true" short="Requested OTP area is already locked."> It is not allowed to write in already locked OTP area</value>
+ <!--
+ * Security applications Fatal 2200-2250
+ * Security applications non-fatal 2251-2299
+ -->
+ <value number="2251" name="E_SEC_APP_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="App property cannot be found.">If specified property cannot be found by COPS module.</value>
+ <value number="2252" name="E_SEC_APP_IMEI_NOT_CHANGABLE" fatal="true" short="IMEI not changeable.">If user try to change IMEI in COPS while IMEI is set as non - changeable in OTP area.</value>
+ <value number="2253" name="E_SEC_APP_OPERATION_DENIED" fatal="true" short="Security operation denied.">If some security operation cannot be accomplished due to various reasons.</value>
+ <value number="2254" name="E_SEC_APP_UNABLE_TO_READ_BS_PARAMETERS" fatal="true" short="Incorrect Boot Stage Parameter vector.">.</value>
+ <value number="2255" name="E_SEC_APP_ROM_ERROR_CRITICAL" fatal="true" short="Critical error in ROM has occurred.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2256" name="E_SEC_APP_ROM_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Unexpected ROM error.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2257" name="E_SEC_APP_PATCH_EXISTS" fatal="true" short="ROM Patch is already installed.">If you are trying to install flash patch ,please make sure that version of ROM patch is greater than already installed. Reinstallation of OTP patch is not allowed.</value>
+ <value number="2258" name="E_SEC_APP_PATCH_REINSTALLED" fatal="true" short="Operation successful."> ROM Patch in Flash is successfuly reinstalled.</value>
+ <value number="2259" name="E_SEC_APP_ROOTKEY_EXISTS" fatal="true" short="RootKey is already installed.">.Please make sure that version of Root key is the same with already installed</value>
+ <value number="2260" name="E_SEC_APP_ROOTKEY_REINSTALLED" fatal="true" short="Operation successful."> Root Key is successfuly reinstalled.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Trim Area Fatal 2300-2350
+ * Trim Area non-fatal 2351-2499
+ -->
+ <value number="2351" name="E_TA_WRONG_PARTITION" fatal="false" short="TA: Unknown partition."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation with the correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2352" name="E_TA_ILLOGICAL_CONFIGURATION" fatal="false" short="TA: Configuration error."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="2353" name="E_TA_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_TYPE" fatal="false" short="TA: Unsupported memory type."> Possible wrong configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="2354" name="E_TA_WRONG_PARAMETER" fatal="false" short="TA: Wrong parameter."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation with the correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2355" name="E_TA_OUT_OF_MEMORY" fatal="false" short="TA: No heap memory left."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2356" name="E_TA_INVALID_ADRESS" fatal="false" short="TA: Invalid address."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2357" name="E_TA_UNUSED_ADRESS" fatal="false" short="TA: Unused address."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2358" name="E_TA_UNIT_NOT_FOUND" fatal="false" short="TA: Unit was not found."> No data was written in the specified unit. Write data to the unit and than perform read operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2359" name="E_TA_WRONG_SIZE" fatal="false" short="TA: Wrong size when reading unit."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2360" name="E_TA_INSUFFICIANT_SPACE" fatal="false" short="TA: Not enough space to flush the Trim Area."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2361" name="E_TA_UNKNOWN_PARTITION" fatal="false" short="TA: Unknown partition."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation with the correct input parameters. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2362" name="E_TA_FAIL" fatal="false" short="TA: Fail."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2460" name="E_TA_MEDIA_ERROR" fatal="false" short="TA: Media error."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2461" name="E_TA_NOT_CONFIGURED" fatal="false" short="TA: Error occurs during configuration."> Possible wrong or missing configuration in flash archive. Check the archive. Flash the correct archive. If problem still exist report the problem.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Recovery applications Fatal 2500-2550
+ * Recovery applications non-fatal 2551-2599
+ -->
+ <value number="2500" name="E_REQUEST_DENIED" fatal="true" short="Request for change operation denied."> Init request is twice called and state is changed. Should be sent Update request then can be used Init request again.</value>
+ <value number="2501" name="E_UNDEFINED_CHANGE_OPERATION" fatal="true" short="Requested change operation is not supported."> Use the implemented change operation.</value>
+ <!--
+ * PD CFI Flash Fatal 2600-2650
+ * PD CFI Flash non-fatal 2651-2699
+ -->
+ <value number="2651" name="E_PD_CFI_IN_PROGRESS" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: The operation is in progress. Additional poll calls must be done."></value>
+ <value number="2652" name="E_PD_CFI_UNKNOWN_REQUEST" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: Type not recognized."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2653" name="E_PD_CFI_HARDWARE_ERROR" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: Operation could not be completed because of a hardware malfunction."> It is possible that part of the operation has been carried out.</value>
+ <value number="2654" name="E_PD_CFI_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: The driver does not implement the requested function."> Internal error. Report the problem.</value>
+ <value number="2655" name="E_PD_CFI_PARAMETER_ERROR" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: Invalid parameter value."> Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="2656" name="E_PD_CFI_PROTECTED" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: The requested flash address is protected from the requested type of access."> Check input parameters. Repeat operation. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2657" name="E_PD_CFI_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: Flash devices not supported by this driver.">Possible hardware malfunction, or error in HW configuration.Reset loader,report if problem still exist. </value>
+ <value number="2658" name="E_PD_CFI_OPERATION_COMPLETE" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: Requested operation was not suspended as it has completed.">Operation is completed.</value>
+ <value number="2659" name="E_PD_CFI_HARDWARE_NOT_DETECTED" fatal="false" short="PD CFI: NOR memory was not detected on current configuration.">NOR memory is not present or some hardware malfunction occurred.</value>
+ <!--
+ * HSI Driver HSI_BSC_Result_t - Error codes for all functions (offset 2700)
+ * HSI Driver Fatal 2700-2724
+ * HSI Driver Non-Fatal 2725-2749
+ -->
+ <value number="2701" name="E_HSI_BSC_RESULT_FAILED" fatal="true" short="General Error.">It is possible to failed to initialize the communication device.Reset loader.Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="2702" name="E_HSI_BSC_RESULT_FAILED_INVALIDARGS" fatal="true" short="Invalid arguments.">.Check input parameters. Retry operation. If problem still exist reset loader. Report if problem doesn't solved.</value>
+ <value number="2703" name="E_HSI_BSC_RESULT_FAILED_NOTSUPPORTED" fatal="true" short="Implementation is removed."> Implementation it is not supported anymore.</value>
+ <value number="2704" name="E_HSI_BSC_RESULT_FAILED_HSIERR" fatal="true" short="HSI internal error.">Buffer with unaligned length is requested to be transfered or device driver is confiured to use unsupported frame size.</value>
+ <value number="2705" name="E_HSI_BSC_RESULT_FAILED_BUSY" fatal="true" short="Communication device is busy.">Current transfer is not finished.</value>
+ <!--
+ * HSI Driver HSI_BSC_Error_t - Error codes for error callbacks (offset 2750)
+ * HSI Driver Error Callback Fatal 2750-2774
+ * HSI Driver Error Callback Non-Fatal 2775-2799
+ -->
+ <value number="2751" name="E_HSI_BSC_ERROR_SIGNAL" fatal="true" short="Signal error.">Simultaneous data and flag transaction.</value>
+ <value number="2752" name="E_HSI_BSC_ERROR_TIMEOUT" fatal="true" short="Timeout error.">Incorrect number of bits received.</value>
+ <value number="2753" name="E_HSI_BSC_ERROR_BREAK" fatal="true" short="Break received.">.Reset loader.Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2754" name="E_HSI_BSC_ERROR_RECEIVE" fatal="true" short="Receive buffer is not provided.">Reset loader.Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="2755" name="E_HSI_BSC_ERROR_TRANSMIT" fatal="true" short="Transmit buffer is not provided.">Reset loader.Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Security Library Fatal 4000-4050
+ * Security Library non-fatal 4051-4250
+ -->
+ <value number="4000" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_CHIP_ID_INVALID" fatal="true" short="Invalid input parameters.">The verification of ChipID list failed.</value>
+ <value number="4096" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INVALID_PARAMETER_TO_FUNC" fatal="true" short="Invalid input parameters.">The function that was called did not have correct parameters passed.</value>
+ <value number="4120" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failure.">Some unexpected error occurs.Reset the loader.If problem does'n solved report it</value>
+ <value number="4121" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_HASH_LIST_HASH_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="hash list verification failed.">The verification of hash list in Loader Security Library failed.</value>
+ <value number="4122" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_HEADER_VERIFICATION_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Header verification failed. ">The verification of the header has failed.</value>
+ <value number="4123" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_HEADER_VERIFIED" fatal="true" short="Successful verification of the header">Successful verification of the header.</value>
+ <value number="4124" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_VERIFY_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Unsuccessful verification."> Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4150" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INIT_CALLED_TWICE" fatal="true" short="The security library init function has been called 2 times.">Restart the loader.</value>
+ <value number="4180" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_MEMORY_RELEASE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Memory release failed.">Restart the loader.</value>
+ <value number="4181" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Memory allocation failed.">Restart the loader.</value>
+ <value number="4182" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_DATA_BLOCK_EXIST" fatal="true" short="Data block exist in the linked list.">nternal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4183" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_DATA_BLOCK_DO_NOT_EXIST" fatal="true" short="Data block do not exist in the linked list.">nternal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4184" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE" fatal="true" short="Invalid authentication type."> Try to use the appropriate authentication type (control key or CA certificate).</value>
+ <value number="4185" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_EXCEEDED_NUMBER_OF_AUTHENTICATION" fatal="true" short="Exceeded number of authentication. Loader will be shut downed.">Restart the laoder and use the correct control keys or CA certificate to authenticate.</value>
+ <value number="4186" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_ESB_MAC_INIT_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Initialization of ESB block for MAC calculation failed.">Possible error in hardware configuration, or hardware malfunction.Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4187" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_ESB_MAC_UPDATE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="MAC update with ESB block failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4188" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_ESB_MAC_FINAL_FAILED" fatal="true" short="MAC finalize with ESB block failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4189" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_ESB_MAC_NOT_VERIFIED" fatal="true" short="MAC verification with ESB block failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4190" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_ESB_DOWNLOCK_FAILED" fatal="true" short="ESB downlock failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4191" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_CONTROL_KEY_VERIFICATION_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Control key verification failed."> Verify that authentication is performed with correct control keys, otherwise report this error.</value>
+ <value number="4192" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_CA_CERTIFICATE_VERIFICATION_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="CA certificate verification failed.">Verify that CA certifiacte which is used is valid and appropiate for the HW on which authentication is performed,otherwise report this error.</value>
+ <value number="4193" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_X509_ERROR_IN_CERTIFICATE" fatal="true" short="X509 certificate error.">An error ocured while parsing X.509 certificate. Check that certificate structure is valid.</value>
+ <value number="4194" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_COPS_INIT_FAILED" fatal="true" short="COPS initialization failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4195" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_COPS_PROTECT_DATA_INIT_FAILED" fatal="true" short="COPS protect data initialization failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exis</value>
+ <value number="4196" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_COPS_DATA_READ_FAILED" fatal="true" short="COPS data read failed.">Verify that Bind properties is already performed. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4197" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_COPS_DATA_WRITE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="COPS data write failed.">Verify that the data is correct and flash is not corupted. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4198" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_READ_OTP_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Reading OTP data failed.">Internal error.Please reset the loader and try again.Please report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4199" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_WRITE_OTP_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Writing OTP data failed.">Internal error. Possible hardware malfunction. Please report this problem immediately.</value>
+ <value number="4200" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_LOCK_OTP_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Locking OTP data failed.">Internal error.Possible hardware malfunction. Please report this problem immediately.</value>
+ <value number="4201" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_UNPACKING_IMEI_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Unpacking IMEI data failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4202" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_PACKING_IMEI_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Packing IMEI data failed.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist></value>
+ <value number="4203" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_OTP_ALREADY_LOCKED" fatal="true" short="OTP is already locked.">You are not allowed to write in already locked OTP area.</value>
+ <value number="4204" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INVALID_CID_VALUE" fatal="true" short="CID value is out of range.">The value for CID must be in the range from 19 to 16384.0 value is also alowed CID value.</value>
+ <value number="4205" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_OTP_LOCKBITS_MISSMATCH" fatal="true" short="OTP lock bits have different values.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4206" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_WRITING_BOOTRECORD_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to write in boot records.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4207" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_UNSUPPORTED_NO_DEBUG_HW" fatal="true" short="No debug hardware detected.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4208" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_CHANGE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="true" short="Requested change operation is not supported or not allowed.">Check the authentication level and try again. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4209" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INVALID_CHANGE_OPERATION" fatal="true" short="Invalid change operation.">Internal error. Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4210" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_RWIMEI_NOT_ALLOWED" fatal="true" short="Rewriteable IMEI is not allowed to change.">Check if IMEI changeable is set in OTP. Report this issue if IMEI changeable is set and requested operation can not be executed.</value>
+ <value number="4211" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_REQUEST_DENIED" fatal="true" short="Request for change operation is denied.">Check the authentication level and try again. Report if problem still exist</value>
+ <value number="4212" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_BOOT_BLOCK_DO_NOT_EXIST" fatal="true" short="Boot record do not exist.">If boot block is corrupted or do not exist, processFile command should be used to flash the new boot record or recovery domain data to generate the boot record template.</value>
+ <value number="4213" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_CORRUPTED_DOMAIN_DATA" fatal="true" short="Corrupted or do not exist domain data in boot block.">If domain data are corrupted or do not exist should be use the bind properties command or recover domain data to generate the new domain data.</value>
+ <value number="4214" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INVALID_DOMAIN" fatal="true" short="Invalid domain.">Select appropriated domain.</value>
+ <value number="4215" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_INVALID_CHALLENGE_DATA_BLOCK" fatal="true" short="Invalid challenge data block.">Verify that challene data block is created properly.</value>
+ <value number="4216" name="E_LOADER_SEC_LIB_NO_DEBUG_HW_NOT_ALLOWED" fatal="true" short="Not allowed operation on NoDebug HW.">Cuurent opertaion can be executed only on Debug HW.</value>
+ <!--
+ * Emulator Fatal 4300-4350
+ * Emulator non-fatal 4351-4399
+ -->
+ <value number="4300" name="E_FIFO_OVERFLOW" fatal="true" short="UART FIFO overflow."> Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4301" name="E_FIFO_UNDERFLOW" fatal="true" short="UART FIFO underflow.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4302" name="E_OBJECT_NULL" fatal="true" short="Null pointer to Object.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4303" name="E_POINTER_NOT_NULL" fatal="true" short="Pointer is not NULL.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4304" name="E_UNRECOGNIZED_STATE" fatal="true" short="The state in the State Machine is invalid.">Reset loader. Report if problem stil exist.</value>
+ <value number="4305" name="E_UNKNOWN_MANUFACTURER_ID" fatal="true" short="The provided manufacturer ID is not valid.">Possible error in HW configuration. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="4306" name="E_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_ID" fatal="true" short="The provided device ID is not valid.">Possible error in HW configuration. Try to reset the loader and if problem still exist, report it.</value>
+ <value number="4308" name="E_INVALID_A01_FORMAT" fatal="true" short="Something wrong with the A01 file containing the flash image.">Verify that the flash image is valid, otherwise report the problem. </value>
+ <value number="4309" name="E_A01_BUFFER_FULL" fatal="true" short="Buffer holding the data from the A01 file is full.">Reset loader. Report if problem still exist.</value>
+ <value number="4350" name="E_CONFIG_FILE_NOT_SPECIFIED" fatal="false" short="Configuration file for the emulator is not specified."> The loader will start with the default settings.</value>
+ <!--
+ * R13 and lower versions
+ * Error codes translation
+ -->
+ <value number="5000" name="A2_E_SUCCESS" fatal="true" short="Operation successful.">.</value>
+ <value number="5001" name="A2_E_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="true" short="The property is not supported.">The selected property is not supported by the loader.</value>
+ <value number="5002" name="A2_E_PROP_READ_ONLY" fatal="true" short="The property is read only.">.</value>
+ <value number="5003" name="A2_E_PROP_INVALID" fatal="true" short="The property value is invalid.">.Property value does not exist.</value>
+ <value number="5004" name="A2_E_AUTH_DECLINED" fatal="true" short="Authentication declined. The ME is automatically shut down after sending this.">.</value>
+ <value number="5005" name="A2_E_AUTH_UNSUPPORTED" fatal="true" short="The authentication type is not supported.">.</value>
+ <value number="5006" name="A2_E_ALLOCATE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to allocate memory.">Internal error. Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved, report it.</value>
+ <value number="5007" name="A2_E_INVALID_TIME" fatal="true" short="Invalid time specified.">Specify the correct time.</value>
+ <value number="5008" name="A2_E_UNKNWON_PROPERTY" fatal="true" short="Unknown property id.">Check if property id exists.</value>
+ <value number="5009" name="A2_E_START_AAIF_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to start the AAIF in the loader on loader.">.</value>
+ <value number="5010" name="A2_E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD" fatal="true" short="Unsupported command.">This command is not supported.</value>
+ <value number="5011" name="A2_E_POINTER_NOT_ALIGNED" fatal="true" short="Pointer not aligned.">Internal error. Reset loader.</value>
+ <value number="5012" name="A2_E_ERROR_WRITING_BOOTRECORD" fatal="true" short="Writing of the boot record failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5013" name="A2_E_INVALID_CURRDATE_STRING_LENGTH" fatal="true" short="String data length is invalid.">Check if input parameters are in the correct format.</value>
+ <value number="5014" name="A2_E_NO_COMMAND_GROUPS_DEFINED" fatal="true" short="Unknown command group.">The command group is not supported. Check the command documentation.</value>
+ <value number="5015" name="A2_E_READ_OTP_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Read OTP failed.">Reset loader. If problem doesn't solved, report it.</value>
+ <value number="5016" name="A2_E_COMMAND_IS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" fatal="true" short="Specified command is not implemented.">.</value>
+ <value number="5017" name="A2_E_FAILED_TO_GET_ASIC_COPS_SETTINGS" fatal="true" short="Failed to get ASIC COPS setting.">.</value>
+ <value number="5018" name="A2_E_FAILED_TO_SET_PLAT_PROP" fatal="true" short="Failed to set platform properties.">Restart loader, if the problem still exists report it.</value>
+ <value number="5019" name="A2_E_MEMORY_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Memory fail.">Restart loader, if the problem still exists report it.</value>
+ <value number="5020" name="A2_E_JTAG_UNLOCK_FAILED" fatal="true" short="JTAG unlock fail.">.</value>
+ <value number="5021" name="A2_E_AUTOCONFIGURE_FLASH" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5022" name="A2_E_E_GET_FIRST_FLASH_DEV" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5023" name="A2_E_E_FAILED_INIT_COPS_LIB" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize COPS library.">Restart loader, if the problem still exists report it.</value>
+ <value number="5024" name="A2_E_OTP_SECURITY_ERROR" fatal="true" short="OTP security error.">.</value>
+ <value number="5025" name="A2_E_I2C_BUS_SECURITY_ERROR" fatal="true" short="I2C bus security error.">.</value>
+ <value number="5026" name="A2_E_GET_STATIC_DATA_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Can't get static data.">.</value>
+ <value number="5027" name="A2_E_STORE_MAC_TO_BOOTIMAGE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to store MAC in boot image.">.</value>
+ <value number="5028" name="A2_E_SEC_GENERAL_COPS_LIB_ERROR" fatal="true" short="General COPS error.">.</value>
+ <value number="5029" name="A2_E_HASH_VERIFICATION_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Hash verification failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5030" name="A2_E_READ_FLASH_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to read hash.">.</value>
+ <value number="5031" name="A2_E_APP_HANDSHAKE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Processors handshake failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5032" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_MEMCONF_INVALID" fatal="true" short="Invalid memconfig in boot image.">.</value>
+ <value number="5033" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_SIGNATURE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Boot image signature failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5034" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_FAILED_TO_READ_IMAGE" fatal="true" short="Failed to read image.">.</value>
+ <value number="5035" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_FAILED_ALLOCATE_MEM" fatal="true" short="Failed to allocate memory.">.</value>
+ <value number="5036" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_INVALID_PARAM" fatal="true" short="Boot image invalid parametars.">.</value>
+ <value number="5037" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_INVALID_LENGTH" fatal="true" short="Boot image has invalid length.">.</value>
+ <value number="5038" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_MACED_HEADER_SIZE_ZERO" fatal="true" short="Header size is zero.">.</value>
+ <value number="5039" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_DEVICE_PROTECTED" fatal="true" short="The flash device was protected.">.</value>
+ <value number="5040" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_WRITE_SUSPENDED" fatal="true" short="The last write process was suspended.">.</value>
+ <value number="5041" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_VOLTAGE_RANGE_ERROR" fatal="true" short="The voltage range is invalid.">.</value>
+ <value number="5042" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_PROGRAM_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to write to the flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5043" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_ERASE_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to erase a block in the flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5044" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_ERASE_SUSPENDED" fatal="true" short="The erase process was suspended.">.</value>
+ <value number="5045" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_COMMAND_SEQUENCE_ERROR" fatal="true" short="The sequence of the flash commands was invalid.">.</value>
+ <value number="5046" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED" fatal="true" short="Operation was not supported in flashdriver.">.</value>
+ <value number="5047" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER" fatal="true" short="Invalid in-parameter specified when reading/writing to flash.">.</value>
+ <value number="5048" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_NO_FLASH_DEVICE" fatal="true" short="No flash device was found on the physical address.">.</value>
+ <value number="5049" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_CONFIGURATION_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Configuration error of flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5050" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_INVALID_STARTADDRESS" fatal="true" short="Invalid start address of the parameter.">.</value>
+ <value number="5051" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_INVALID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS" fatal="true" short="Invalid physical address of the parameter.">.</value>
+ <value number="5052" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_INVALID_DATALENGTH" fatal="true" short="The data length of the parameter is invalid.">.</value>
+ <value number="5053" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_GETREGION_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Invalid flash region specified.">.</value>
+ <value number="5054" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_NULL_POINTER_BUF" fatal="true" short="A buffer was NULL.">.</value>
+ <value number="5055" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_NAND_READ_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to read from the NAND flash.">.</value>
+ <value number="5056" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_NAND_PAGE_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED" fatal="true" short="The nand page size is unsupported.">.</value>
+ <value number="5057" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_WRITE_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to write to the flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5058" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_READ_ID_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to read the device ID from the flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5059" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_HARDWARE_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Hardware error in the flash status.">.</value>
+ <value number="5060" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_READ_FROM_FLASH" fatal="true" short="Failed to read from the flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5061" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_ADD_NEW_DEVICE" fatal="true" short="Failed to add a new instance of a flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5062" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_OTP_UNSUPPORTED_IN_FLASH" fatal="true" short="OTP is not support in the current flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5063" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_OTP_TOO_SMALL" fatal="true" short="The OTP size is to small for the length requested.">.</value>
+ <value number="5064" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_OTP_READ_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to read the OTP area in the flash device.">.</value>
+ <value number="5065" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_INVALID_FLASH_TYPE" fatal="true" short="The flash type is unknown.">.</value>
+ <value number="5066" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_NAND_FLUSH_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to flush the NAND write buffer.">.</value>
+ <value number="5067" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_NOR_FLUSH_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Failed to flush the NOR write buffer.">.</value>
+ <value number="5068" name="A2_E_INVALID_LOL_STATE" fatal="true" short="Invalid Loader on loader state.">.</value>
+ <value number="5069" name="A2_E_INVALID_STATUS_LOLSTATE" fatal="true" short="Invalid loader on loader status.">.</value>
+ <value number="5070" name="A2_E_WRITE_STATIC_DATA" fatal="true" short="Write static data failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5071" name="A2_E_HEADER_NOT_VERIFIED_YET" fatal="true" short="Header is still not verified.">.</value>
+ <value number="5072" name="A2_E_ALL_BLOCKS_VERIFIED_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Blocks verification failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5073" name="A2_E_HANDSHAKE_WITH_APP_SIDE" fatal="true" short="Handshake with App side failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5074" name="A2_E_READ_STATIC_DATA" fatal="true" short="Failed to read static data.">.</value>
+ <value number="5075" name="A2_E_ENABLE_CLOCK_HARDWARE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to enable clock hardware.">.</value>
+ <value number="5076" name="A2_E_ENABLE_BLOCK_HARDWARE_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to enable block hardware.">.</value>
+ <value number="5077" name="A2_E_NO_HEADER_TO_MAC_IN_BOOT" fatal="true" short="Indicates that the loader did not find any header in the bootimage records that could be MAC'ed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5078" name="A2_E_MMU_SETUP" fatal="true" short="MMU setup failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5079" name="A2_E_INVALID_COMMAND_SIZE" fatal="true" short="Invalid command size.">.</value>
+ <value number="5080" name="A2_E_HASH_LIST_LENGTH_INVALID" fatal="true" short="Invalid hash list length.">.</value>
+ <value number="5081" name="A2_E_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS" fatal="true" short="Invalid input parameters.">.</value>
+ <value number="5082" name="A2_E_FAILED_SETUP_MSL_DRIVER" fatal="true" short="MSL driver setup failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5083" name="A2_E_REQUEST_DENIED" fatal="true" short="Request denied.">.</value>
+ <value number="5084" name="A2_E_ASIC_FUSES_INVALID" fatal="true" short="Fuses for the ASIC are invalid.">.</value>
+ <value number="5085" name="A2_E_STATIC_DATA_NOT_CHECKED" fatal="true" short="Static data is not checked.">.</value>
+ <value number="5086" name="A2_E_COPS_DATA_MAN_INIT" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the cops data man, this can be caused by an corrupt boot image. You probably just need to flash a platform software to get it work.">.</value>
+ <value number="5087" name="A2_E_UART_DRIVER_ERROR" fatal="true" short="UART driver error.">.</value>
+ <value number="5088" name="A2_E_INVALID_DOMAIN_FOR_LOADER_TYPE" fatal="true" short="Loader type is not compatible with this domain.">.</value>
+ <value number="5089" name="A2_E_FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_IN_PRODUCT" fatal="true" short="Functionality not supported.">.</value>
+ <value number="5090" name="A2_E_DEFALT_DATA_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Default data can not be found.">.</value>
+ <value number="5091" name="A2_E_FAILED_TO_MAC_HEADER" fatal="true" short="Failed to send the header to access side to be MAC'ed, could be something wrong with the header.">.</value>
+ <value number="5092" name="A2_E_APP_PRELOADER_NOT_STARTED" fatal="true" short="App preloader not started.">.</value>
+ <value number="5093" name="A2_E_INVALID_DEST_ADDRESS" fatal="true" short="Invalid destination address.">.</value>
+ <value number="5094" name="A2_E_SYS_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the system application.">.</value>
+ <value number="5095" name="A2_E_FLASH_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the flash application.">.</value>
+ <value number="5096" name="A2_E_SIGNATURE_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the signature application.">.</value>
+ <value number="5097" name="A2_E_RESET_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the reset application.">.</value>
+ <value number="5098" name="A2_E_INT_SEC_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the internal security application.">.</value>
+ <value number="5099" name="A2_E_COPS_DATA_MAN_FORMAT" fatal="true" short="COPS data man Format.">.</value>
+ <value number="5100" name="A2_E_COPS_DATA_MAN_WRITE" fatal="true" short="COPS data man write.">.</value>
+ <value number="5101" name="A2_E_COPS_DATA_MAN_FLUSH" fatal="true" short="Failed to Flush the memory into the security partition.">.</value>
+ <value number="5102" name="A2_E_COPS_DATA_MAN_GETBLOCKSIZE" fatal="true" short="Failed to get the block size of a unit in the security partition.">.</value>
+ <value number="5103" name="A2_E_COPS_DATA_MAN_READBLOCK" fatal="true" short="Failed to read an index from the security partition.">.</value>
+ <value number="5104" name="A2_E_INVALID_FLASH_VAR_LENGTH" fatal="true" short="The bytes left to program should be less than a NAND page.">.</value>
+ <value number="5105" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_TOO_BIG" fatal="true" short="Boot image is too big.">.</value>
+ <value number="5106" name="A2_E_GDFS_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="App GD init failed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5107" name="A2_E_FILESYS_APP_INIT_FAILURE" fatal="true" short="Failed to initialize the file system.">.</value>
+ <value number="5108" name="A2_E_INVALID_SOURCE_DEST_ADDRESS" fatal="true" short="Invalid source or destination address.">.</value>
+ <value number="5109" name="A2_E_INVALID_RESPONSE_COMMAND" fatal="true" short="Invalid Response command number on the internal security command group, was expecting command 0xFF.">.</value>
+ <value number="5110" name="A2_E_INVALID_RESP_TO_CMD" fatal="true" short="The internal sec command response should have responded to another command.">.</value>
+ <value number="5111" name="A2_E_VERIFICATION_OF_WRITTEN_DATA_FAILED" fatal="true" short="The data programmed into flash was not the same as the data received!">.</value>
+ <value number="5112" name="A2_E_INVALID_NAND_PADMUX_SETTING" fatal="true" short="The PADMUX configuration has not been set.">.</value>
+ <value number="5113" name="A2_E_FLASH_DRIVER_FAILED_SET_BOOT_ADDR" fatal="true" short="Failed to set the start boot address, this address are used to read the static data.">.</value>
+ <value number="5114" name="A2_E_FLASH_BOOT_IS_NOT_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="if the static data was not found, the flash should be empty!">.</value>
+ <value number="5115" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_PMC_NOT_NEEDED" fatal="true" short="This error code informs that found boot container holds information that is not PMC protected.">.</value>
+ <value number="5116" name="A2_E_UNSUPPORTED_PMC" fatal="true" short="The PMC ID is not supported.">.</value>
+ <value number="5117" name="A2_E_FSVN_VS_PMC" fatal="true" short="The PMC ID is not coordinated with FSVN.">.</value>
+ <value number="5118" name="A2_E_WRONG_PMC_START_COUNT" fatal="true" short="PMC start count to high or zero.">.</value>
+ <value number="5119" name="A2_E_UNSUITABLE_PMC_FOR_LOCATION" fatal="true" short="Unsuitable PMC for the location.">.</value>
+ <value number="5120" name="A2_E_PMC_MISSING" fatal="true" short="The PMC can not be found.">.</value>
+ <value number="5121" name="A2_E_VERSION_NOT_ACCEPTED" fatal="true" short="FSVN is too low.">.</value>
+ <value number="5122" name="A2_E_PMC_OVERFLOWN" fatal="true" short="All steps of the PMC are destroyed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5123" name="A2_E_PMC_ONCE_REQUIRED" fatal="true" short="New version of once protected module attempted to be loaded without ARB flag set.">.</value>
+ <value number="5124" name="A2_E_PMC_BAD_N_OF_STEPS" fatal="true" short="Unsuitable number of steps within PMC.">.</value>
+ <value number="5125" name="A2_E_UNIT_MISSING" fatal="true" short="Dynamyc variable is missing.">.</value>
+ <value number="5126" name="A2_E_UNIT_TO_BIG" fatal="true" short="Dynamyc variable found is to big.">.</value>
+ <value number="5127" name="A2_E_PARTMAN_READ_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Error reading partition manger status.">.</value>
+ <value number="5128" name="A2_E_PARTMAN_INIT_ERROR" fatal="true" short="Error initializing partition manger.">.</value>
+ <value number="5129" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_INVALID_ALLIGNMENT" fatal="true" short="Boot container size is not word alligned.">.</value>
+ <value number="5130" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_INSUFFICIENT_CONTAINERS" fatal="true" short="Not enough boot containers are allocated.">.</value>
+ <value number="5131" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_INVALID_CONTAINER_TYPE" fatal="true" short="Invalid boot container type. At this position other type of container is expected.">.</value>
+ <value number="5132" name="A2_E_DATA_LENGTH_IS_NOT_ALIGNED" fatal="true" short="The data size must be aligned to 512 bytes when reading or writing pages to/from the NAND.">.</value>
+ <value number="5133" name="A2_E_LOADER_SWINIT_JTAG_UNLOCK_FAILED" fatal="true" short="TEST JTAG EANBLENODEBUG.">.</value>
+ <value number="5134" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_RECORD_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Required record is not found in the boot containers.">.</value>
+ <value number="5135" name="A2_E_BUFFER_OVERFLOW" fatal="true" short="Buffer overflow.">Buffer is not big enough.</value>
+ <value number="5136" name="A2_E_BUFFER_NOT_ALLOCATED" fatal="true" short="Buffer has not been allocated.">.</value>
+ <value number="5137" name="A2_E_WRONG_DATA_SIZE" fatal="true" short="Size of data has an unexpected value.">.</value>
+ <value number="5138" name="A2_E_NO_STATIC_DATA_IN_BOOTIMAGE" fatal="true" short="Static data in boot record is corrupted.">.</value>
+ <value number="5139" name="A2_E_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_FLASH" fatal="true" short="Not allowed to flash this block.">.</value>
+ <value number="5140" name="A2_E_UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_MMU_SETTINGS" fatal="true" short="Unable to change MMU settings.">Error encountered when loader tried to change MMU setting.</value>
+ <value number="5141" name="A2_E_INVALID_HW_FOR_LOADER_SETTINGS" fatal="true" short="Loader settings are not compatible with loader settings.">Error encountered when loader tried to startup on invalid Hardware.</value>
+ <value number="5142" name="A2_E_CABS_START_FAILED" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5143" name="A2_E_CABS_READ_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5144" name="A2_E_CABS_WRITE_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5145" name="A2_E_ELF_DECODE_GENERAL_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5146" name="A2_E_ELF_INVALID_PARAMETER" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5147" name="A2_E_PARTMAN_INIT_FAILED" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5148" name="A2_E_PARTMAN_WRITE_FAILED" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5149" name="A2_E_PARTMAN_READ_FAILED" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5150" name="A2_E_PARTMAN_ERASE_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5151" name="A2_E_MBBS_CONFIG_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5152" name="A2_E_MBBS_READ_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5153" name="A2_E_MBBS_WRITE_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5154" name="A2_E_MBBS_ERASE_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5155" name="A2_E_FLASH_HW_CONFIG" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5156" name="A2_E_VSP_IS_NOT_ALLOWED" fatal="true" short="Virtual security partition is not allowed in this configuration.">.</value>
+ <value number="5157" name="A2_E_VSP_WRITE_STATIC_DATA" fatal="true" short="Failed to write static data to virtual security partition.">.</value>
+ <value number="5158" name="A2_E_VSP_READ_STATIC_DATA" fatal="true" short="Failed to read static data from virtual security partition.">.</value>
+ <value number="5159" name="A2_E_VSP_NOT_FORMATED" fatal="true" short="Virtual security partition is not initialized.">.</value>
+ <value number="5160" name="A2_E_VSP_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT_TYPE" fatal="true" short="Unit type is out of range in virtual security partition.">.</value>
+ <value number="5161" name="A2_E_GET_DYNAMIC_DATA_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Could not get the dynamic data from the security library.">.</value>
+ <value number="5162" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_PARTITION_TABLE_FLASHED" fatal="true" short="Partition table repaired!! Please load file again.">.</value>
+ <value number="5163" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_PARTITION_TABLE_NOT_FLASHED" fatal="true" short="Partition table is damaged!">Loaded file does not contain a valid partition table. Please load a file containing partition table.</value>
+ <value number="5164" name="A2_E_FLASH_RESULT_READ_FROM_PARTITION_TABLE" fatal="true" short="Partition table is damaged.">.</value>
+ <value number="5165" name="A2_E_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_RECORD_NOT_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Partition table record is not found in the boot containers.">.</value>
+ <value number="5166" name="A2_E_CORRUPT_STATIC_DATA_IN_BOOT_BLOCK" fatal="true" short="Static data in boot block is corrupt.">.</value>
+ <value number="5167" name="A2_E_MBBS_BBM_TYPE_CONFLICT" fatal="true" short="MBBS and BBM type conflict.">.</value>
+ <value number="5168" name="A2_E_EXECUTION_NOT_PERMITTED" fatal="true" short="Execution of this command is not allowed in the current domain with current authentication state.">.</value>
+ <value number="5169" name="A2_E_EXECUTION_NOT_PERMITTED_WARNING" fatal="true" short="Execution of this command is not allowed in the current domain with current authentication state.">Non fatal error.</value>
+ <value number="5171" name="A2_E_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE_LCD" fatal="true" short="Error during initialization of LCD drivers.">.</value>
+ <value number="5172" name="A2_E_LCD_NOT_INITIALIZED" fatal="true" short="LCD is not initialized.">.</value>
+ <value number="5173" name="A2_E_UNABLE_TO_DISPLAY_DATA_ON_LCD" fatal="true" short="Unrecoverable error during BMP image is processed.">.</value>
+ <value number="5174" name="A2_E_NETWORK_BUFFER_CORRUPTED" fatal="true" short="The network buffer area is corrupted.">.</value>
+ <value number="5200" name="A2_E_TOO_MENY_FRAGMENTS" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="5201" name="A2_E_FAILED_TO_GET_APPLICATION" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="9096" name="A2_E_SECURITY_LIBRARY_ERROR_BEGIN" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="9300" name="A2_E_SECURITY_LIBRARY_ERROR_END" fatal="true"></value>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <value number="5301" name="A2_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY" fatal="true" short="Unsupported file system property.">.</value>
+ <value number="5302" name="A2_E_READ_ONLY" fatal="true" short="The property is read only.">.</value>
+ <value number="5303" name="A2_E_INVALLID_PROPERTY_SPECIFIED" fatal="true" short="The specified property value was invalid.">.</value>
+ <value number="5304" name="A2_E_ACCESS_DENIED" fatal="true" short="The access permission attributes do not allow operation.">.</value>
+ <value number="5305" name="A2_E_FORMATTING_FS" fatal="true" short="The file system is formatting.">.</value>
+ <value number="5306" name="A2_E_PATH_NOT_EXISTS" fatal="true" short="The path does not exist.">.</value>
+ <value number="5307" name="A2_E_PATH_ALREADY_EXISTS" fatal="true" short="The path already exists.">.</value>
+ <value number="5308" name="A2_E_PATH_READ_ONLY" fatal="true" short="The path is read only.">.</value>
+ <value number="5309" name="A2_E_INSUFFICENT_SPACE" fatal="true" short="Insufficient space.">.</value>
+ <value number="5310" name="A2_E_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="The directory is not empty.">.</value>
+ <value number="5311" name="A2_E_INVALID_RESTRICTION_SPECIFIED" fatal="true" short="Invalid access restrictions specified.">.</value>
+ <value number="5312" name="A2_E_NO_FILESYSTEM_PROPERTY" fatal="true" short="No file system property.">.</value>
+ <value number="5313" name="A2_E_FILE_NOT_EXISTS" fatal="true" short="The file does not exist.">.</value>
+ <value number="5314" name="A2_E_CHANGE_DIR" fatal="true" short="Failed to change directory.">.</value>
+ <value number="5315" name="A2_E_CHMOD" fatal="true" short="Failed to set new CH mod.">.</value>
+ <value number="5316" name="A2_E_GWD" fatal="true" short="Failed to get the current directory.">.</value>
+ <value number="5317" name="A2_E_OPEN_FILE" fatal="true" short="Failed to open a file in the file system.">.</value>
+ <value number="5318" name="A2_E_ITEM_STAT" fatal="true" short="Failed to read the stat from file.">.</value>
+ <value number="5319" name="A2_E_LIST_VOL" fatal="true" short="Failed to list volumes.">.</value>
+ <value number="5320" name="A2_E_FREE_SPACE" fatal="true" short="No free space left.">.</value>
+ <value number="5321" name="A2_E_CLOSE_FILE" fatal="true" short="Failed to close a file in the filesystem.">.</value>
+ <value number="5322" name="A2_E_CLOSE_DIRECTORY" fatal="true" short="Failed to close the directory.">.</value>
+ <value number="5323" name="A2_E_REMOVE_FILE" fatal="true" short="Failed to remove a file from the filesystem.">.</value>
+ <value number="5324" name="A2_E_RENAME_FILE" fatal="true" short="Failed to rename a file in the filesystem.">.</value>
+ <value number="5325" name="A2_E_CREATE_DIR" fatal="true" short="Failed to create a new directory in the filesystem.">.</value>
+ <value number="5326" name="A2_E_REMOVE_DIRECTORY" fatal="true" short="Failed to remove a directory from the file system.">.</value>
+ <value number="5327" name="A2_E_WRITE_FILE" fatal="true" short="Failed to write a file to the file system.">.</value>
+ <value number="5328" name="A2_E_INVALID_SFA_STATE" fatal="true" short="The state of the SFA programming is incorrect.">.</value>
+ <value number="5329" name="A2_E_READ_FILE" fatal="true" short="Failed to read a file from the file system.">.</value>
+ <value number="61797" name="A2_E_CORE_SUPERV" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="66166" name="A2_E_MEM_ALLOC" fatal="true"></value>
+ <!--
+ * GDFS Error codes
+ -->
+ <value number="5401" name="A2_E_GDFS_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY" fatal="true" short="Unsupported GDFS property.">.</value>
+ <value number="5402" name="A2_E_GDFS_READ_ONLY" fatal="true" short="The GDFS property is read only.">.</value>
+ <value number="5403" name="A2_E_GDFS_PROPERTY_VALUE_INVALID" fatal="true" short="The property value is invalid.">.</value>
+ <value number="5404" name="A2_E_GDFS_INVALID_START_PROPERTY" fatal="true" short="Invalid start property.">.</value>
+ <value number="5405" name="A2_E_GDFS_NOT_STARTED" fatal="true" short="GDFS has not been started yet.">.</value>
+ <value number="5406" name="A2_E_GDFS_FAILED_TO_FORMAT" fatal="true" short="Failed to format the GDFS area.">.</value>
+ <value number="5407" name="A2_E_GDFS_NOT_FORMATTED" fatal="true" short="GDFS is not formatted, as it should be.">.</value>
+ <value number="5408" name="A2_E_GDFS_INVALID_BLOCK_UNIT_SPECIFIED" fatal="true" short="Invalid Block unit number.">.</value>
+ <value number="5409" name="A2_E_GDFS_NO_CONFIGURATION_FOUND" fatal="true" short="Could not find any GDFS configuration from the platform software in flash.">.</value>
+ <value number="5410" name="A2_E_GDFS_CLOSE" fatal="true" short="Failed to close the GDFS area.">.</value>
+ <value number="5411" name="A2_E_GDFS_OPEN" fatal="true" short="Failed to open the GDFS area.">.</value>
+ <value number="5412" name="A2_E_GDFS_INVALID_UNIT_SIZE" fatal="true" short="Invalid GDFS UNIT size(size=0).">.</value>
+ <value number="5413" name="A2_E_GDFS_WRITE_TO_UNIT_FAILED" fatal="true" short="Failed to write to the specified unit.">.</value>
+ <value number="5414" name="A2_E_GDFS_FAILED_TO_READ_FROM_UNIT" fatal="true" short="Failed to read from the specified unit.">.</value>
+ <value number="5415" name="A2_E_GDFS_EMPTY" fatal="true" short="Failed read access on an empty GDFS.">.</value>
+ <value number="70535" name="A2_E_GENERAL_FATAL_ERROR" fatal="true"></value>
+ <value number="80009" name="E_DUMMY_CODE" fatal="true">Request for recovery condition for condition that is not changed.</value>
+ </status>
diff --git a/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/errorcode_h.xsl b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/errorcode_h.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e4136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcmodule/source/cnh1606344_ldr_communication_module/config/errorcode_h.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+* Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2011
+* License terms: 3-clause BSD license
+<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="">
+<output method="text"/>
+<strip-space elements="*"/>
+<param name="target"/>
+<template match="/commandspec">/* $Copyright$ */
+/* NOTE: This is an automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */
+#ifndef _ERRORCODE_H
+#define _ERRORCODE_H
+ * @addtogroup ldr_LCM
+ * Error codes for internal loader commands.
+ * @{
+ */
+* Includes
+#include &quot;t_basicdefinitions.h&quot;
+#define A2_ERROR_CODES_OFFSET 5000
+ * Internal loader command error codes. Possible range 0x0000 - 0x0FFE (4094).
+ */
+ * Table for Error groups range
+ *
+ * General Fatal 0-50
+ * General non-fatal 51-99
+ *
+ * IO Fatal 100-150
+ * IO non-fatal 151-199
+ *
+ * Communication Fatal 200-250
+ * Communication non-fatal 251-299
+ *
+ * Signature Fatal 300-350
+ * Signature non-fatal 351-399
+ *
+ * Authentication Fatal 400-450
+ * Authentication non-fatal 451-499
+ *
+ * COPS General Fatal 500-550
+ * COPS General non-fatal 551-599
+ *
+ * System Fatal 600-650
+ * System non-fatal 651-699
+ *
+ * Flash Fatal 700-750
+ * Flash non-fatal 751-799
+ *
+ * Parameters Fatal 800-850
+ * Parameters non-fatal 851-899
+ *
+ * File management Fatal 900-950
+ * File management non-fatal 951-999
+ *
+ * Command Auditing and execution Fatal 1000-1050
+ * Command Auditing and execution non-fatal 1051-1099
+ *
+ * Emulation Fatal 1100-1150
+ * Emulation non-fatal 1151-1199
+ *
+ * Timers Fatal 1200-1250
+ * Timers non-fatal 1251-1299
+ *
+ * CABS Fatal 1300-1350
+ * CABS non-fatal 1351-1399
+ *
+ * GDFS Fatal 1400-1450
+ * GDFS non-fatal 1451-1499
+ *
+ * Antirollback Fatal 1500-1550
+ * Antirollback non-fatal 1551-1599
+ *
+ * Memory and Boot Fatal 1600-1650
+ * Memory and Boot non-fatal 1651-1699
+ *
+ * @todo this should be removed and error codes should be remaped.
+ * The same applies to Emulator errors.
+ *
+ * Job Handler Fatal 1700-1750
+ * Job Handler non-fatal 1751-1799
+ *
+ * Emulator Fatal 1800-1850
+ * Emulator non-fatal 1851-1899
+ *
+ * Loader utilities Fatal 1900-1950
+ * Loader utilities non-fatal 1951-1999
+ */
+<apply-templates select="status"/>
+#endif /* _ERRORCODE_H */
+<template match="status">
+typedef enum {
+<apply-templates select="value"/>} ErrorCode_e;
+<template match="value">
+ <text> </text><value-of select="@name"/> = <value-of select="@number"/>, /**&lt; <value-of select="@short"/> */
+<template match="value[last()]">
+ <text> </text><value-of select="@name"/> = <value-of select="@number"/> /**&lt; <value-of select="@short"/> */