BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd systemd service (uses the init.d script)Kalle Vahlman11 years
v1.4commit 0565663c72...Kalle Vahlman12 years
v1.3.1commit f670c0ef74...Kalle Vahlman12 years
v1.3commit 405eedd132...Kalle Vahlman12 years
igloo-20111028commit befc027cf3...Kalle Vahlman13 years
v1.2commit befc027cf3...Kalle Vahlman13 years
v1.0.1commit ca49313dd6...Kalle Vahlman13 years
igloo-20111025commit 960c8027a9...Kalle Vahlman13 years
v1.0commit 960c8027a9...Kalle Vahlman13 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2011-10-31Un-templatize copyrightv1.2igloo-20111028Kalle Vahlman
2011-10-31Remove AV8100 hacks, we have hdmiservice to manage this automatically nowKalle Vahlman
2011-10-31Looks like I missed committing changelog in last release...v1.0.1Kalle Vahlman
2011-10-27Linaro Ubuntu Oneiric builds use lightdm, so start on that tooKalle Vahlman
2011-10-25Debianizationv1.0igloo-20111025Kalle Vahlman
2011-10-25Snowball init scriptsKalle Vahlman